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Top 10 Examples of "moment-timezone in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'moment-timezone' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

console.log("all work sessions:");

							var endTime = moment();
							// IF you chose a new task not on your list to have completed
							if (differentCompletedTask) {

								var minutes; // calculate time worked on that task
								if (workSessions.length > 0) {

									// use this to get how long the
									// custom added task took
									var startSession = workSessions[0];
									var startTime    = moment(startSession.startTime);
									minutes          = moment.duration(endTime.diff(startTime)).asMinutes();

								} else {
									// this should never happen.
									minutes = 30; // but if it does... default minutes duration

								// create new task that the user just got done
									where: [ `"DailyTask"."type" = ?`, "live" ]
								.then((dailyTasks) => {
									const priority = dailyTasks.length+1;
									const text     = differentCompletedTask;
									// record the different completed task
import moment from 'moment-timezone';

// Init locale for moment

// Initialise moment timezone
const tz =;
if (!tz) {
  console.error('DateUtils: TimeZone could not be determined. This should not happen!');

const yearRegex = / ?YY(YY)?/;

const Hours = {
  Morning: 9,
  Evening: 20,
  Midnight: 24,

const Days = {
rows.forEach((row, index) => {
      row = row.split(']').join('').trim().split(',');

      // First column contains the hour of the recordings
      var date =[0], 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Stockholm').date(moment().date());

      // Adapt date to yesterday for the relevant measurements
      if (date > moment(rows[rows.length - 1], 'HH:mm').date(moment().date())) {
        date.subtract(1, 'day');

      date = {utc: date.toDate(), local: date.format()};

      // Now loop over all the measurements, for now just try and insert them
      // all and let them fail at insert time. This could probably be more
      // efficient.
      legend.forEach((e, i) => {
        // Filter out time or background columns
        if (e === 'Tid' || e.includes('bakgrund')) {

        var city = 'Stockholm';
        if (e.includes('Uppsala')) city = 'Uppsala';
exports.fetchData = function (source, cb) {
  // A workaround to getting rate limited for 6 logins in 1 hr for AirNow
  // system. Only try to grab data in last 20 minutes of an hour.
  if (moment().minute() < 40) {
    return cb(null, {name: 'unused', measurements: []});

  // First fetch the stations list and then get the latest measurements
  const file = 'Locations/monitoring_site_locations.dat';
  const lineToObj = function (line) {
    const convertCity = function (city) {
      if (!city) {

      return city.split(',')[0].trim();

    return {
      aqsid: line[0],
const niceParameter = function (parameter) {
      switch (parameter) {
        case 'OZONE':
          return 'o3';
        case 'PM2.5':
          return 'pm25';
          return parameter.toLowerCase();

    // Get the measurements
    // Filename should be the current time in UTC like '2016030616' and then
    // get the previous hours measurements
    const dateString = moment.utc().subtract(1, 'hours').format('YYYYMMDDHH');
    const file = `HourlyData/${dateString}.dat`;
    const lineToObj = function (line) {
      return {
        aqsid: line[2],
        day: line[0],
        hour: line[1],
        location: line[3].trim(),
        timezoneOffset: Number(line[4]),
        parameter: niceParameter(line[5]),
        unit: niceUnit(line[6]),
        value: Number(line[7]),
        attribution: [{name: 'US EPA AirNow', url: ''}, {name: line[8].trim()}],
        averagingPeriod: {unit: 'hours', value: 1}
    getObjects(source.url, file, lineToObj, (err, measurements) => {
.then((dailyTasks) => {

									// if there is an already open session we will store it
									// and if it is paused

									let now           = moment();
									let endTime       = moment(openWorkSession.endTime);
									let endTimeString = endTime.format("h:mm a");
									let minutes       = Math.round(moment.duration(endTime.diff(now)).asMinutes());
									var minutesString = convertMinutesToHoursString(minutes);

									let dailyTaskTexts = => {
										return dailyTask.dataValues.Task.text;

									let sessionTasks = commaSeparateOutTaskArray(dailyTaskTexts);

									currentSession = {

      // If you've never opened the menu before, then return the last daily batch, else
      // create batch for all periods that happened since you last opened it
      const startDate = lastOpened ? moment.min(oneWeekPrior, moment(lastOpened)) : oneWeekPrior
      return {
        start: startDate.toDate(),
        end: lastWeeklyReset.toDate(),
    case "realtime":
      if (!lastOpened) {
        // If set to realtime and never opened before (eg, you just changed the
        // setting), default to the last 24 hours.
        return {
          start: moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate(),
          end: now
      } else {
        return {
          start: lastOpened,
          end: now
timeLabelAsRange(interval, point) {
    const timeMoment = moment(point.x * 1000);
    const nextMoment = timeMoment.clone().add(interval - 1, 'second');
    const format = this.use24Hours() ? 'MMM Do, HH:mm' : 'MMM Do, h:mm a';

    // e.g. Aug 23rd, 12:50 pm
    return (
schoolHomeFeatureEligibilityPresenter.getPresentationData = (checkWindowData, timezone) => {
  const currentDate = || config.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE)
  const featureEligibilityData = {}
  const resultsPublishedDate = checkWindowData.checkEndDate.clone()
    .add(1, 'weeks').isoWeekday('Monday')
    .utcOffset(currentDate.utcOffset(), true)
    .set({ hour: 6, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 })

  // Pin generation
  featureEligibilityData.familiarisationCheckStartDate = dateService.formatFullGdsDate(checkWindowData.familiarisationCheckStartDate)
  featureEligibilityData.familiarisationCheckEndDate = dateService.formatFullGdsDate(checkWindowData.familiarisationCheckEndDate)
  featureEligibilityData.liveCheckStartDate = dateService.formatFullGdsDate(checkWindowData.checkStartDate)
  featureEligibilityData.liveCheckEndDate = dateService.formatFullGdsDate(checkWindowData.checkEndDate)

  // Results
  featureEligibilityData.resultsPublishedDate = dateService.formatFullGdsDate(resultsPublishedDate)

  // TODO: logic related properties should get refactored into services
_calculateStartMoment(props) {
    let start;

    // NOTE: Since we initialize a new time from one of the properties of
    // the props.currentMomet, we need to check for the timezone!
    // Other relative operations (like adding or subtracting time) are
    // independent of a timezone.
    const tz =;
    if (tz) {
      start =[props.currentMoment.year()], tz);
    } else {
      start = moment([props.currentMoment.year()]);

    start = start
      .subtract(BUFFER_DAYS, 'days');
    return start;

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