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Top 10 Examples of "react-instantsearch-dom in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-instantsearch-dom' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

import React from 'react';

import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
import { Configure, connectAutoComplete, Index, InstantSearch } from 'react-instantsearch-dom';

import { CustomAutoComplete } from 'ts/components/docs/search/autocomplete';

const searchClient = algoliasearch('39X6WOJZKW', '6acba761a34d99781628c6178af1e16c');

interface ISearchInputProps {
    isHome?: boolean;

const AutoComplete = connectAutoComplete(CustomAutoComplete);

export const SearchInput: React.FC = ({ isHome }) => (
            // console.log('searchState', searchState);
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite'
import React, { createRef, useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import { connectStateResults, Index, InstantSearch } from 'react-instantsearch-dom'
import { useOnClickOutside } from 'hooks'
import Hits from './Hits'
import Input from './Input'
import { HitsWrapper, PoweredBy, Root } from './styles'

const Results = connectStateResults(
  ({ searching, searchState: state, searchResults: res }) =>
    (searching &amp;&amp; <div>Searching...</div>) ||
    (res &amp;&amp; res.nbHits === 0 &amp;&amp; <div>No results for '{state.query}'</div>)

const Stats = connectStateResults(
  ({ searchResults: res }) =&gt;
    res &amp;&amp; res.nbHits &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; `${res.nbHits} result${res.nbHits &gt; 1 ? `s` : ``}`

export default function Search({ indices, collapse = true, hitsAsGrid }) {
  const ref = createRef()
  const [query, setQuery] = useState(``)
  const [focus, setFocus] = useState(false)
  const appId = process.env.GATSBY_ALGOLIA_APP_ID
  const searchKey = process.env.GATSBY_ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEY
  // useMemo prevents the searchClient from being recreated on every render.
  // Avoids unnecessary XHR requests (see
  const searchClient = useMemo(() =&gt; algoliasearch(appId, searchKey), [
const SearchBox = ({ currentRefinement, refine }) =&gt; (
    <form role="search" action="" novalidate="">
      <input value="{currentRefinement}" type="search"> refine(event.currentTarget.value)}

export const CustomSearchBox = connectSearchBox(SearchBox);

// on page load do not display
const Hits = ({ hits }) =&gt; (
  // if parent component set is type, render, otherwise hide
    {hits.length &lt; 1 ? <li>No search results found</li> : ''}
    { =&gt; (
        <a href="{hit.fields.slug}">
          </span></a><p><a href="{hit.fields.slug}">

      //  Work on highlighting
      // /////////////////////////////////////////////////</ul>
server.get('/', async (req, res) =&gt; {
  const { App, props } = createApp();

  // URLSync
  const searchState = {
    query: 'iPhone',
    refinementList: {
      brand: ['Apple'],

  const resultsState = await findResultsState(App, {

  const initialState = {

  const body = ReactDOM.renderToString();

      title: 'Hello World from the server',
      initialState: JSON.stringify(initialState),
import { connectHits, createConnector, InstantSearch } from "react-instantsearch-dom";

const searchClient = algoliasearch("Q9QS39IFO0", "153e21a16f649c7f9ec28185683415cf");

export class Search extends React.Component&lt;{}, {}&gt; {
  public render() {
    return (

// Mostly magic to me:
const connectWithQuery = createConnector({
  displayName: "WidgetWithQuery",
  getProvidedProps(props, searchState) {
    // Since the `attributeForMyQuery` searchState entry isn't
    // necessarily defined, we need to default its value.
    const currentRefinement = searchState.attributeForMyQuery || "";

    // Connect the underlying component with the `currentRefinement`
    return { currentRefinement };
  refine(props, searchState, nextRefinement) {
    // When the underlying component calls its `refine` prop,
    // we update the searchState with the provided refinement.
    return {
      // `searchState` represents the search state of *all* widgets. We need to extend it
      // instead of replacing it, otherwise other widgets will lose their respective state.

const SearchBox = ({ currentRefinement, refine }) =&gt; (

const CustomSearchBox = connectSearchBox(SearchBox);

const Content = connectStateResults(
  ({ searchState, searchResults }) =&gt;
    searchResults &amp;&amp; searchResults.nbHits !== 0
      ? null
      : <div>
          No plugins were found matching <em>{searchState.query}</em>

const Hit = ({ hit }) =&gt; {
  if (hit.api &amp;&amp; hit.api.length) {
    if (SemverJS.split(hit.api[0].from).major == '3') {
      return (
            <a href="{`${hit.project_name}`}"></a>
function parseHighlightedAttribute({
  preTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPreTag,
  postTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPostTag,
}) {
  const splitByPreTag = highlightedValue.split(preTag);
  const firstValue = splitByPreTag.shift();
  const elements =
    firstValue === '' ? [] : [{ value: firstValue, isHighlighted: false }];

  if (postTag === preTag) {
    let isHighlighted = true;
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {
      elements.push({ value: split, isHighlighted });
      isHighlighted = !isHighlighted;
  } else {
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {
      const splitByPostTag = split.split(postTag);
function parseHighlightedAttribute({
  preTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPreTag,
  postTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPostTag,
}) {
  const splitByPreTag = highlightedValue.split(preTag);
  const firstValue = splitByPreTag.shift();
  const elements =
    firstValue === '' ? [] : [{ value: firstValue, isHighlighted: false }];

  if (postTag === preTag) {
    let isHighlighted = true;
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {
      elements.push({ value: split, isHighlighted });
      isHighlighted = !isHighlighted;
  } else {
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {

const SearchBox = connectSearchBox(
  ({ currentRefinement, onFocus, refine }) =&gt; (

const Results = connectStateResults((comp) =&gt;
  comp.searchResults &amp;&amp; comp.searchResults.nbHits &gt; 0
    ? (comp.children as any)
    : (`No results for '${comp.searchState.query}'` as any)

const Stats = connectStateResults(
  (comp) =&gt;
    comp.searchResults &amp;&amp;
    comp.searchResults.nbHits &gt; 0 &amp;&amp;
    (`${comp.searchResults.nbHits} result${
      comp.searchResults.nbHits &gt; 1 ? `s` : ``
    }` as any)

const DocHit = (siteUrl: string, clickHandler: () =&gt; void) =&gt; ({
} from 'react-instantsearch-dom'
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite'
import cn from 'classnames'
import { Algolia } from 'styled-icons/fa-brands/Algolia'

import Input from './input'
import * as hitComps from './hitComps'

const IndexResults = connectStateResults(({ searchResults, children }) =&gt;
  searchResults &amp;&amp; searchResults.nbHits !== 0 ? children : null

const AllResults = connectStateResults(
  ({ allSearchResults, searching, children }) =&gt; {
    const hasResults =
      allSearchResults &amp;&amp;
      Object.values(allSearchResults).some(results =&gt; results.nbHits &gt; 0)

    return !hasResults ? (
        {searching ? (
            <h5 aria-hidden="">
            <p>Searching the catacombs...</p>
        ) : (
            <h5 aria-hidden="">
            <p>Couldn’t find any results!</p></h5></div></div>

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