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Top 10 Examples of "slugid in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'slugid' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async handleAction(message) {
    let { payload, exchange, routes } = message;
    // We encode the task id/run into the job guid so extract the task id.
    let [taskId, runId] = payload.job_guid.split('/')
    taskId = slugid.encode(taskId);
    console.log(`Received ${payload.action} event for task ${taskId} by ${payload.requester}`);
    let task = await this.queue.task(taskId);

    switch (payload.action) {
      case 'cancel':
        await this.handleCancel(taskId, runId, task, payload);
      case 'retrigger':
        await this.handleRetrigger(taskId, runId, task, payload);
        console.log(`[action handler] unknown action ${payload.action}`);
if (numericifyVersion(React.version) < 15.6) {
        'HiGlass requires React v15.6 or higher. Current version: ', React.version

    this.pubSub = createPubSub();
    this.domEvent = createDomEvent(this.pubSub);

    this.pubSubs = [];

    this.minHorizontalHeight = 20;
    this.minVerticalWidth = 20;
    this.resizeSensor = null;

    this.uid = slugid.nice();
    this.tiledPlots = {};
    this.genomePositionSearchBoxes = {};

    // keep track of the xScales of each Track Renderer
    this.xScales = {};
    this.yScales = {};
    this.topDiv = null;
    this.zoomToDataExtentOnInit = new Set();

    // a reference of view / track combinations
    // to be used with combined to viewAndTrackUid
    this.viewTrackUidsToCombinedUid = {};
    this.combinedUidToViewTrack = {};

    // event listeners for when the scales of a view change
    // bypasses the React event framework because this needs
      debug('Channel was closed unexpectedly');
      that.emit('error', new Error(
        'Channel closed unexpectedly, likely server initiated shutdown'
    return channel.prefetch(that._options.prefetch);

  // Find queue name and decide if this is an exclusive queue
  var exclusive = !this._options.queueName;
  // Construct queue name
  this._queueName = [
    'queue',                      // Required by pulse security model
    this._connection.namespace,   // Required by pulse security model
    this._options.queueName || 'exclusive/' + slugid.v4(),

  // Create queue
  var queueCreated = channelCreated.then(function() {
    var opts = {
      exclusive:  exclusive,
      durable:    !exclusive,
      autoDelete: exclusive,
    // Set max length if provided
    if (that._options.maxLength) {
      opts.maxLength =  that._options.maxLength;
    return channel.assertQueue(that._queueName, opts);
let timeToDeadline = secondsTo(task.deadline);
    // If deadline is reached, we don't care to publish a message about the task
    // being pending.
    if (timeToDeadline === 0) {
      // This should not happen, but if timing is right it is possible.
      console.log('runId: %s of taskId: %s became pending after deadline, ' +
                  'skipping pending message publication to azure queue',
      runId, task.taskId);

    // Put message queue
    return this._putMessage(queueNames[task.priority], {
      taskId: task.taskId,
      runId: runId,
      hintId: slugid.v4(),
    }, {
      ttl: timeToDeadline,
      visibility: 0,
debug("Connection error in AMQPListener: ", err.stack);
      that.emit('error', err);
    return that._conn.createConfirmChannel();
  }).then(function(channel_) {
    channel = channel_;
    channel.on('error', function(err) {
      debug("Channel error in AMQPListener: ", err.stack);
      that.emit('error', err);
    return channel.prefetch(that._options.prefetch);

  // Find queue name and decide if this is an exclusive queue
  var exclusive = !this._options.queueName;
  this._queueName = this._options.queueName || slugid.v4();

  // Create queue
  var queueCreated = channelCreated.then(function() {
    var opts = {
      exclusive:  exclusive,
      durable:    !exclusive,
      autoDelete: exclusive,
    // Set max length if provided
    if (that._options.maxLength) {
      opts.maxLength =  that._options.maxLength;
    return channel.assertQueue(that._queueName, opts);

