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Top 9 Examples of "fastify in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'fastify' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

let pino;
    try {
        secure = await fs.readJSON(path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../etc/secure.json`));
        config = await fs.readJSON(path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../static/etc/config.json`));
        pino = Pino({
            level: secure.loglevel
    } catch (e) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    try {`Starting`);
        // Create Fastify instance
        const fastify = Fastify({
            trustProxy: secure.trustProxy
        // Create Nodemailer instance
        const mailer = nodemailer.createTransport(secure.mailer);
        // Decorate Fastify with configuration and helpers
        fastify.decorate('zoiaConfig', config);
        fastify.decorate('zoiaConfigSecure', secure);
        fastify.decorateRequest('zoiaConfig', config);
        fastify.decorateRequest('zoiaConfigSecure', secure);
        fastify.decorate('zoiaMailer', mailer);
        fastify.decorateRequest('zoiaMailer', mailer);
        fastify.decorate('xxhash', data => xxhash(data, secure.randomInt));
        Object.keys(response).map(i => fastify.decorateReply(i, response[i]));
        Object.keys(loggerHelpers).map(i => fastify.decorateReply(i, loggerHelpers[i]));
        Object.keys(auth).map(i => fastify.decorateRequest(i, auth[i]));
// we need this file because of this issue:
import 'make-promises-safe'
import blipp from 'fastify-blipp'

import Fastify from 'fastify'

import app from './app'

console.time('Boot Time')
const fastify = Fastify(app.options)


fastify.listen((process.env.PORT as any) || 3000, '', err => {
  if (err) {

  console.timeEnd('Boot Time')
  console.log(`Server listening on port ${(fastify.server as any).address().port}`)
let pino;
    try {
        secure = await fs.readJSON(path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../etc/secure.json`));
        config = await fs.readJSON(path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../static/etc/config.json`));
        pino = Pino({
            level: secure.loglevel
    } catch (e) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    try {
        // Create Fastify instance
        const fastify = Fastify({
            trustProxy: secure.trustProxy,
            ignoreTrailingSlash: true
        // Decorate Fastify with configuration and helpers
        fastify.decorate('zoiaConfig', config);
        fastify.decorate('zoiaConfigSecure', secure);
        fastify.decorateRequest('zoiaConfig', config);
        fastify.decorateRequest('zoiaConfigSecure', secure);
        fastify.decorate('xxhash', data => xxhash(data, secure.randomInt));
        Object.keys(response).map(i => fastify.decorateReply(i, response[i]));
        Object.keys(loggerHelpers).map(i => fastify.decorateReply(i, loggerHelpers[i]));
        Object.keys(auth).map(i => fastify.decorateRequest(i, auth[i]));
        Object.keys(locale).map(i => fastify.decorateRequest(i, locale[i]));
        Object.keys(site).map(i => fastify.decorateRequest(i, site[i]));
        // Register FormBody and Multipart
key: await promisify(readFile)(https.keyPath, "utf8"),
      cert: await promisify(readFile)(https.certPath, "utf8"),
    // Use `any` because the types of http, https and http2 modules in Node.js are not compatible.
    // But it is not a big deal.
    if (http2) {
      server = fastify({
        https: httpsOptions,
        http2: true,
      }) as fastify.FastifyInstance;
    } else {
      server = fastify({ ...opts, https: httpsOptions }) as any;
  } else {
    server = fastify(opts);

  // enable CORS at first

  // customize log output
  server.addHook("onRequest", async ({ raw, log }, reply) => {
    const { method, url } = raw;
    if (url && url.startsWith(inputsUrlPath)) {
      // skip logging for static assets
    }{ request: `${method} ${url}` }, "incoming request");
  server.addHook("onResponse", async ({ raw, log }, reply) => {
    const { method, url, originalUrl } = raw;
.then(hashes => {
    const app = fastify()

    // Cookies
    app.register(cookieParser, err => {
      if (err) throw err

    // Static content
    app.register((instance, opts, next) => {
      instance.register(serveStatic, {
        root: path.join(__dirname, '../../dist'),
        prefix: '/dist/'
    app.register((instance, opts, next) => {
      instance.register(serveStatic, {
import * as color from "colorette";
import compress from "fastify-compress";
import cors from "cors";
import fastify from "fastify";
import helmet from "fastify-helmet";
import ssr from "choo-ssr/fastify";
import statik from "fastify-static";
import websockets from "@inc/fastify-ws";

//  U T I L S

import handleSocketMessages from "./sockets";
import messageSlack from "~helper/slack";
import redirects from "~data/redirects.json";

const server = fastify({
  logger: {
    level: "warn",
    prettyPrint: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
    redact: ["req.headers.authorization"],
    serializers: {
      req(req) {
        return {
          headers: req.headers,
          hostname: req.hostname,
          method: req.method,
          remoteAddress: req.ip,
          remotePort: req.connection.remotePort,
          url: req.url
test('should set flash messages in one call.', async t => {
  const fastify = Fastify()

  fastify.register(fastifySession, {

  fastify.get('/test', (req, reply) => {
    const count = req.flash('warning', ['username required', 'password required'])
    t.equal(count, 2)

    const warning = reply.flash('warning')
    t.equal(warning.length, 2)

    t.equal(warning[0], 'username required')
    t.equal(warning[1], 'password required')
    reply.send({ warning })
private  setupServer(modules: IApiModules): IFastifyServer {
    const server = fastify.default({
      //TODO: somehow pass winston here
      logger: false,
      querystringParser: qs.parse
    }) as IFastifyServer;

    if(this.opts.cors) {
      const corsArr = this.opts.cors.split(",");
      server.register(fastifyCors, {
        origin: corsArr

    if(this.opts.api.includes(ApiNamespace.BEACON)) {
      server.register(routes.beacon, {prefix: "/node", modules});
function checkVersion (version) {
  if (typeof version !== 'string') {
    throw new TypeError(`fastify-plugin expects a version string, instead got '${typeof version}'`)

  var fastifyVersion
  try {
    fastifyVersion = require('fastify/package.json').version.replace(/-rc\.\d+/, '')
  } catch (_) {'fastify not found, proceeding anyway')

  if (fastifyVersion && !semver.satisfies(fastifyVersion, version)) {
    throw new Error(`fastify-plugin - expected '${version}' fastify version, '${fastifyVersion}' is installed`)

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