Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'heimdalljs' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
cleanup() {
if (!this._cleanupPromise) {
let ui = this.project.ui;
ui.startProgress('cleaning up');
ui.writeLine('cleaning up...');
// ensure any addon treeFor caches are reset
let node = heimdall.start({ name: 'Builder Cleanup' });
this._cleanupPromise = promiseFinally(this.builder.cleanup(), () => {
}).catch(err => {
ui.writeLine(chalk.red('Cleanup error.'));
return this._cleanupPromise;
processFilters(inputPath) {
let nextTree;
let instrumentation = heimdall.start('derivePatches');
let entries;
this.outputToInputMappings = {}; // we allow users to rename files
if (this.files && !this.exclude && !this.include) {
entries = this._processPaths(this.files);
// clone to be compatible with walkSync
nextTree = FSTree.fromPaths(entries, { sortAndExpand: true });
} else {
if (this._matchedWalk) {
entries = walkSync.entries(inputPath, { globs: this.include, ignore: this.exclude });
} else {
entries = walkSync.entries(inputPath);
'use strict';
const willInterruptProcess = require('../utilities/will-interrupt-process');
const instrumentation = require('../utilities/instrumentation');
const getConfig = require('../utilities/get-config');
const ciInfo = require('ci-info');
let initInstrumentation;
if (instrumentation.instrumentationEnabled()) {
const heimdall = require('heimdalljs');
let initInstrumentationToken = heimdall.start('init');
initInstrumentation = {
token: initInstrumentationToken,
node: heimdall.current,
// Main entry point
const requireAsHash = require('../utilities/require-as-hash');
const packageConfig = require('../../package.json');
const logger = require('heimdalljs-logger')('ember-cli:cli/index');
const merge = require('ember-cli-lodash-subset').merge;
const path = require('path');
const heimdall = require('heimdalljs');
let version = packageConfig.version;
let name = packageConfig.name;
let trackingCode = packageConfig.trackingCode;
function loadCommands() {
name = node.nodeInfo.sourceDirectory;
} else {
name = node.nodeInfo.annotation || node.nodeInfo.name;
node.__heimdall_cookie__ = heimdall.start({
label: node.label,
broccoliNode: true,
broccoliId: node.id,
// we should do this instead of reparentNodes
// broccoliInputIds: node.inputNodeWrappers.map(input => input.id),
broccoliCachedNode: false,
broccoliPluginName: node.nodeInfo.name,
node.__heimdall__ = heimdall.current;
const seen = new Set();
const queue = [outputNodeWrapper];
let node;
let parent;
let stack: any = [];
while ((node = queue.pop()) !== undefined) {
if (parent === node) {
parent = stack.pop();
} else {
let heimdallNode = node.__heimdall__;
if (heimdallNode === undefined || seen.has(heimdallNode)) {
// make 0 time node
const cookie = heimdall.start(Object.assign({}, heimdallNode.id));
heimdallNode = heimdall.current;
heimdallNode.id.broccoliCachedNode = true;
heimdallNode.stats.time.self = 0;
} else {
// Only push children for non "cached inputs"
const inputNodeWrappers = node.inputNodeWrappers;
for (let i = inputNodeWrappers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (parent) {
cacheKeyForTree(treeType) {
let methodsToValidate = methodsForTreeType(treeType);
let cacheKeyStats = heimdall.statsFor('cache-key-for-tree');
// determine if treeFor* (or other methods for tree type) overrides for the given tree
let modifiedMethods = methodsToValidate.filter(methodName => this[methodName] !== addonProto[methodName]);
if (modifiedMethods.length) {
cacheKeyLogger.info(`Opting out due to: modified methods: ${modifiedMethods.join(', ')}`);
return null; // uncacheable
// determine if treeForMethods overrides for given tree
if (this.treeForMethods[treeType] !== DEFAULT_TREE_FOR_METHODS[treeType]) {
cacheKeyLogger.info('Opting out due to: treeForMethods override');
return null; // uncacheable
it('collects nodes from path to root, limited by `depth`', function() {
heimdall.start({ name: 'a' });
heimdall.start({ name: 'b' });
heimdall.start({ name: 'c' });
heimdall.start({ name: 'd' });
heimdall.start({ name: 'e' });
let prefixer = new Prefixer();
prefixer.depth = 4;
expect(prefixer.prefix()).to.match(/\[b#\d -> c#\d -> d#\d -> e#\d\] /);
it("reads matcher and depth from heimdall's logging config if present", function() {
let logConfig = heimdall.configFor('logging');
logConfig.depth = 1;
logConfig.matcher = (id) => id.name == 'hello';
let prefixer = new Prefixer();
heimdall.start({ name: 'hello' });
heimdall.start({ name: 'somemthing-else' });
heimdall.start({ name: 'hello' });
expect(prefixer.prefix()).to.match(/\[hello#\d\] /);
beforeEach( function() {
entries = this._processEntries(entries);
nextTree = FSTree.fromEntries(entries, { sortAndExpand: true });
let patches = this._currentTree.calculatePatch(nextTree);
this._currentTree = nextTree;
instrumentation.stats.patches = patches.length;
instrumentation.stats.entries = entries.length;
let outputPath = this.outputPath;
instrumentation = heimdall.start('applyPatch', ApplyPatchesSchema);
patches.forEach(function(entry) {
this._applyPatch(entry, inputPath, outputPath, instrumentation.stats);
}, this);