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Top 10 Examples of "gulp-prompt in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'gulp-prompt' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function inc(importance, cake_mustnt_be_a_lie) {
    var process = gulp.src(paths.versionToBump) // get all the files to bump version in
    	.pipe(prompt.confirm('Have you commited all the changes to be included by this version?'));
    if (cake_mustnt_be_a_lie === true) {
        /* never ever do a big release without proper celebration, it's a company Hoshin thing */
        process.pipe(prompt.confirm('Has cake been served to celebrate the release?'));
    process.pipe(bump({type: importance})) // bump the version number in those files
        .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dest))  // save it back to filesystem
        .pipe(git.commit('bumps package version')) // commit the changed version number
        .pipe(filter(paths.versionToCheck)) // read only one file to get the version number
        .pipe(tag_version()) // tag it in the repository 
        //.pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', { args: '--tags' })) // push the tags to master
indexRootPath: true,

  return gulp.src('./dist/**/*')
    .pipe(gulpIf(() => {
      // As a dumb check against syncing the entire bucket
      // we check to make sure you're putting your project at
      // least 2 directories deep.
      const depth = awsDirectory.replace(/\/$/, '').split('/').length;
      return depth < 2;
    }, fail(`Can't publish to ${awsDirectory}. Check meta.json and your publishPath setting.`)))
    .on('end', () => {
        gutil.colors.cyan(`You're about to publish this project to AWS under directory ${}. This will sync this directory with your local dist folder and may cause files to be deleted.`));
    .pipe(prompt.confirm('Are you sure?'))
    .pipe(rename((pubPath) => {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
      pubPath.dirname = path.join(awsDirectory, pubPath.dirname.replace('.\\', ''));
      dontRenameFile: versionIgnore,
      dontUpdateReference: versionIgnore,
    .pipe(publisher.publish(headers, { force: false }))
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-boolean-cast
    .pipe(!!gutil.env.invalidate ? invalidate(cloudFrontConfig) : gutil.noop())
    .on('end', () => {
gulp.task('confirmAndBump', function () {
    var process = gulp.src(config.paths.package) // get all the files to bump version in
            message: 'Have you commited all the changes to be included by this version?',
            default: true
    if (cake_mustnt_be_a_lie === true) {
        /* never ever do a big release without proper celebration, it's a company Hoshin thing */
        process.pipe(prompt.confirm('Has cake been served to celebrate the release?'));

    process.pipe(bump({type: importance})) // bump the version number in those files
        .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));  // save it back to filesystem
    return process;
if (argv.production) {
    rsyncConf.hostname = deploy.hostname; // hostname
    rsyncConf.username = deploy.username; // ssh username
    rsyncConf.destination = deploy.destination; // path where uploaded files go
    rsyncConf.root = 'dist/';
  // Missing/Invalid Target
  } else {
    throwError('deploy','Missing or invalid target'));

  // Use gulp-rsync to sync the files
  return gulp.src(config.dist + '/**/*')
        message: 'Heads Up! Are you SURE you want to push to PRODUCTION?',
        default: false

// **tag it in the repository**
    .pipe(tag_version({prefix: ''}))

    // push tag
        message: 'Push tag ' + version + ' to github?',
        default: false
    .pipe(cb(function() {
      git.push('origin','master', {args: ' --tags  --force'}, function (err) {
        if (err) throw err;

    // npm publish
        message: 'publish ' + version + ' to npm?',
        default: false
      'npm publish --tag ' + (tag ? tag : 'latest')
// **tag it in the repository**
    .pipe(tag_version({prefix: ''}))

    // push tag
        message: 'Push tag ' + version + ' to github?',
        default: false
    .pipe(cb(function() {
      git.push('origin','master', {args: ' --tags'}, function (err) {
        if (err) throw err;

    // npm publish
        message: 'publish ' + version + ' to npm?',
        default: false
      'npm publish --tag ' + (tag ? tag : 'latest')
// **tag it in the repository**
    .pipe(tag_version({prefix: ''}))

    // push tag
        message: 'Push tag ' + version + ' to github?',
        default: false
    .pipe(cb(function() {
      git.push('origin','master', {args: ' --tags'}, function (err) {
        if (err) throw err;

    // npm publish
        message: 'publish ' + version + ' to npm?',
        default: false
      'npm publish --tag ' + (tag ? tag : 'latest')
// **tag it in the repository**
    .pipe(tag_version({prefix: ''}))

    // push tag
        message: 'Push tag ' + version + ' to github?',
        default: false
    .pipe(cb(function() {
      git.push('origin','master', {args: ' --tags'}, function (err) {
        if (err) throw err;

    // npm publish
        message: 'publish ' + version + ' to npm?',
        default: false
      'npm publish --tag ' + (tag ? tag : 'latest')
gulp.task('deploy', function() {
  gulp.src(config.deploy.src + '/**/*')
      message: 'Are you sure you want to replace the contents of ' + config.deploy.dest +
      ' with the current contents of ' + config.deploy.src + '?',
      default: false
gulp.task('confver', ['version'], function(){
  return gulp.src('.')
    .pipe( prompt.confirm({ message: 'Are you sure version `' + version + '` is OK to publish?' }) )

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