Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'node-emoji' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
'use strict';
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const should = require('should');
const packageName = require('./utils/publish-please-version-under-test');
const reporter = require('../lib/reporters/elegant-status-reporter');
const rename = require('fs').renameSync;
const pathJoin = require('path').join;
const emoji = require('node-emoji').emoji;
const chalk = require('chalk');
const envType = require('../lib/reporters/env-type');
const lineSeparator = '----------------------------------';
describe('Elegant status reporter', () => {
let nativeExit;
let nativeConsoleLog;
let nativeIsCI;
let exitCode;
let output;
beforeEach(() => {
console.log(`${lineSeparator} begin test ${lineSeparator}`);
exitCode = undefined;
output = '';
nativeExit = process.exit;
it('Should report a succeeded process', () => {
// Given
const message = 'yo process passed';
// When
// Then
if (typeof process.env.APPVEYOR === 'undefined') {
callThroughHook('linkStep', async () => {
// remove integrity hash to make this operation atomic
await this.integrityChecker.removeIntegrityFile();
this.reporter.step(curr, total, this.reporter.lang('linkingDependencies'), emoji.get('link'));
flattenedTopLevelPatterns = this.preparePatternsForLinking(
this.config.lockfileFolder === this.config.cwd,
await this.linker.init(flattenedTopLevelPatterns, workspaceLayout, {
linkDuplicates: this.flags.linkDuplicates,
ignoreOptional: this.flags.ignoreOptional,
// init
reporter.step(2, 4, reporter.lang('whyInitGraph'), emoji.get('truck'));
const lockfile = yield (_wrapper || _load_wrapper()).default.fromDirectory(config.cwd, reporter);
const install = new (_install || _load_install()).Install(flags, config, reporter, lockfile);
var _ref7 = yield install.fetchRequestFromCwd();
const depRequests = _ref7.requests,
patterns = _ref7.patterns;
yield install.resolver.init(depRequests, install.flags.flat);
const hoisted = yield install.linker.getFlatHoistedTree(patterns);
// finding
reporter.step(3, 4, reporter.lang('whyFinding'), emoji.get('mag'));
let match;
for (const _ref8 of hoisted) {
var _ref9 = (0, (_slicedToArray2 || _load_slicedToArray()).default)(_ref8, 2);
const loc = _ref9[0];
const info = _ref9[1];
if (info.key === query || info.previousKeys.indexOf(query) >= 0) {
match = [loc, info];
if (!match) {
throw new MessageError(reporter.lang('moduleNotInManifest'));
// save manifests
await config.saveRootManifests(rootManifests);
// run hooks - npm runs these one after another
for (const action of ['preuninstall', 'uninstall', 'postuninstall']) {
for (const [loc] of manifests) {
await config.executeLifecycleScript(action, loc);
// reinstall so we can get the updated lockfile
reporter.step(++step, totalSteps, reporter.lang('uninstallRegenerate'), emoji.get('hammer'));
const installFlags = {force: true, workspaceRootIsCwd: true, ...flags};
const reinstall = new Install(installFlags, config, new NoopReporter(), lockfile);
await reinstall.init();
database.ref(`guilds/${message.guild.id}/messages`).once('value', (snapshot) => {
const db = snapshot.val();
if (!db) {
error(message, '', `My records are empty!`);
// determine emoji
filter = emoji.hasEmoji(filter)
? emoji.unemojify(filter)
: filter.match(/:\d+>/)[0];
filter = filter.substring(1, filter.length - 1);
usersInfo(message, db, filter);
}, (errorObject) => {
console.log('The read failed: ' + errorObject.code);
app.post('/', (req, res, next) => {
// check for secret token
if (!req.body.token || req.body.token !== process.env.SECRET_TOKEN) {
// store token
const token = process.env.SLACK_TOKEN;
// log some stuff for dev
// grab status and emojis and clean it up
let status = req.body.title;
let statusEmoji = nodeEmoji.unemojify('๐');
const statusHasEmoji = emojiRegex().exec(status);
if (statusHasEmoji) {
statusEmoji = nodeEmoji.unemojify(statusHasEmoji[0]);
console.log(`CUSTOM EMOJI! ${statusEmoji}`);
status = nodeEmoji.strip(status);
// additional tokens
const dndToken = '[DND]';
const awayToken = '[AWAY]';
// parse event start/stop time
const dateFormat = 'MMM D, YYYY [at] hh:mmA';
const start = moment(req.body.start, dateFormat);
const end = moment(req.body.end, dateFormat);
// check for DND
if (status.includes(dndToken)) {
num_minutes: end.diff(start, 'minutes')
database.ref(`guilds/${message.guild.id}/messages`).once('value', (snapshot) => {
const db = snapshot.val();
if (!db) {
error(message, '', `My records are empty!`);
// determine emoji
filter = emoji.hasEmoji(filter)
? emoji.unemojify(filter)
: filter.match(/:\d+>/)[0];
filter = filter.substring(1, filter.length - 1);
usersInfo(message, db, filter);
}, (errorObject) => {
console.log('The read failed: ' + errorObject.code);
public QuickNew() {
let file: string = path.normalize(path.join(this.memodir, dateFns.format(new Date(), 'YYYY-MM-DD') + ".md"));
let date: Date = new Date();
let dateFormat = this.memoDateFormat;
let getISOWeek = this.memoISOWeek == true ? "[Week: " + dateFns.getISOWeek(new Date()) + "/" + dateFns.getISOWeeksInYear(new Date()) + "] " : "";
let getEmoji = this.memoEmoji == true ? randomEmoji.random().emoji : "";
// console.log(getISOWeek);
// console.log(getEmoji);
fs.stat(file, async (err, files) => {
if (err) {
await fs.writeFile(file, "# " + dateFns.format(new Date(), `${dateFormat}`) + os.EOL + os.EOL, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
// ้ธๆใใใฆใใใใญในใใๅๅพ
// ใจใใฃใฟใไธใคใ็กใๅ ดๅใฏใใจใฉใผใซใชใใฎใงๅฏพๅฆใใฆใใ
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
let selectString: String = editor ? editor.document.getText(editor.selection) : "";
if (!req.body.token || req.body.token !== process.env.SECRET_TOKEN) {
// store token
const token = process.env.SLACK_TOKEN;
// log some stuff for dev
// grab status and emojis and clean it up
let status = req.body.title;
let statusEmoji = nodeEmoji.unemojify('๐');
const statusHasEmoji = emojiRegex().exec(status);
if (statusHasEmoji) {
statusEmoji = nodeEmoji.unemojify(statusHasEmoji[0]);
console.log(`CUSTOM EMOJI! ${statusEmoji}`);
status = nodeEmoji.strip(status);
// additional tokens
const dndToken = '[DND]';
const awayToken = '[AWAY]';
// parse event start/stop time
const dateFormat = 'MMM D, YYYY [at] hh:mmA';
const start = moment(req.body.start, dateFormat);
const end = moment(req.body.end, dateFormat);
// check for DND
if (status.includes(dndToken)) {
num_minutes: end.diff(start, 'minutes')
status = status.replace(dndToken, '').trim();