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Top 10 Examples of "vscode-uri in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vscode-uri' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

        "--driver", handle,

    const env = process.env;

    if (options.remote) {
        // Replace workspace path with URI
        args[0] = `--${options.workspacePath.endsWith(".code-workspace") ? "file" : "folder"}-uri=vscode-remote://test+test/${URI.file(options.workspacePath).path}`;

        if (codePath) {
            // running against a build: copy the test resolver extension
            const testResolverExtPath = path.join(options.extensionsPath, "vscode-test-resolver");
            if (!fs.existsSync(testResolverExtPath)) {
                const orig = path.join(repoPath, "extensions", "vscode-test-resolver");
                await new Promise((c, e) => ncp(orig, testResolverExtPath, err => err ? e(err) : c()));
        const remoteDataDir = `${options.userDataDir}-server`;
        env["TESTRESOLVER_DATA_FOLDER"] = remoteDataDir;

    if (!codePath) {
public sync({ sync: query }: merlin.Sync, id?: LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier): merlin.Response {
    // this.session.connection.console.log(
    //   JSON.stringify({ query, id, priority }),
    // );
    const context: ["auto", string] | undefined = id ? ["auto", URI.parse(id.uri).fsPath] : undefined;
    const request = context ? { context, query } : query;
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      const task = new merlin.Task(request);
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      const callback: async.AsyncResultArrayCallback<i> = (value: any) =&gt; {
        resolve(null == value ? undefined : value);
      this.queue.push(task, 0, callback);
return exec('npx webpack --profile --json > compilation-stats.json', {cwd: __dirname}, (err : Error, stdout: string)=>{
              workspace.fs.readFile(URI.file(path.join(__dirname, 'compilation-stats.json')))
                .then(res => {
                return  panel.webview.postMessage({command: 'post', field: res.toString()});
        case 'export':
          console.log('exporting files');
          workspace.fs.createDirectory((URI.file(workspace.workspaceFolders? workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path + '/snappy': '/')));
          workspace.fs.readFile(URI.file(path.join(__dirname, 'webpack.config.js')))
            .then( res => {
              // console.log('creating file', URI.file(workspace.workspaceFolders? workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path + '/webpack.config.js': '/'));
              workspace.fs.writeFile(URI.file(workspace.workspaceFolders? workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path + '/snappy/webpack.config.js': '/'), res);
          workspace.fs.readFile(URI.file(path.join(__dirname, 'compilation-stats.json')))
            .then( res => {
              // console.log('creating file', URI.file(workspace.workspaceFolders? workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path + '/compilation-stats.json': '/'));
              workspace.fs.writeFile(URI.file(workspace.workspaceFolders? workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path + '/snappy/compilation-stats.json': '/'), res);
          // workspace.fs.copy(URI.file(`${__dirname}/compilation-stats.json`),URI.file(workspace.workspaceFolders? workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.path : '/'))
case "config":
                    console.log("getting input and configuring webpack");
                    console.log("message", message.module);
                    moduleState = Object.assign({}, message.module);
                    // let moduleObj = createModule(moduleState.module);
                    // let webpackConfigObject = createWebpackConfig(moduleState.entry, moduleObj);
                    //converting the object created using function with inputs from front end
                    //Uint8Array.from - will convert object to to Uint8 array so we can write to a file
                    let readUri = "/Users/courtneykwong/Documents/Codesmith/Projects/soloproject/webpack.config.js";
                    /*the webpack.config file need to be in the root directory but can have a different
                    name as long as specified when using the webpack command
                    write the webpack.config.js into out (__dirname) because childprocess is running in dirr name and webpack is being executed in dirname -> if you don't pass in any arguments, it assumes the file iswebpack.config.js and will be looking for it in the same directory; another way: pass in path to th webpack to whatever config you want to use.s
                    let writeUri = `${__dirname}/webpack.config.js`;
                        .then(res => {
                        console.log('read', res);
                        return vscode_1.workspace.fs.writeFile(vscode_uri_1.URI.file(writeUri), res)
                            .then(res => {
                            console.log('write', res);
                            //exec docs: optional parameter that can show err; stdout: shows detail err in the console;
                            return exec('npx webpack', { cwd: __dirname }, (err, stdout) => {
                                console.log('Error in exec: ', err);
                //using workspace.writeFile (path, Uint8 array)
                /*write webpackConfigObject to path: __dirname (refers to where the extension is installed)
                                        .then(res => exec('npx webpack --profile --json > compilation-stats.json', {cwd: __dirname});
                const stat = await fs.lstat(fileName);
                return {
                    isFile: stat.isFile(),
            .filter(x => x.isFile)
            .map(x => this._parseCodeModFile(x.fileName));
        // user-workspace code mods
        const wsFolders = await connectionService.connection().workspace.getWorkspaceFolders();
        if (wsFolders) {
            const codemodDir = connectionService.getSettings().codemodDir;
            for (let folder of wsFolders) {
                const folderUri = Uri.parse(folder.uri);
                if (folderUri.scheme !== 'file') {

