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Top 10 Examples of "pg-sql2 in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'pg-sql2' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

(${sqlExpression} ${comparison} ${sqlCursors[i] || sql.null})
    ${sqlExpression} = ${sqlCursors[i] || sql.null}\

        // Check the cursor prefixes apply
        // TODO:v5: we should be able to do this in JS-land rather than SQL-land
        sqlFilter = sql.fragment`(((${sql.join(
          ", "
        )}) = (${sql.join(
 => sql.value(val)),
          ", "
        )})) AND (${sqlFilter}))`;
        queryBuilder.whereBound(sqlFilter, isAfter);
      } else if (
        cursorValue[0] === "natural" &&
        typeof cursorValue[1] === "number" &&
        isSafeInteger(cursorValue[1]) &&
        cursorValue[1] >= 0
      ) {
        // $FlowFixMe: we know this is a number
        const cursorValue1: number = cursorValue[1];
        if (isAfter) {
          queryBuilder.offset(() => cursorValue1);
        } else {
          queryBuilder.limit(() => {
queryBuilder.offset(() => cursorValue1);
        } else {
          queryBuilder.limit(() => {
            const offset = queryBuilder.getOffset();
            return Math.max(0, cursorValue1 - offset - 1);
      } else {
        throw new Error("Cannot use 'before'/'after' without unique 'orderBy'");

    const query =;
    const haveFields = queryBuilder.getSelectFieldsCount() > 0;
    const sqlQueryAlias = sql.identifier(Symbol());
    const sqlSummaryAlias = sql.identifier(Symbol());
    // Tables should ALWAYS push their PK onto the order stack, if this isn't
    // present then we're either dealing with a view or a table without a PK.
    // Either way, we don't have anything to guarantee uniqueness so we need to
    // fall back to limit/offset.
    // TODO: support unique keys in PgAllRows etc
    // TODO: add a warning for cursor-based pagination when using the fallback
    // TODO: if it is a view maybe add a warning encouraging pgViewUniqueKey
    const canHaveCursorInWhere =
      queryBuilder.getOrderByExpressionsAndDirections().length > 0 &&
    const queryHasBefore =
      queryBuilder.compiledData.whereBound.upper.length > 0;
    const queryHasAfter = queryBuilder.compiledData.whereBound.lower.length > 0;
    const queryHasZeroLimit = queryBuilder.getFinalLimit() === 0;
if (isAfter) {
          queryBuilder.offset(() => cursorValue1);
        } else {
          queryBuilder.limit(() => {
            const offset = queryBuilder.getOffset();
            return Math.max(0, cursorValue1 - offset - 1);
      } else {
        throw new Error("Cannot use 'before'/'after' without unique 'orderBy'");

    const query =;
    const haveFields = queryBuilder.getSelectFieldsCount() > 0;
    const sqlQueryAlias = sql.identifier(Symbol());
    const sqlSummaryAlias = sql.identifier(Symbol());
    // Tables should ALWAYS push their PK onto the order stack, if this isn't
    // present then we're either dealing with a view or a table without a PK.
    // Either way, we don't have anything to guarantee uniqueness so we need to
    // fall back to limit/offset.
    // TODO: support unique keys in PgAllRows etc
    // TODO: add a warning for cursor-based pagination when using the fallback
    // TODO: if it is a view maybe add a warning encouraging pgViewUniqueKey
    const canHaveCursorInWhere =
      queryBuilder.getOrderByExpressionsAndDirections().length > 0 &&
    const queryHasBefore =
      queryBuilder.compiledData.whereBound.upper.length > 0;
    const queryHasAfter = queryBuilder.compiledData.whereBound.lower.length > 0;
              nullsFirst === true
                ? sql.fragment` NULLS FIRST`
                : nullsFirst === false
                ? sql.fragment` NULLS LAST`
                : sql.blank

    : sql.blank
${(isSafeInteger(limit) && sql.fragment`limit ${sql.literal(limit)}`) ||
${(offset && sql.fragment`offset ${sql.literal(offset)}`) || sql.blank}`;
    if (flip) {
      const flipAlias = Symbol();
      fragment = sql.fragment`\
with ${sql.identifier(flipAlias)} as (
select *
from ${sql.identifier(flipAlias)}
order by (row_number() over (partition by 1)) desc`; /* We don't need to factor useAsterisk into this row_number() usage */
    if (useAsterisk) {
       * NOTE[useAsterisk/row_number]: since LIMIT/OFFSET is inside this
       * subquery, row_number() outside of this subquery WON'T include the
       * offset. We must add it back wherever row_number() is used.
const sqlCommon = sql.fragment`\
where ${queryBuilder.buildWhereClause(!invert, invert, options)}`;

