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Top 10 Examples of "change-case in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'change-case' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

module.exports = function (config) {

  var i, prefixCC, env, value, configuration, hierarchy = [];

  var conf = {};

  // Extend defaults with user configuration
  conf.prefix = (config && config.prefix) ? config.prefix : defaults.prefix;
  conf.arraySeparator = (config && config.arraySeparator) ? config.arraySeparator : defaults.arraySeparator;
  conf.defaults = (config && config.defaults) ? config.defaults : defaults.defaults;

  // Namespace (prefix) for config env variables
  prefixCC = changeCase.constantCase(conf.prefix);
  // Create config object
  configuration = new Config(conf.defaults);
  // Iterate over env vars
  for (env in process.env) {
    // if env is in app namespace
    if (env.indexOf(prefixCC) === 0) {
      // split each var using separator
      hierarchy = env.replace(prefixCC !== '' ? prefixCC + '_' : prefixCC, '').split('_');

      // Array property ?
      if (conf.arraySeparator && process.env[env].indexOf(conf.arraySeparator) !== -1) {
        value = process.env[env].split(conf.arraySeparator);
        // Try to parse each element in array
        for (i = 0; i < value.length; i = i + 1) {
          try {
            value[i] = JSON.parse(value[i]);
constructor: function () {
    // Calling the super constructor is important so our generator is correctly set up
    helpers.NamedBase.apply(this, arguments);
      'Creating route to module ' + + ' using '
      +'uirouter') && 'UI Router') || 'Angular Router')

    this.choices = {
      name: changeCase.camelCase(,
      namePascalCase: changeCase.pascalCase(,
      nameParamCase: changeCase.paramCase(
Config.prototype.extend = function (array, value, conf) {

  conf = conf || this.conf;
  var propName = null;

  // Last property in hierarchy
  if (array && array.length === 1) {
    conf[changeCase.camelCase(array[0])] = value;
  } else if (array && array.length > 1) {
    propName = array[0];
    propName = changeCase.camelCase(propName);
    // if object is not on conf. hierarchy
    if (array[0] && conf[propName] === undefined) {
      conf[propName] = {};
    this.extend(array.slice(1), value, conf[propName]);

let name = newLayerName.replace(/%\*u%/gi, changeCase.upperCase(layerName))

  // LowerCase
  name = name.replace(/%\*l%/gi, changeCase.lowerCase(layerName))

  // Title Case
  name = name.replace(/%\*t%/gi, toTitleCase(layerName))

  // UpperCase First
  name = name.replace(/%\*uf%/gi, changeCase.upperCaseFirst(layerName))

  // Camel Case
  name = name.replace(/%\*c%/gi, changeCase.camelCase(layerName))

  // Param Case
  name = name.replace(/%\*pc%/gi, changeCase.paramCase(layerName))

  // Layername
  name = name.replace(/%\*/g, layerName)

  return name
if (response.statusCode === 404) {
            return reject(new Error('Your card is not supported'))
          if (response.statusCode === 422) {
            return reject(new Error(i18n.__('fieldErrors.fields.cardNo.message')))
          // if the server is down, or returns non 500, just continue
          if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
            return resolve()

          const body = response.body

          const card = {
            brand: changeCase.paramCase(body.brand),
            type: normaliseCardType(body.type),
            corporate: body.corporate,
            prepaid: body.prepaid

          logger.debug(`[${correlationId}] Checking card brand`, {
            cardBrand: card.brand,
            cardType: card.type

          if (_.filter(allowed, { brand: card.brand }).length === 0) {
            reject(new Error(i18n.__('fieldErrors.fields.cardNo.unsupportedBrand', changeCase.titleCase(card.brand))))

          if (!_.find(allowed, { brand: card.brand, type: card.type })) {
            switch (card.type) {
.then((post) => {
      if (!post) {
        return res.status(404).send({
          error: 'No post found'

      // Update the post slug based on the title if title is new
      const postTitle = req.body.postTitle ? req.body.postTitle.trim() : null;
      if (req.body.postTitle && !post.dataValues.postSlug.includes(`${changeCase.paramCase(postTitle)}`)) {
        let slug = postTitle ? `${changeCase.paramCase(postTitle)}-${}` : null;
        req.body.postSlug = slug;

      let termsPromises = [];

      if (req.body.postTerms) {
        req.body.postTerms.forEach((term) => {
          let { termType, termName } = term;
          term.termSlug = `${changeCase.paramCase(termType)}-${changeCase.paramCase(termName)}`;
          let termReq = Term.findOrCreate({where: {termSlug: term.termSlug}, defaults: { termType, termName }})
            .spread((term2) => {
function scaffold(type, subModule, name, createNewSubModule, cb) {

    var componentPath = type + 's/' + subModule + '/' + name;

    var ops = {
      name: name,
      type: type,
      subModule: subModule,
      camel: changeCase.camel(name)

    if (createNewSubModule) {
      fs.mkdirSync('src/' + type + 's/' + subModule);

    // certain types need special variables
    switch (type) {
      case 'directive':
        ops.camel = 'li' + changeCase.pascalCase(subModule) + changeCase.pascalCase(name);
        ops.markup = 'li:' + [subModule, name].join('-');
        ops.cssClass = ['lia', subModule, name].join('-');
      case 'service':
        ops.camel = '$li' + changeCase.pascalCase(name);
loadFromEnv (env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv) {
    if (!env) {
      env = process.env

    // Copy all env vars starting with ENV_PREFIX into a set so we can check off
    // the ones we recognize and warn the user about any we don't recognize.
    const unrecognizedEnvKeys = new Set(
      Object.keys(env).filter(key => key.startsWith(ENV_PREFIX))

    const config = {}
    for (let key of Object.keys( {
      const envKey = ENV_PREFIX + constantCase(key)
      const envValue = env[envKey]

      if (typeof envValue === 'string') {
        switch ([key].type) {
          case 'string':
            config[key] = envValue
          case 'object':
          case 'array':
            try {
              config[key] = JSON.parse(envValue)
            } catch (err) {
              logger.error('unable to parse config. key=%s' + envKey)
async function expand(responseBody, __, includeFullObject, prune) {
    __ = __ || i18n.__;
    let fieldConstantCase = changeCase.constantCase(responseBody.field);
    // if enum then look up value
    // else get item from API
    if (!_.has(config.fields[fieldConstantCase], 'type')) {
        // throw 'No such facet type configured';
        // default to raw
        config.fields[fieldConstantCase] = {type: config.type.RAW};

    // Preprocess
    // Notice that sorting makes little sense if the list isn't exhaustive
    if (config.fields[fieldConstantCase].ordering === 'NUMERIC') {
        responseBody.results = _.sortBy(responseBody.results, function(e) {
            return _.toSafeInteger(;
    if (prune && config.fields[fieldConstantCase].prune) {
function getRanges(field, minMax, buckets) {
    // based on the field type and minimum resolution and min max values returns an array with min max values
    // let range = ['1900,1910', '1910,1920', '1920,1930', '1930,1940'];
    let constantField = changeCase.constantCase(field);
    let bucketSizeVaries = false;

    let diff = minMax.max - minMax.min;
    let bucketSize = diff / buckets;

    // an attempt to set buckets size to nice values (0.1 instead of 0.1043429) whilst keeping bucket count to around 10;
    if (diff > 0.0000001) {
        let b = 10000;
        while (diff <= b) {
            b /= 10;
        b /= 10;
        if (diff / b > 20) b *= 5;
        if (diff / b > 15) b *= 2;
        if (diff / b < 3) b /= 5;
        if (diff / b < 5) b /= 2;

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