                const dirName = path.join(folderUri.fsPath, codemodDir);
                if (!(await fs.pathExists(dirName))) {

                const names = await fs.readdir(dirName);
                for (let n of names) {
                    const fn = path.join(dirName, n);
                    if ((await fs.stat(fn)).isFile) {
getFilePath(url: ResolvedUrl): Result {
    if (!url.startsWith('file://')) {
      return {successful: false, error: 'Not a local file:// url.'};
    if (!this.canLoad(url)) {
      return {
        successful: false,
        error: `Path is not inside root directory: ${JSON.stringify(this.root)}`
    const path = Uri.parse(url).fsPath;
    return {successful: true, value: path};
function getTagDefinition(tag: string, range: Range, open: boolean): Definition {
    tag = tag.toLowerCase(); 

    if (vueFileInfo && vueFileInfo.componentInfo.childComponents) {
      for (const cc of vueFileInfo.componentInfo.childComponents) {
        if (tag === {
          if (cc.definition) {
            const loc: Location = {
              uri: URI.file(cc.definition.path).toString(),
              // Todo: Resolve actual default export range
              range: Range.create(0, 0, 0, 0)
            return loc;
    return [];
findFiles(include: theia.GlobPattern, exclude?: theia.GlobPattern | null, maxResults?: number,
        token: CancellationToken = CancellationToken.None): PromiseLike {
        let includePattern: string;
        let includeFolderUri: string | undefined;
        if (include) {
            if (typeof include === 'string') {
                includePattern = include;
            } else {
                includePattern = include.pattern;
                includeFolderUri = URI.file(include.base).toString();
        } else {
            includePattern = '';

        let excludePatternOrDisregardExcludes: string | false;
        if (exclude === undefined) {
            excludePatternOrDisregardExcludes = ''; // default excludes
        } else if (exclude) {
            if (typeof exclude === 'string') {
                excludePatternOrDisregardExcludes = exclude;
            } else {
                excludePatternOrDisregardExcludes = exclude.pattern;
        } else {
            excludePatternOrDisregardExcludes = false; // no excludes

                            Location.create(URI.file(ourPath).toString(), Range.create(0, 0, 0, 0)),
                    this.reference.extensionRecordSetHash(, thisFile.filename, thisHash);
                } else {
                    // Get our GML File:
                    const fpath = path.join(this.projectDirectory, 'extensions',, thisFile.filename);
                    const thisURI = URI.file(fpath);
                    const extensionFile = await fse.readFile(fpath, 'utf8');

                    // Check our Hash
                    const ourHasher = crypto.createHash('sha1');
                    const thisHash = ourHasher.update(extensionFile).digest('hex');

                    if (thisExtensionCache && thisExtensionCache[thisFile.filename]) {
                        const cachedHash = thisExtensionCache[thisFile.filename].hash;
                        if (cachedHash === thisHash) {
                            for (const thisExtName in this.projectCache.CachedReference.callables.extensions) {
                                if (
                                ) {
                                    const thisExt = this.projectCache.CachedReference.callables.extensions[thisExtName];
if (null == localappdataFile) throw new Error("LOCALAPPDATA must be set in environment to interpret WSL /home");
      // FIXME: compute localappdata earlier and do it only once
      const localappdata = URI.file(localappdataFile).toString(skipEncoding);
      let match: RegExpMatchArray | null = null;
      // rewrite /mnt/…
      if (null != (match = uri.match(/^file:\/\/\/mnt\/([a-zA-Z])\/(.*)$/))) {
        const drive = match.shift() as string;
        const rest = match.shift() as string;
        return URI.parse(`file:///${drive}:/${rest}`);
      // rewrite /home/…
      if (null != (match = uri.match(/^file:\/\/\/home\/(.+)$/))) {
        const rest = match.shift() as string;
        return URI.parse(`${localappdata}/lxss/home/${rest}`);
      throw new Error("unreachable");
    switch (this.source) {

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