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Top 7 Examples of "httpsnippet in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'httpsnippet' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async _generateCode(request, target, client) {
    // Some clients need a content-length for the request to succeed
    const addContentLength = (TO_ADD_CONTENT_LENGTH[target.key] || []).find(c => c === client.key);

    const { environmentId } = this.props;
    const har = await exportHarRequest(request._id, environmentId, addContentLength);
    const snippet = new HTTPSnippet(har);
    const cmd = snippet.convert(target.key, client.key);

    this.setState({ request, cmd, client, target });

    // Save client/target for next time
    window.localStorage.setItem('insomnia::generateCode::client', JSON.stringify(client));
    window.localStorage.setItem('insomnia::generateCode::target', JSON.stringify(target));
render() {
    const { cmd, target, client } = this.state;
    const { editorFontSize, editorIndentSize, editorKeyMap } = this.props;

    const targets = availableTargets();

    // NOTE: Just some extra precautions in case the target is messed up
    let clients = [];
    if (target && Array.isArray(target.clients)) {
      clients = target.clients;

    return (
        Generate Client Code
const formatTarget = function (targetStr) {
  const language = targetStr.split('_')[0]
  const title = capitalizeFirstLetter(language)
  const library = targetStr.split('_')[1]

  const validTargets = HTTPSnippet.availableTargets()
  let validLanguage = false
  let validLibrary = false
  for (let i in validTargets) {
    const target = validTargets[i]
    if (language === target.key) {
      validLanguage = true
      if (typeof library === 'undefined') {
        library = target.default
        validLibrary = true
      } else {
        for (let j in target.clients) {
          const client = target.clients[j]
          if (library === client.key) {
            validLibrary = true
async _handleCopyAsCurl(request) {
    const { activeEnvironment } = this.props;
    const environmentId = activeEnvironment ? activeEnvironment._id : 'n/a';
    const har = await exportHarRequest(request._id, environmentId);
    const snippet = new HTTPSnippet(har);
    const cmd = snippet.convert('shell', 'curl');
private refresh(record: DtoRecord, language: CodeSnippetLang, type: string) {
        const har = new HAR(record);
        let code = '';
        try {
            const snippet = new HTTPSnippet(har);
            code = snippet.convert(language, type);
        } catch (ex) {
            code = JSON.stringify(ex);
        this.setState({ ...this.state, language, type, code });
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var HTTPSnippet = require('httpsnippet');
var util = require("util");
var logger = require('../lib/log.js').logger('mock');

var availableTargets = HTTPSnippet.availableTargets().reduce(function (targets, target) {
    if (target.clients) {
        targets[target.key] = target.clients.reduce(function (clients, client) {
            clients[client.key] = false;
            return clients
        }, {})
    } else {
        targets[target.key] = false;

    return targets
}, {});

router.get('/create', function (req, res, next) {
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import autobind from 'autobind-decorator';
import HTTPSnippet, { availableTargets } from 'httpsnippet';
import CopyButton from '../base/copy-button';
import { Dropdown, DropdownButton, DropdownItem } from '../base/dropdown';
import CodeEditor from '../codemirror/code-editor';
import Modal from '../base/modal';
import ModalBody from '../base/modal-body';
import ModalHeader from '../base/modal-header';
import ModalFooter from '../base/modal-footer';
import { exportHarRequest } from '../../../common/har';
import Link from '../base/link';

const DEFAULT_TARGET = availableTargets().find(t => t.key === 'shell');
const DEFAULT_CLIENT = DEFAULT_TARGET.clients.find(t => t.key === 'curl');
const MODE_MAP = {
  c: 'clike',
  java: 'clike',
  csharp: 'clike',
  node: 'javascript',
  objc: 'clike',
  ocaml: 'mllike',

  node: ['native'],

class GenerateCodeModal extends PureComponent {

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