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Top 10 Examples of "typeorm in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'typeorm' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

await transactionalEntityManager.query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;');
          for (const metadata of metadatas) {
            if (['mysql'].includes((await getManager()).connection.options.type)) {
              await transactionalEntityManager.query(`TRUNCATE TABLE ${metadata.tableName}`);
            } else {
              await transactionalEntityManager.query(`TRUNCATE "${metadata.tableName}" CASCADE`);
          if (['mysql'].includes((await getManager()).connection.options.type)) {
            await transactionalEntityManager.query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;');
      } else {
        for (const entity of entities) {
          await getRepository(entity).clear();

      debug('test', chalk.bgRed('*** Cleaned successfully ***'));

      await permissions.ensurePreservedPermissionsInDb(); // re-do core permissions

      oauth.generalChannel = 'soge__';
      oauth.generalOwners = ['soge__', '__owner__'];
      oauth.broadcasterUsername = 'broadcaster';
      oauth.botUsername = 'bot';
      oauth.botId = '12345';

      oauth.broadcasterId = '54321';
      tmi.ignorelist = [];
static async init(
    connectionOptions: PostgresConnectionOptions,
    seed: boolean = false
  ) {
    // Get the options and clone to a new object since node-config gives a read-only object and TypeORM attempts to modify it.
    let options: any = Object.assign({}, connectionOptions);
    // Prepend absolute path to entities/migrations items
    options.entities = => {
      return `${__dirname}/../${item}`;
    options.migrations = => {
      return `${__dirname}/../${item}`;

    try {
      let connection = await createDbConnection(options as ConnectionOptions);
      if (seed) {
        console.log("Seeding the database...");
        await this.seedData();
    } catch (err) {
      console.log(`Error initializing the database: ${err}`);
      throw err;
public save = async (user: User, data: any):
            Promise => {
    if (!user || !data) {
      const message: string = "Required parameters missing";
      throw new MissingParametersException(message);

    const started: number =;
    const goalRepository: Repository = getConnection().getRepository(Goal);
    const newRecord: CreateGoalDto = data;

    const isOwnerOrMember: boolean = false;
    const action: string = ActivityType.CREATE;
    const permission: AuthPermission = await getPermission(user, isOwnerOrMember, action, this.resource);

    if (permission.granted) {
      try {
        const savedData: Goal = await;

        // log event to central handler
        const ended: number =;
        event.emit(action, {
          actor: {id:, type: ActorType.Person},
          object: {...savedData, type: ObjectType.Goal},
          resource: this.resource,
const defaultOptions = await getConnectionOptions();
            const rdsOptions = await getRDSconfig();

            const fullOptions = Object.assign(
                    subscribers: [],
                    synchronize: false,
                    migrationsRun: false,
                    dropSchema: false,
                    logging: ["query", "error", "schema"]

            connection = await createConnection(fullOptions);

            const options = { transaction: true };
            await connection.runMigrations(options);
            await connection.close();

            // exit process if no errors

        } catch (err) {
            if (connection) await (connection as Connection).close();

            logger.error(`Error during migration run: ${err}`);
async verifyEmail(@Args('emailToken') emailToken: string): Promise {
		const user = await verifyEmailToken(emailToken)

		// console.log(user)

		if (!user.isVerified) {
			const updateUser = await getMongoRepository(User).save(
				new User({
					isVerified: true,
			return updateUser ? true : false
		} else {
			throw new ForbiddenError('Your email has been verified.')
async changePassword(
		@Args('_id') _id: string,
		@Args('currentPassword') currentPassword: string,
		@Args('password') password: string
	): Promise {
		const user = await getMongoRepository(User).findOne({ _id })

		// console.log(currentPassword , password)

		if (!user) {
			throw new ForbiddenError('User not found.')

		if (!(await comparePassword(currentPassword, user.local.password))) {
			throw new ForbiddenError('Your current password is missing or incorrect.')

		if (await comparePassword(password, user.local.password)) {
			throw new ForbiddenError(
				'Your new password must be different from your previous password.'
if (filter.where) {
      const whereStrings = this.queryWhereBuilder(filter.where, tableName);
      if (whereStrings.length > 0) { => {
          if (whereString) {

    if (filter.whereOr) {
      const whereStringOrs = this.queryWhereBuilder(filter.whereOr, tableName);
      if (whereStringOrs.length > 0) {
          new Brackets(qb => {
   => {
              if (whereStringOr) {

    // resolve order by
    if (filter.order && filter.order.length > 0) {
      let isNewOrder: boolean = true;

      filter.order.forEach(val => {
        const split = val.split(' ');
protected formatPredicate(entityType: Function, predicate: { [field: string]: any }): Brackets {
    // field names should be alphanumeric
    const predicateFieldPatt = /^[\w\d]+$/;

    const predciateFields = Object.keys(predicate);
    const condition: { fieldName: string, value: any }[] = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < predciateFields.length; i++) {
      const fieldName = predciateFields[i];

      if (!predicateFieldPatt.test(fieldName)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid field name');
      condition.push({ fieldName, value: predicate[fieldName] });

    return new Brackets(qb => {
      condition.forEach(({ fieldName, value }) => qb.andWhere(
        `${fieldName} = :${fieldName}`,
        { [fieldName]: value },
.where('obj.type = :type', { type: 'page' })
      // .andWhere('obj.status IN (:status)', { status: 'publish' })
      .andWhere('t.slug = :categorySlug', { categorySlug })
      .orderBy('obj.updatedAt', 'DESC')
    // 以下处理元数据
    const objIds: ID[] = [];
    data.forEach(item => {
    if (!_.isEmpty(objIds)) {
      const metaData = await this.connection.getRepository(PostMeta).find({
        post: In(objIds),
      data.forEach(item => {
        item.metas = _.filter(metaData, { id: });
    return data;
static async pages(args: any) {
    console.log(args, 'query args ===================')
    const options: FindManyOptions<article> = {
      skip: &lt; 2 ? 0 : ( - 1) * args.pageSize,
      take: args.pageSize,
      order: {},
      where: {
        deletedAt: null
    if(args.title) {
      options.where['title'] = Like(`%${args.title}%`)
    if(args.abstract) {
      options.where['abstract'] = Like(`%${args.abstract}%`)
    if(args.tag) {
      options.where['tag'] = Like(`%${args.tag}%`)
    if(args.createdAt) {
      const date = string) =&gt; (Moment(c)).valueOf())
      options.where['createdAt'] = Between(date[0], date[1])
    if(args.order) {
      options.order = Object.assign(options.order, args.order)
    console.log(options, '----options')

    const pages = await getRepository(Article).findAndCount(options)
      // .createQueryBuilder()
      // .where({</article>

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