Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'node-os-utils' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
const cpuUsage = (await cpu.usage()) + "%";
const memoryUsage = (await mem.info()).freeMemMb + "MB";
// prettier-ignore
const operatingSystem = `${os.type()} ${await os.oos().then(o => o)} ${os.arch()}`;
// prettier-ignore
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(`About me`, "", "https://github.com/shidoitsuka/another-miku-bot")
.setDescription("Hello, I'm Miku!\nA `just4fun` discord bot written over discord.js framework with ❤ by 12042#5754.")
.addField("NodeJS version:", `${process.version.slice(1).split(".").join(".")}`, true)
.addField("discord.js version:", `${package.dependencies["discord.js"]}`, true)
.addField("Executed Command(s):", bot.db.get("totalCommands"), true)
.addField("CPU Usage:", cpuUsage, true)
.addField("Memory Usage:", memoryUsage, true)
.addField("OS Info:", operatingSystem, true)
.addField("Invite link:", "[Click Me!](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize/?permissions=2080898303&scope=bot&client_id=364242246314360843)", true)
exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
const cpuUsage = (await cpu.usage()) + "%";
const memoryUsage = (await mem.info()).freeMemMb + "MB";
// prettier-ignore
const operatingSystem = `${os.type()} ${await os.oos().then(o => o)} ${os.arch()}`;
// prettier-ignore
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(`About me`, "", "https://github.com/shidoitsuka/another-miku-bot")
.setDescription("Hello, I'm Miku!\nA `just4fun` discord bot written over discord.js framework with ❤ by 12042#5754.")
.addField("NodeJS version:", `${process.version.slice(1).split(".").join(".")}`, true)
.addField("discord.js version:", `${package.dependencies["discord.js"]}`, true)
.addField("Executed Command(s):", bot.db.get("totalCommands"), true)
.addField("CPU Usage:", cpuUsage, true)
.addField("Memory Usage:", memoryUsage, true)
.addField("OS Info:", operatingSystem, true)
.addField("Invite link:", "[Click Me!](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize/?permissions=2080898303&scope=bot&client_id=364242246314360843)", true)
.addField("Fan server is here!!", "[Click Me!](https://discord.gg/uxseTvy)", true)
exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
const cpuUsage = (await cpu.usage()) + "%";
const memoryUsage = (await mem.info()).freeMemMb + "MB";
// prettier-ignore
const operatingSystem = `${os.type()} ${await os.oos().then(o => o)} ${os.arch()}`;
// prettier-ignore
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(`About me`, "", "https://github.com/shidoitsuka/another-miku-bot")
.setDescription("Hello, I'm Miku!\nA `just4fun` discord bot written over discord.js framework with ❤ by 12042#5754.")
.addField("NodeJS version:", `${process.version.slice(1).split(".").join(".")}`, true)
.addField("discord.js version:", `${package.dependencies["discord.js"]}`, true)
.addField("Executed Command(s):", bot.db.get("totalCommands"), true)
.addField("CPU Usage:", cpuUsage, true)
.addField("Memory Usage:", memoryUsage, true)
.addField("OS Info:", operatingSystem, true)
.addField("Invite link:", "[Click Me!](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize/?permissions=2080898303&scope=bot&client_id=364242246314360843)", true)
.addField("Fan server is here!!", "[Click Me!](https://discord.gg/uxseTvy)", true)
.setFooter(`Click title for my source-code | v${package.version}-beta`);
message.channel.send({ embed });
static async getServer (ctx) {
// cpu stat
let cpu = osu.cpu
let cpuUsage = await cpu.usage()
let cpuAverage = await cpu.average()
// mem stat
let mem = osu.mem
let memInfo = await mem.info()
ctx.status = 200
ctx.body = {
success: true,
message: "获取服务器信息",
data: {
cpu: {
static async getServer (ctx) {
// cpu stat
let cpu = osu.cpu
let cpuUsage = await cpu.usage()
let cpuAverage = await cpu.average()
// mem stat
let mem = osu.mem
let memInfo = await mem.info()
ctx.status = 200
ctx.body = {
success: true,
message: "获取服务器信息",
data: {
cpu: {
mem: {
const cpuInfo = async () => {
const coreCount = cpu.count()
const cpuPercent = round(await cpu.usage())
let loadAverage = ''
cpu.loadavg().forEach((i) => (loadAverage += `${round(i)}% `))
return { cores: coreCount, percentage: cpuPercent, load: loadAverage.trim() }
const cpuInfo = async () => {
const coreCount = cpu.count()
const cpuPercent = round(await cpu.usage())
let loadAverage = ''
cpu.loadavg().forEach((i) => (loadAverage += `${round(i)}% `))
return { cores: coreCount, percentage: cpuPercent, load: loadAverage.trim() }
const cpuInfo = async () => {
const coreCount = cpu.count()
const cpuPercent = round(await cpu.usage())
let loadAverage = ''
cpu.loadavg().forEach((i) => (loadAverage += `${round(i)}% `))
return { cores: coreCount, percentage: cpuPercent, load: loadAverage.trim() }