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Top 10 Examples of "path in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'path' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

test.each(testCases)("programmatic: %j", async testCase => {
    await bestzip(
        { destination, cwd: path.join(__dirname, "../", testCase.cwd) },
    await unzip(destination, tmpdir);
    const structure = getStructure(tmpdir);


    if (testCase.structure) {
    } else {
      // the structure is defined in the first test run, so it may not be defined when running subsets of tests
      console.log("skipping structure match");

assert.strictEqual(path.toNamespacedPath(''), '');
assert.strictEqual(path.toNamespacedPath(null), null);
assert.strictEqual(path.toNamespacedPath(100), 100);
assert.strictEqual(path.toNamespacedPath(path), path);
assert.strictEqual(path.toNamespacedPath(false), false);
assert.strictEqual(path.toNamespacedPath(true), true);

const emptyObj = {};
assert.strictEqual(path.posix.toNamespacedPath('/foo/bar'), '/foo/bar');
assert.strictEqual(path.posix.toNamespacedPath('foo/bar'), 'foo/bar');
assert.strictEqual(path.posix.toNamespacedPath(null), null);
assert.strictEqual(path.posix.toNamespacedPath(true), true);
assert.strictEqual(path.posix.toNamespacedPath(1), 1);
assert.strictEqual(path.posix.toNamespacedPath(), undefined);
assert.strictEqual(path.posix.toNamespacedPath(emptyObj), emptyObj);
if (common.isWindows) {
  // These tests cause resolve() to insert the cwd, so we cannot test them from
  // non-Windows platforms (easily)
if (-1 != ignore.indexOf(dirEntry))
      var linkName = dirEntry;
      var realBaseName = dirEntry;
      var realLoc = scanPath + path.sep + dirEntry;
      var entryStat = fs.lstatSync(realLoc);
      if (entryStat.isSymbolicLink()) {
        realLoc = fs.realpathSync(realLoc);
        entryStat = fs.statSync(realLoc);
        realBaseName = realLoc.split(/[\\/]/).pop();
      if (entryStat.isDirectory()) {
        var modEntry = fromJS([]).asMutable();
        var isMod = false;
        // check if it's a mod
        var modName = this.parseFileForName(realLoc + path.sep + "mod.cpp");
        var metaName = this.parseFileForName(realLoc + path.sep + "meta.cpp");
        if (!modName && !metaName) {
          // last try: check for addons directory
          if (this.checkDirAccessible(realLoc + path.sep + "addons") || this.checkDirAccessible(realLoc + path.sep + "Addons")) {
            isMod = true;
            modName = metaName = ""; //dirEntry;
            if (this.isAllNumbers(dirEntry) && !this.isAllNumbers(realBaseName)) {
              linkName = realBaseName;
          } else {
            console.log("Failed entry: " + dirEntry + ": no .cpp files, no addons directory");
        } else {
          isMod = true;
          if (!!modName && !!metaName) {
            if (modName.length < metaName.length) {
function main() {
  // Rename all bazel files found by prefixing them with `_`
  const cwd = process.cwd();
  const rootNodeModules =
      /\/node_modules\/@bazel\/hide-bazel-files$/.test(cwd.replace(/\\/g, '/')) ?
      path.dirname(path.dirname(cwd)) :
      path.posix.join(cwd, 'node_modules');
  for (f of findBazelFiles(rootNodeModules)) {
    const d = path.posix.join(path.dirname(f), `_${path.basename(f)}`);
    fs.renameSync(f, d);
  return 0;
parser.hooks.program.tap("Aurelia:ConventionDependencies", () => {
            const { resource: file, rawRequest } = parser.state.current;
            if (!file)
            // We don't want to bring in dependencies of the async! loader
            if (/^async[!?]/.test(rawRequest))
            if (!minimatch(path.relative(root, file), this.glob))
            for (let c of this.conventions) {
                try {
                    const probe = c(file);
                    compilation.inputFileSystem.statSync(probe); // Check if file exists
                    let relative = path.relative(path.dirname(file), probe);
                    if (!relative.startsWith("."))
                        relative = "./" + relative;
                    // If the module has a conventional dependency, make sure we preserve its name as well.
                    // This solves the pattern where a VM is statically loaded, e.g. `import { ViewModel } from "x"`
                    // and then passed to Aurelia, e.g. with `aurelia-dialog`.
                    // At this point Aurelia must determine the origin of the module to be able to look for 
                    // a conventional view, and so the module name must be preserved although it's never loaded 
                    // by `aurelia-loader`. See also aurelia/metadata#51.
                    parser.state.current[PreserveModuleNamePlugin_1.preserveModuleName] = true;
                catch (ex) { }
const getFileInfo = (file) => {
    const existingFrontMatter = file.frontMatter;
    let relativePath = path.relative(constants.dirs.CONTENT, file.dest);
    let root = '';
    let baseName;

