Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'minizlib' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const check = t => {
const entries = fs.readdirSync(dir)
t.equal(entries.length, 1)
t.equal(entries[0], 'd')
Object.keys(expect).forEach(f => {
const file = dir + '/' + f
t.equal(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'), expect[f])
const unpack = new Unpack({ cwd: dir, strip: 8 })
const data = fs.readFileSync(tars + '/long-paths.tar')
// while we're at it, why not use gzip too?
const zip = new z.Gzip()
unpack.on('close', _ => check(t))
if (body && !bodyIsStream && !bodyIsPromise && typeof body !== 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(body)) {
headers['content-type'] = headers['content-type'] || 'application/json'
body = JSON.stringify(body)
} else if (body && !headers['content-type']) {
headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
if (opts.gzip) {
headers['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'
if (bodyIsStream) {
const gz = new zlib.Gzip()
body.on('error', /* istanbul ignore next: unlikely and hard to test */
err => gz.emit('error', err))
body = body.pipe(gz)
} else if (!bodyIsPromise) {
body = new zlib.Gzip().end(body).concat()
if (opts.query) {
const q = typeof opts.query === 'string'
? qs.parse(opts.query)
: opts.query
const parsed = new url.URL(uri)
Object.keys(q).forEach(key => {
if (q[key] !== undefined) {
parsed.searchParams.set(key, q[key])
uri = url.format(parsed)
const bodyIsStream = Minipass.isStream(body)
const bodyIsPromise = body &&
typeof body === 'object' &&
typeof body.then === 'function'
if (body && !bodyIsStream && !bodyIsPromise && typeof body !== 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(body)) {
headers['content-type'] = headers['content-type'] || 'application/json'
body = JSON.stringify(body)
} else if (body && !headers['content-type']) {
headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
if (opts.gzip) {
headers['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'
if (bodyIsStream) {
const gz = new zlib.Gzip()
body.on('error', /* istanbul ignore next: unlikely and hard to test */
err => gz.emit('error', err))
body = body.pipe(gz)
} else if (!bodyIsPromise) {
body = new zlib.Gzip().end(body).concat()
if (opts.query) {
const q = typeof opts.query === 'string'
? qs.parse(opts.query)
: opts.query
const parsed = new url.URL(uri)
Object.keys(q).forEach(key => {
if (q[key] !== undefined) {
t.test('pipe into a slow gzip reader', t => {
const out = []
const mp2 = new miniz.Unzip()
const p = new Pack({ cwd: files, gzip: true }).add('long-path').end()
class SlowStream extends EE {
write (chunk) {
setTimeout(_ => {
return false
end (chunk) {
return mp2.end(chunk)
gname: '',
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
atime: null,
ctime: null,
nullBlock: false
t.match(h, expect)
t.equal(data.length, 2048)
t.match(data.slice(1024).toString(), /^\0{1024}$/)
const syncgz = new PackSync({ cwd: files, portable: true, gzip: true })
t.equal(syncgz[9], 255, 'gzip OS flag set to "unknown"')
const sync = new miniz.Gunzip().end(zipped).read()
t.equal(sync.slice(512).toString(), data.slice(512).toString())
const hs = new Header(sync)
t.match(hs, expect)
const expect2 = {
type: 'File',
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: 'dir/x',
mode: 0o644,
size: 0,
mtime: mtime,
cksum: Number,
linkpath: '',
uname: '',
this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths
this.strict = !!opt.strict
this.noPax = !!opt.noPax
this.prefix = (opt.prefix || '').replace(/(\\|\/)+$/, '')
this.linkCache = opt.linkCache || new Map()
this.statCache = opt.statCache || new Map()
this.readdirCache = opt.readdirCache || new Map()
this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntry
if (typeof opt.onwarn === 'function')
this.on('warn', opt.onwarn)
this.zip = null
if (opt.gzip) {
if (typeof opt.gzip !== 'object')
opt.gzip = {}
this.zip = new zlib.Gzip(opt.gzip)
this.zip.on('data', chunk => super.write(chunk))
this.zip.on('end', _ => super.end())
this.zip.on('drain', _ => this[ONDRAIN]())
this.on('resume', _ => this.zip.resume())
} else
this.on('drain', this[ONDRAIN])
this.portable = !!opt.portable
this.noDirRecurse = !!opt.noDirRecurse
this.follow = !!opt.follow
this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime
this.mtime = opt.mtime || null
this.filter = typeof opt.filter === 'function' ? opt.filter : _ => true
this[QUEUE] = new Yallist
function fastPathGzip(bufferOrString, options) {
return streamToBuffer(new Gzip(options), bufferOrString)
static gzip(bufferOrString, options) {
options = utils.createOptions(options, DEFAULT_GZIP_CONFIG)
if (useGzipFastPath) {
try {
return streamToBuffer(new minizlib.Gzip(options), bufferOrString)
} catch (e) {
useGzipFastPath = false
return fallbackGzip(bufferOrString, options)
this.linkCache = opt.linkCache || new Map()
this.statCache = opt.statCache || new Map()
this.readdirCache = opt.readdirCache || new Map()
this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntry
if (typeof opt.onwarn === 'function')
this.on('warn', opt.onwarn)
this.portable = !!opt.portable
this.zip = null
if (opt.gzip) {
if (typeof opt.gzip !== 'object')
opt.gzip = {}
if (this.portable)
opt.gzip.portable = true
this.zip = new zlib.Gzip(opt.gzip)
this.zip.on('data', chunk => super.write(chunk))
this.zip.on('end', _ => super.end())
this.zip.on('drain', _ => this[ONDRAIN]())
this.on('resume', _ => this.zip.resume())
} else
this.on('drain', this[ONDRAIN])
this.noDirRecurse = !!opt.noDirRecurse
this.follow = !!opt.follow
this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime
this.mtime = opt.mtime || null
this.filter = typeof opt.filter === 'function' ? opt.filter : _ => true
this[QUEUE] = new Yallist
this[JOBS] = 0
module.exports = function tar (cacheDir, destDir) {
debug(() => `untar ${cacheDir} ${destDir}`);
const gunzip = new zlib.Gunzip();
const extractStream = tarStream.extract();
extractStream.on('entry', (header, stream, next) => {
if (header.type !== 'file') {
stream.on('end', next);
const name = header.name.slice(header.name.indexOf('/'));
if (!cacheDir) {
writeOne(destDir + name, stream, next);
if (!destDir) {
writeOne(cacheDir + name, stream, next);