Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'peer-id' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
it('create a third node and check that discovery works', (done) => {
PeerId.create({ bits: 512 }, (err, id3) => {
const b58Id = id3.toB58String()
function check () {
// Verify both nodes are connected to node 3
if (node1._switch.connection.getAllById(b58Id) && node2._switch.connection.getAllById(b58Id)) {
const peer3 = new PeerInfo(id3)
const ma3 = '/ip4/' + b58Id
node1.on('peer:discovery', (peerInfo) => node1.dial(peerInfo, check))
before('create nodes', async () => {
const [peerId1, peerId2] = await Promise.all([
const peerInfo1 = new PeerInfo(peerId1)
// peerInfo1.multiaddrs.add('/ip4/')
const peerInfo2 = new PeerInfo(peerId2)
// peerInfo2.multiaddrs.add('/ip4/')
libp2p = new Libp2p({ peerInfo: peerInfo1, config: { peerDiscovery: { autoDial: false } } })
remoteLibp2p = new Libp2p({ peerInfo: peerInfo2, config: { peerDiscovery: { autoDial: false } } })
.on('connect', async () => {
// console.log('[initiator] connected')
const peerInfo = await PeerInfo.create(await PeerId.createFromB58String(multiaddr.getPeerId()))
.then((storedPeerInfo) => {
if (!storedPeerInfo) {
log.info(`${MODULE_NAME}: GET ${peerId} (No info found)`)
return null
log.info(`${MODULE_NAME}: GET ${peerId}`)
// const peerIdObj = new PeerId(new Buffer(storedPeerInfo.id))
// const peerInfo = new PeerInfo(peerIdObj)
const peerInfo = new PeerInfo(PeerId.createFromB58String(storedPeerInfo.id))
// add multiaddrs to the peer
// storedPeerInfo.multiaddrs.forEach((mAddr) => {
// console.log('madr:', mAddr)
// peerInfo.multiaddr.add(mAddr)
// })
// peerInfo.multiaddr.add('/ip4/')
// peerInfo.multiaddr.add('/ip4/')
console.log('/ip4/' === storedPeerInfo.multiaddrs[1])
// peerInfo.multiaddr.add(storedPeerInfo.multiaddrs[0])
console.log('GOT FROM SHIM SERVER:', storedPeerInfo)
async dial (ma, options) {
// Check the multiaddr to see if it contains a relay and a destination peer
const addrs = ma.toString().split('/p2p-circuit')
const relayAddr = multiaddr(addrs[0])
const destinationAddr = multiaddr(addrs[addrs.length - 1])
const relayPeer = PeerId.createFromCID(relayAddr.getPeerId())
const destinationPeer = PeerId.createFromCID(destinationAddr.getPeerId())
let disconnectOnFailure = false
let relayConnection = this._registrar.getConnection(new PeerInfo(relayPeer))
if (!relayConnection) {
relayConnection = await this._dialer.connectToMultiaddr(relayAddr, options)
disconnectOnFailure = true
try {
const virtualConnection = await hop({
connection: relayConnection,
circuit: this,
request: {
type: CircuitPB.Type.HOP,
srcPeer: {
id: this.peerInfo.id.toBytes(),
async dial (ma, options) {
// Check the multiaddr to see if it contains a relay and a destination peer
const addrs = ma.toString().split('/p2p-circuit')
const relayAddr = multiaddr(addrs[0])
const destinationAddr = multiaddr(addrs[addrs.length - 1])
const relayPeer = PeerId.createFromCID(relayAddr.getPeerId())
const destinationPeer = PeerId.createFromCID(destinationAddr.getPeerId())
let disconnectOnFailure = false
let relayConnection = this._registrar.getConnection(new PeerInfo(relayPeer))
if (!relayConnection) {
relayConnection = await this._dialer.connectToMultiaddr(relayAddr, options)
disconnectOnFailure = true
try {
const virtualConnection = await hop({
connection: relayConnection,
circuit: this,
request: {
type: CircuitPB.Type.HOP,
srcPeer: {
async function checkPeerIdInput(query) {
let peerId
try {
// Throws an error if the Id is invalid
peerId = await addPubKey(PeerId.createFromB58String(query))
} catch (err) {
throw Error(chalk.red(`Invalid peerId. ${err.message}`))
return peerId
async _getPreviousValue (peerId) {
if (!(PeerId.isPeerId(peerId))) {
throw errcode(new Error('invalid peer ID'), 'ERR_INVALID_PEER_ID')
try {
const dsVal = await this._datastore.get(ipns.getLocalKey(peerId.id))
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(dsVal)) {
throw errcode(new Error("found ipns record that we couldn't process"), 'ERR_INVALID_IPNS_RECORD')
// unmarshal data
try {
const record = ipns.unmarshal(dsVal)
return record.value
} catch (err) {
get (peerId) {
// TODO: deprecate this and just accept `PeerId` instances
if (PeerId.isPeerId(peerId)) {
peerId = peerId.toB58String()
return this.peers.get(peerId)
async sendMessage(msg, destination) {
if (!msg) throw Error(`Expecting a non-empty message.`)
if (!destination) throw Error(`Expecting a non-empty destination.`)
if (PeerInfo.isPeerInfo(destination)) destination = destination.id
if (typeof destination === 'string') destination = PeerId.createFromB58String(destination)
if (!PeerId.isPeerId(destination))
throw Error(`Unable to parse given destination to a PeerId instance. Got type ${typeof destination} with value ${destination}.`)
// Let's try to convert input msg to a Buffer in case it isn't already a Buffer
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(msg)) {
switch (typeof msg) {
throw Error(`Invalid input value. Got '${typeof msg}'.`)
case 'number':
msg = msg.toString()
case 'string':
msg = Buffer.from(msg)
const promises = []