    if (relativePath.startsWith('docs')) {
        relativePath = path.relative('docs', relativePath);
        root = 'docs';

    baseName = path.basename(relativePath, '.md');
    baseName = baseName !== 'index' ? baseName : '';

    const splittedPath = path.dirname(relativePath).split(path.sep);
    const section = splittedPath[0];
    const tocTitle = splittedPath[1];

    const originalFile = normalize(path.join(root, relativePath)).toLowerCase();
    const newFrontMatter = {
        contentType: getContentType(originalFile),
        description: getPredefinedDescription(file.dest) || getDescription(file.content),
        isMultiHints: file.isMulti,
        // Define witch ejs layout is going to be used for Hexo.
        layout: getLayout(file.dest),
        permalink: normalize(path.join(root, path.dirname(relativePath), baseName, 'index.html')).toLowerCase(),
function forcelink(src, dest, options, callback) {
    if (!options || !options.cache) throw new Error('options.cache not defined!');
    if (!callback) throw new Error('callback not defined!');
    // uses relative path if linking to cache dir
    if (path.relative) {
        src = path.relative(options.cache, dest).slice(0, 2) !== '..' ? path.relative(path.dirname(dest), src) : src;
    fs.lstat(dest, function(err, stat) {
        // Error.
        if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
            return callback(err);

        // Path does not exist. Symlink.
        if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
            if (env == 'development') console.error("[millstone] linking '" + dest + "' -> '"  + src + "'");
            return fs.symlink(src, dest, callback);

        // Path exists and is not a symlink. Do nothing.
        if (!stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
            if (env == 'development') console.error("[millstone] skipping re-linking '" + src + "' because '"  + dest + " is already an existing file");
private static _normalizeDeepestParentFolderPath(folderPath: string): string | undefined {
    folderPath = path.normalize(folderPath);
    const endsWithSlash: boolean = folderPath.charAt(folderPath.length - 1) === path.sep;
    const parsedPath: path.ParsedPath = path.parse(folderPath);
    const pathRoot: string = parsedPath.root;
    const pathWithoutRoot: string = parsedPath.dir.substr(pathRoot.length);
    const pathParts: string[] = [...pathWithoutRoot.split(path.sep),].filter((part) => !!part);

    // Starting with all path sections, and eliminating one from the end during each loop iteration,
    // run trueCasePathSync. If trueCasePathSync returns without exception, we've found a subset
    // of the path that exists and we've now gotten the correct casing.
    // Once we've found a parent folder that exists, append the path sections that didn't exist.
    for (let i: number = pathParts.length; i >= 0; i--) {
      const constructedPath: string = path.join(pathRoot, ...pathParts.slice(0, i));
      try {
        const normalizedConstructedPath: string = trueCasePathSync(constructedPath);
        const result: string = path.join(normalizedConstructedPath, ...pathParts.slice(i));
exports.findExecutable = (command, cwd, options) => {
  // If we have an absolute path then we take it.
  if (path.isAbsolute(command)) {
    return command
  let dir = path.dirname(command)
  if (dir !== '.') {
    // We have a directory and the directory is relative (see above). Make the path absolute
    // to the current working directory.
    return path.join(cwd, command)
  let paths
  // The options can override the PATH. So consider that PATH if present.
  if (options && options.env) {
    // Path can be named in many different ways and for the execution it doesn't matter
    for (let key of Object.keys(options.env)) {
      if (key.toLowerCase() === 'path') {
        if (typeof options.env[key] === 'string') {
          paths = options.env[key].split(path.delimiter)
linkClicked(text: string, dir: string) {
    const { file, line = 1, column = 0 } = parseGoPosition(text)

    let filepath
    if (path.isAbsolute(file)) {
      filepath = file
    } else {
      const base = dir || projectPath()
      if (!base) {
      filepath = path.join(base, file)

    const col = column && column > 0 ? column - 1 : 0
    openFile(filepath, { row: line - 1, column: col }).catch(err => {
      console.log('could not access ' + file, err) // eslint-disable-line no-console

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