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Top 10 Examples of "ember-runtime in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ember-runtime' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

init() {

    // setup child views. be sure to clone the child views array first
    // 2.0TODO: Remove Ember.A() here
    this.childViews = emberA(this.childViews.slice());
    this.ownerView = this.ownerView || this;
if (className && !!val) {
      return className;
    } else if (falsyClassName && !val) {
      return falsyClassName;
    } else {
      return null;

  // If value is a Boolean and true, return the dasherized property
  // name.
  } else if (val === true) {
    // Normalize property path to be suitable for use
    // as a class name. For exaple,
    // becomes bar-baz.
    let parts = path.split('.');
    return dasherize(parts[parts.length - 1]);

  // If the value is not false, undefined, or null, return the current
  // value of the property.
  } else if (val !== false && val != null) {
    return val;

  // Nothing to display. Return null so that the old class is removed
  // but no new class is added.
  } else {
    return null;
if (!!value) {
      return activeClass;
    } else {
      return inactiveClass;

  // If value is a Boolean and true, return the dasherized property
  // name.
  } else if (value === true) {
    // Only apply to last segment in the path.
    if (propName && isPath(propName)) {
      let segments = propName.split('.');
      propName = segments[segments.length - 1];

    return dasherize(propName);

  // If the value is not false, undefined, or null, return the current
  // value of the property.
  } else if (value !== false && value != null) {
    return value;

  // Nothing to display. Return null so that the old class is removed
  // but no new class is added.
  } else {
    return null;
'', !globalViewClass);
      if (globalViewClass) {
        viewClass = globalViewClass;
  } else {
    viewClass = path;

  // Sometimes a view's value is yet another path
  if ('string' === typeof viewClass && data && data.view) {
    viewClass = handlebarsGetView(data.view, viewClass, container, data);

    fmt(path+" must be a subclass of Ember.View, not %@", [viewClass]),

  return viewClass;
var itemHash = {};
  var match;

  // Extract item view class if provided else default to the standard class
  var collectionPrototype = collectionClass.proto();
  var itemViewClass;

  if (hash.itemView) {
    itemViewClass = handlebarsGetView(this, hash.itemView, container,;
  } else if (hash.itemViewClass) {
    itemViewClass = handlebarsGetView(collectionPrototype, hash.itemViewClass, container,;
  } else {
    itemViewClass = handlebarsGetView(collectionPrototype, collectionPrototype.itemViewClass, container,;

  Ember.assert(fmt("%@ #collection: Could not find itemViewClass %@", [data.view, itemViewClass]), !!itemViewClass);

  delete hash.itemViewClass;
  delete hash.itemView;

  // Go through options passed to the {{collection}} helper and extract options
  // that configure item views instead of the collection itself.
  for (var prop in hash) {
    if (hash.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      match = prop.match(/^item(.)(.*)$/);

      if (match && prop !== 'itemController') {
        // Convert itemShouldFoo -> shouldFoo
        itemHash[match[1].toLowerCase() + match[2]] = hash[prop];
        // Delete from hash as this will end up getting passed to the
        // {{view}} helper method.
        delete hash[prop];
'that you created a view manually, instead of through the ' +
                 'container. Instead, use container.lookup("view:viewName"), ' +
                 'which will properly instantiate your view.',
                 controller && controller.container);
    container = controller.container;
    itemViewClass = container.lookupFactory('view:' + hash.itemView);
    Ember.assert('You specified the itemView ' + hash.itemView + ", but it was " +
                 "not found at " + container.describe("view:" + hash.itemView) +
                 " (and it was not registered in the container)", !!itemViewClass);
  } else if (hash.itemViewClass) {
    itemViewClass = handlebarsGet(collectionPrototype, hash.itemViewClass, options);
  } else {
    itemViewClass = collectionPrototype.itemViewClass;

  Ember.assert(fmt("%@ #collection: Could not find itemViewClass %@", [data.view, itemViewClass]), !!itemViewClass);

  delete hash.itemViewClass;
  delete hash.itemView;

  // Go through options passed to the {{collection}} helper and extract options
  // that configure item views instead of the collection itself.
  for (var prop in hash) {
    if (hash.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      match = prop.match(/^item(.)(.*)$/);

      if (match && prop !== 'itemController') {
        // Convert itemShouldFoo -> shouldFoo
        itemHash[match[1].toLowerCase() + match[2]] = hash[prop];
        // Delete from hash as this will end up getting passed to the
        // {{view}} helper method.
        delete hash[prop];
setUnknownProperty(key, value) {
    var m = meta(this);
    if (m.proto === this) {
      // if marked as prototype then just defineProperty
      // rather than delegate
      defineProperty(this, key, null, value);
      return value;

    var content = get(this, 'content');
    Ember.assert(fmt("Cannot delegate set('%@', %@) to the 'content' property of" +
                     " object proxy %@: its 'content' is undefined.", [key, value, this]), content);

      fmt('You attempted to set `%@` from `%@`, but object proxying is deprecated. ' +
          'Please use `model.%@` instead.', [key, this, key]),
      { url: '' }
    return set(content, key, value);

Ember.$ = jQuery;

Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport = ViewTargetActionSupport;

var ViewUtils = Ember.ViewUtils = {};
ViewUtils.isSimpleClick = isSimpleClick;
ViewUtils.getViewClientRects = getViewClientRects;
ViewUtils.getViewBoundingClientRect = getViewBoundingClientRect;

  Ember.CoreView = DeprecatedCoreView;
  Ember.View = DeprecatedView;
  Ember.View.states = states;
  Ember.View.cloneStates = cloneStates;
  Ember.View._Renderer = Renderer;
  Ember.ContainerView = DeprecatedContainerView;
  Ember.CollectionView = CollectionView;

Ember._Renderer = Renderer;

Ember.Checkbox = Checkbox;
Ember.TextField = TextField;
Ember.TextArea = TextArea;

  Ember.Select = Select;
@method $
  @for Ember

Ember.$ = jQuery;

Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport = ViewTargetActionSupport;
Ember.RenderBuffer = RenderBuffer;

var ViewUtils = Ember.ViewUtils = {};
ViewUtils.setInnerHTML = setInnerHTML;
ViewUtils.isSimpleClick = isSimpleClick;

Ember.CoreView = CoreView;
Ember.View = View;
Ember.View.states = states;
Ember.View.cloneStates = cloneStates;

Ember._ViewCollection = ViewCollection;
Ember.ContainerView = ContainerView;
Ember.CollectionView = CollectionView;
Ember.Component = Component;
Ember.EventDispatcher = EventDispatcher;

export default Ember;
Ember.$ = jQuery;

Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport = ViewTargetActionSupport;

var ViewUtils = Ember.ViewUtils = {};
ViewUtils.isSimpleClick = isSimpleClick;
ViewUtils.getViewClientRects = getViewClientRects;
ViewUtils.getViewBoundingClientRect = getViewBoundingClientRect;

  Ember.CoreView = DeprecatedCoreView;
  Ember.View = DeprecatedView;
  Ember.View.states = states;
  Ember.View.cloneStates = cloneStates;
  Ember.View._Renderer = Renderer;
  Ember.ContainerView = DeprecatedContainerView;
  Ember.CollectionView = CollectionView;

Ember._Renderer = Renderer;

Ember.Checkbox = Checkbox;
Ember.TextField = TextField;
Ember.TextArea = TextArea;

  Ember.Select = Select;

Ember.SelectOption = SelectOption;

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