     * Since the offset makes the diagram asymmetric, if offset === 0
     * then the diagram is symmetric and things are simplified a little.
    const isForwardOrSymmetric = !invert || offset === 0;

    if (!isForwardOrSymmetric) {
      assert(offset > 0);
      // We're looking for a previous page, and there's an offset, so lets just
      // assume there's a previous page where offset is smaller.
      return sql.literal(true);
    } else if (canHaveCursorInWhere) {
      if (!queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
        // There can be no next page since there's no upper bound
        return sql.literal(false);
      } else if (queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
         * We invert the upper buildWhereBoundClause to only represent the data
         * after `before`, then check if there's at least one record in that set.
         * This only works if the `before` cursor can be represented in the
         * SQL WHERE clause, otherwise we're doing limit/offset pagination
         * which requires different logic. It also only works if there's no
         * `first` clause, otherwise there could be a next page before the
         * `before` clause.
* then the diagram is symmetric and things are simplified a little.
    const isForwardOrSymmetric = !invert || offset === 0;

    if (!isForwardOrSymmetric) {
      assert(offset > 0);
      // We're looking for a previous page, and there's an offset, so lets just
      // assume there's a previous page where offset is smaller.
      return sql.literal(true);
    } else if (canHaveCursorInWhere) {
      if (!queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
        // There can be no next page since there's no upper bound
        return sql.literal(false);
      } else if (queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
         * We invert the upper buildWhereBoundClause to only represent the data
         * after `before`, then check if there's at least one record in that set.
         * This only works if the `before` cursor can be represented in the
         * SQL WHERE clause, otherwise we're doing limit/offset pagination
         * which requires different logic. It also only works if there's no
         * `first` clause, otherwise there could be a next page before the
         * `before` clause.
        return sql.fragment`\
  where ${queryBuilder.buildWhereClause(false, false, options)}
  and not (${queryBuilder.buildWhereBoundClause(invert)})
} else if (invert) {
        assert(offset === 0);
        // Paginating backwards and there's no offset (which factors in before/after), so there's no previous page.
        return sql.fragment`false`;
      } else {
         * We're paginating forwards; either there's a before, there's a first,
         * or both.
         * We want to see if there's more than limit+offset records in sqlCommon.
        return sql.fragment`\
  offset ${sql.literal(limit + offset)}
  const getPgCursorPrefix = (): SQL[] =>
     * If you have a way to improve this, I'd love to see a PR - but please
     * make sure that the integration tests pass with your solution first as
     * there are a log of potential pitfalls!
    const selectionField = isPgClassLike
      ? /*
         * This `when foo is null then null` check might *seem* redundant, but it
         * is not - e.g. the compound type `(,,,,,,,)::my_type` and
         * `null::my_type` differ; however the former also returns true to `foo
         * is null`. We use this check to coalesce both into the canonical `null`
         * representation to make it easier to deal with below.
        sql.query`(case when ${sqlResultSourceAlias} is null then null else ${sqlResultSourceAlias} end)`
      : outputArgNames != null // It's a record
      ? sql.query`array[${sql.join(

            (outputArgName, idx) =>
                // According to,
                // "If you omit the name for an output argument, the system will choose a default column name."
                // In PG 9.x and 10, the column names appear to be assigned with a `column` prefix.
                outputArgName !== "" ? outputArgName : `column${idx + 1}`

          " ,"
      : sql.query`(${sqlResultSourceAlias}.${sqlResultSourceAlias})::${sqlTypeIdentifier}`;
    const result = await performQuery(
      sql.query`with ${sqlResultSourceAlias} as (${sqlMutationQuery}) select (${selectionField})::text from ${sqlResultSourceAlias}`
const chunkToJson = (fieldsChunk: [SQL, string][]) =>

            ([expr, alias]) =>
              sql.fragment`${sql.literal(alias)}::text, ${expr}`

          ", "
      return sql.fragment`(${sql.join(,
        " || "
    } else {
      // PG9.4 will have issues with more than 100 parameters (50 keys)
      return sql.fragment`json_build_object(${sql.join(
          ([expr, alias]) => sql.fragment`${sql.literal(alias)}::text, ${expr}`

        ", "
const seenKeys: Array = [];
    // TODO:perf: looping backwards is slow
    for (let i = localSettings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      const [key, value] = localSettings[i];
      if (!seenKeys.includes(key)) {
        // Make sure that the third config is always `true` so that we are only
        // ever setting variables on the transaction.
        // Also, we're using `unshift` to undo the reverse-looping we're doing
        sqlSettings.unshift(sql.fragment`set_config(${sql.value(key)}, ${sql.value(value)}, true)`);

  const sqlSettingsQuery =
    sqlSettings.length > 0 ? sql.compile(sql.query`select ${sql.join(sqlSettings, ', ')}`) : null;

  // If we can avoid transactions, we get greater performance.
  const needTransaction =
    pgForceTransaction ||
    !!sqlSettingsQuery ||
    (operationType !== 'query' && operationType !== 'subscription');

  // Now we've caught as many errors as we can at this stage, let's create a DB connection.
  const withAuthenticatedPgClient: WithAuthenticatedPgClientFunction = !needTransaction
    ? simpleWithPgClient(pgPool)
    : async cb => {
        // Connect a new Postgres client
        const pgClient = await pgPool.connect();

        // Begin our transaction
        await pgClient.query('begin');

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