  // Create bindings
await Promise.all( cfg => {
      // This must be unique to currently existing instances and match [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
      // The lost entropy from downcasing, etc should be ok due to the fact that
      // only running instances need not be identical. We do not use this name to identify
      // workers in taskcluster.
      const poolName = workerPoolId.replace(/[\/_]/g, '-').slice(0, 38);
      const instanceName = `${poolName}-${slugid.nice().replace(/_/g, '-').toLowerCase()}`;

      let op;

      try {
        const res = await this._enqueue('query', () => this.compute.instances.insert({
          project: this.project,
          requestId: uuid.v4(), // This is just for idempotency
          requestBody: {
            ...cfg, // We spread this in first so that users can't override stuff we set below
            name: instanceName,
            labels: {
              ...cfg.labels || {},
              'created-by': `taskcluster-wm-${this.providerId}`.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, '-'),
              'managed-by': 'taskcluster',
              'worker-pool-id': workerPoolId.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, '-').toLowerCase(),
constructor(context, options) {
    // create a clipped SVG Path
    super(context, options);
    const {
    } = context;

    const uid = slugid.nice();
    this.uid = uid;
    this.options = options;

    this.removeViewportChanged = removeViewportChanged;
    this.setDomainsCallback = setDomainsCallback;

    this.viewportXDomain = null;
    this.viewportYDomain = null;

    const maxHalf = Number.MAX_VALUE / 2;

    this.brush = brush(true)
      .extent([[-maxHalf, -maxHalf], [maxHalf, maxHalf]])
      .on('brush', this.brushed.bind(this));

    this.gBrush = this.gMain
typeof this.options.maxPos !== 'undefined'
      && !Number.isNaN(+this.options.maxPos)
      ? +this.options.maxPos
      : 180;

    // HiGlass currently only supports squared tile sets but maybe in the
    // future...
    this.minY = this.options.minY || this.minX;
    this.maxY = this.options.maxY || this.maxX;

    this.maxZoom = 19;
    this.maxWidth = this.maxX - this.minX;
    this.animate = animate;

    this.uuid = slugid.nice();
    this.refreshTilesDebounced = debounce(
      this.refreshTiles.bind(this), ZOOM_DEBOUNCE
handleTrackAdded(viewId, newTrack, position, host = null) {

    // make sure the new track has a uid
    if (!newTrack.uid) newTrack.uid = slugid.nice();

    if (newTrack.contents) {
      // add default options to combined tracks
      for (const ct of newTrack.contents) { this.addDefaultTrackOptions(ct); }

    if (this.state.addTrackPosition) {
      // we've already added the track, remove the add track dialog
        addTrackPosition: null,

    if (host) {
      // we're adding a series rather than a whole new track
      this.handleSeriesAdded(viewId, newTrack, position, host);
this.initialVerticalTrackHeight = this.initialHorizontalTrackWidth;
        this.initialVerticalTrackWidth = this.initialVerticalTrackHeight;


        let tracks = this.props.viewConfig.tracks;
        let currentTop = 0;
        this.twoD = false;               // are there any 2D tracks? this affects how the genomic
                                         // coordinates are displayed in the search box
        //this.heightSpecified = true;     // do any of the tracks request a particular height?
        for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
            let trackHeight = this.defaultDims[this.trackDescriptions[tracks[i].type].position].height;
            let trackWidth = this.defaultDims[this.trackDescriptions[tracks[i].type].position].width;

            let trackId = slugid.nice();

            if (this.trackDescriptions[tracks[i].type].position == 'left' ||
                this.trackDescriptions[tracks[i].type].position == 'center')
                this.twoD = true

            if (this.trackDescriptions[tracks[i].type].position == 'center' && 
                this.trackDescriptions[tracks[i].type].overlay == false)
                if (!('height' in tracks[i]))
                    this.heightSpecified = false;

            if ('height' in tracks[i]) {
                trackHeight = tracks[i].height;
            if ('width' in tracks[i])
                trackWidth = tracks[i].width;
            if ('uid' in tracks[i])

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