Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'dockerode' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
it('should have no updatable containers if one exists, but was pulled in the last 90 minutes', done => {
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({
now: 1546329600000, // January 1, 2019 Midnight PST
shouldAdvanceTime: false,
dockerodeListAllContainers = sinon.stub(require('dockerode').prototype, 'listContainers')
.yields(null, dockerodeMocks.listAllContainers());
dockerodeListImages = sinon.stub(require('dockerode').prototype, 'listImages')
.yields(null, dockerodeMocks.listImagesWithUpdate());
.set('authorization', `JWT ${token}`)
.end((err, res) => {
if (err) {
it('should throw an error on all other catches', () => {
// Our own little bad container.
const bogusContainer = new Dockerode.Container();
// Throw the proper error.
const inspectStub = sinon.stub(bogusContainer, 'inspect').rejects(new Error('It\'s a trap!'));
// Make sure we return the proper failing container.
const getStub = sinon.stub(landerode, 'getContainer').returns(bogusContainer);
return landerode.isRunning('foo').should.be
.rejectedWith('It\'s a trap!').then(() => {
it('should return true if State.Running inspect data is true', () => {
// Container to return from 'getContainer';;l
const bogusContainer = new Dockerode.Container({}, 'YT-1300');
// Force the state of the container to be running.
const inspectStub = sinon.stub(bogusContainer, 'inspect').resolves({
State: {
Running: true,
// Force the return of our container
const getStub = sinon.stub(landerode, 'getContainer').returns(bogusContainer);
return landerode.isRunning('YT-1300').should.eventually.be.true
.then(() => {
before(() => {
// Saving settings performs a `docker-compose up`
dockerodeListAllContainers = sinon.stub(require('dockerode').prototype, 'listContainers')
.yields(null, dockerodeMocks.listAllContainers());
dockerodeListImages = sinon.stub(require('dockerode').prototype, 'listImages')
.yields(null, dockerodeMocks.listImages());
const dockerCompose = `${__dirname}/../../../logic/docker-compose.js`;
dockerComposeUpStub = sinon.stub(require(dockerCompose), 'dockerComposeUpSingleService');
dockerComposeStopStub = sinon.stub(require(dockerCompose), 'dockerComposeStop');
dockerComposeRemoveStub = sinon.stub(require(dockerCompose), 'dockerComposeRemove');
const lnapi = `${__dirname}/../../../services/lnapi.js`;
unlockLndStub = sinon.stub(require(lnapi), 'unlockLnd');
'docker.info'(dockerConfig) {
let future = new Future();
let testDocker = new Dockerode({
host: dockerConfig.address,
port: dockerConfig.port
testDocker.info((err, data) => {
if (err) {
future.throw('cannot connect to Docker');
} else {
return future.wait();
// 'docker.listImage'() {
const defaultBuildConfig = await getBuildConfig(absoluteDir);
const buildConfig = overrideBuildConfig(defaultBuildConfig, options);
const buildContext = await createBuildContext(absoluteDir, buildConfig);
const dockerImageTags = (buildConfig.tags || []).map(
tag => `${buildConfig.name}:${tag}`
const getDaemonMessage = new Transform({
writableObjectMode: true,
transform(chunk, _, callback): void {
const { stream, error } = chunk as any; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
callback(error ? new Error(error) : undefined, stream || undefined);
return new Dockerode()
.buildImage(buildContext, {
t: dockerImageTags,
buildargs: {
buildConfig.pkgRegistryAuth && buildConfig.pkgRegistryAuth.token,
.then(daemonStream =>
daemonStream.pipe(split2(line => JSON.parse(line))).pipe(getDaemonMessage)
// replace promises with bluebird
import Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import Docker from 'dockerode';
// promisify
// create new docker instance
const docker = new Docker(); // defaults to above if env variables are not used
// promisify network
const network = docker.getNetwork('promisify-net');
// promisify container
const container = docker.getContainer('promisify-container');
// promisify image
const image = docker.getImage('promisify-image');
export default docker;
// replace promises with bluebird
import Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import Docker from 'dockerode';
// promisify
// create new docker instance
const docker = new Docker(); // defaults to above if env variables are not used
// promisify network
const network = docker.getNetwork('promisify-net');
// promisify container
const container = docker.getContainer('promisify-container');
// promisify image
const image = docker.getImage('promisify-image');
export default docker;
export async function createNewRunner(userId, dockerTag) {
logger.info(`Creating new instance runner ${dockerTag}`)
// Verify that dockerode parses the tag to be something sensible before
// pulling the image. The Docker daemon pulls *all* available tags if one
// isn't specified. So we verify that the tag isn't empty.
const tagParse = parseRepositoryTag(dockerTag)
if (!tagParse.hasOwnProperty('tag')) {
throw new HttpError(400, 'No tag version specified')
await createNewInstanceRunner(userId, dockerTag)
// We won't wait for the promise to resolve because
// especially with larger images it can take a while to download.
// Instead, we update the download's status in the database.
// It should also be noted that this updates the image for all other
// users too if they use the same tag.
docker.pull(dockerTag).then(async (stream) => {
logger.info(`Pulling image ${dockerTag}...`)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const dummyContainer = (overrides = {}) => {
return _.assign(
new Dockerode.Container(),
Id: '8675309',
app: 'Death Star',
Labels: {
'com.docker.compose.project': 'Death Star',
'com.docker.compose.service': 'Exhaust Port',
'com.docker.compose.container-number': 73,
'com.docker.compose.oneoff': 'no',
'io.lando.container': 'TRUE',
'io.lando.src': '/tmp/.lando.yml',
'io.lando.id': 'lando',
'io.lando.service-container': 'no',