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Top 10 Examples of "error-stack-parser in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'error-stack-parser' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function assertStack (err, expected) {
    // HACK: stackParser can't handle empty stacks correctly
    // (it treats error messages as stack frames).
    // Therefore we add this dummy stack frame to make things work
    if (!expected.stackTop)
        err.stack += '\n    at (:1:1)';

    const parsedStack = stackParser.parse(err);

    if (expected.stackTop) {
        const expectedStackTop = Array.isArray(expected.stackTop) ? expected.stackTop : [expected.stackTop];

        parsedStack.forEach(function (frame, idx) {
            const filename   = frame.fileName;
            const isInternal = frame.fileName.indexOf('internal/') === 0 ||
                               frame.fileName.indexOf(sep) < 0;

            // NOTE: assert that stack is clean from internals
            expect(filename) + 'babel-');
            expect(filename) + 'babylon' + sep);
            expect(filename) + 'core-js' + sep);

            if (expectedStackTop[idx])
export function getErrorStackString(e) {
  // Handle passing in an Array of pre-parsed frames for testing
  const frames = e instanceof Array ? e : ErrorStackParser.parse(e);
  const outputFrames = [];

  for (const frame of frames) {
    if (frame.fileName !== undefined) {
      const parts = frame.fileName.split("/");
      if (parts[parts.length - 1].startsWith("iodide.eval-frame")) {

  return `${}: ${e.message}\n${outputFrames.join("\n")}`;
lineNumber: evalLocationParts[1],
          columnNumber: evalLocationParts[2],
          source: line,
          isEval: true

    if (line.indexOf("@") === -1 && line.indexOf(":") === -1) {
      // Safari eval frames only have function names and nothing else
      return new StackFrame({
        functionName: line

    const locationParts = ErrorStackParser.extractLocation(
      line.replace(functionNameRegex, "")

    return new StackFrame({
      fileName: locationParts[0],
      lineNumber: locationParts[1],
      columnNumber: locationParts[2],
      source: line
  }, ErrorStackParser);
return => {
    const functionNameRegex = /((.*".+"[^@]*)?[^@]*)(?:@)/;
    const matches = line.match(functionNameRegex);
    const functionName = matches && matches[1] ? matches[1] : undefined;

    if (line.indexOf(" > eval") > -1) {
      const regExp = / > (eval:\d+:\d+)$/;
      const evalParts = regExp.exec(line);
      if (evalParts) {
        const evalLocationParts = ErrorStackParser.extractLocation(
        return new StackFrame({
          functionName: functionName !== undefined ? functionName : "eval",
          fileName: "cell",
          lineNumber: evalLocationParts[1],
          columnNumber: evalLocationParts[2],
          source: line,
          isEval: true

    if (line.indexOf("@") === -1 && line.indexOf(":") === -1) {
      // Safari eval frames only have function names and nothing else
      return new StackFrame({
const pushTestResult = function pushTestResult(test) {
      console.log('++++pushTestResult', test);
      console.log('++++pushTestResult _trace', test._trace);
      if (!test || !test._trace) {
        console.log('++++test trace is empty', test);
      const traceObjects = ErrorStackParser.parse(test._trace)
        .filter(stackTraceObject => stackTraceObject.fileName === outputFilePath);
      console.log('++++traceObjects', traceObjects);
      const traceObject = traceObjects.length > 0 ? traceObjects[0] : traceObjects;
      if (!traceObject) {
        console.log('++++traceObject is empty', test);

      console.log('++++trace', traceObject);
      if (!test.state) {
        test.state = 'skipped';
        state: test.state,
        title: test.title,
        error: test.err,
function sourceMappedError(error) {
  const original = error.stack.split('\n');
  const parsed = ErrorStack.parse(error);

  const newStack = [original[0]];

  for (let i = 0; i < parsed.length; i++) {
    const { fileName } = parsed[i];
    if (fileName === bundleFileName) newStack.push(frameToStr(parsed[i]));
    else newStack.push(original[i + 1]);

  error.stack = newStack.join('\n');
  return error;
renderFrames() {
    console.log('error', this.props.error);
    console.log('parsed error', ErrorStackParser.parse(this.props.error));
    return ErrorStackParser.parse(this.props.error).map((f) => {
      const link = `${ f.fileName }:${ f.lineNumber }:${ f.columnNumber }`;

      return (
          <div>{ f.functionName }</div>
            <a href="{">{ link }</a>
const fileName =
      ["eval", ""].indexOf(locationParts[0]) &gt; -1
        ? undefined
        : locationParts[0];

    return new StackFrame({
      lineNumber: locationParts[1],
      columnNumber: locationParts[2],
      source: line
  }, ErrorStackParser);

ErrorStackParser.parseFFOrSafari = error =&gt; {
  const filtered = error.stack
      line =&gt; !line.match(/^(eval@)?(\[native code\])?$/),

  return =&gt; {
    const functionNameRegex = /((.*".+"[^@]*)?[^@]*)(?:@)/;
    const matches = line.match(functionNameRegex);
    const functionName = matches &amp;&amp; matches[1] ? matches[1] : undefined;

    if (line.indexOf(" &gt; eval") &gt; -1) {
      const regExp = / &gt; (eval:\d+:\d+)$/;
      const evalParts = regExp.exec(line);
      if (evalParts) {
import ErrorStackParser from "error-stack-parser";
import StackFrame from "stackframe";

ErrorStackParser.parseV8OrIE = error =&gt; {
  const filtered = error.stack
      line =&gt; !!line.match(/^\s*at .*(\S+:\d+|\(native\))/m),

  return =&gt; {
    const tokens = line
      .replace(/^\s+/, "")
      .replace(/\(eval code/g, "(")

    if (line.indexOf("(eval ") &gt; -1) {
      const regExp = /\), (&lt;[^&gt;]+&gt;:\d+:\d+)\)$/;
export function logError(error: Error) {
  const {name, message, stack} = error;

  log(formatErrorMarker(name), ': ', message);

  error.stack = cleanStack(stack);

  forEach(ErrorStackParser.parse(error), ({functionName = 'unknown', fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber}) => {
    log('  • ', ...formatLine(functionName, fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber));

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