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Top 10 Examples of "js-sha3 in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'js-sha3' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async placeOrder ({ commit, getters, dispatch }, order:Order) {
    // Check if order is already processed/processing
    const currentOrderHash = sha3_224(JSON.stringify(order))
    const isAlreadyProcessed = getters.getSessionOrderHashes.includes(currentOrderHash)
    if (isAlreadyProcessed) return
    commit(types.ORDER_ADD_SESSION_ORDER_HASH, currentOrderHash)

    const storeView = currentStoreView()
    if (storeView.storeCode) {
      order.store_code = storeView.storeCode

    Vue.prototype.$bus.$emit('order-before-placed', { order: order })
    if (!config.orders.directBackendSync || !isOnline()) {
      commit(types.ORDER_PLACE_ORDER, order)
      Vue.prototype.$bus.$emit('order-after-placed', { order: order })
      return {
        resultCode: 200
async placeOrder ({ commit, getters, dispatch }, order: Order) {
    if (config.entities.optimize && config.entities.optimizeShoppingCart) {
      order.products = => omit(product, ['configurable_options', 'configurable_children'])) as Order['products']
    // Check if order is already processed/processing
    const currentOrderHash = sha3_224(JSON.stringify(order))
    const isAlreadyProcessed = getters.getSessionOrderHashes.includes(currentOrderHash)
    if (isAlreadyProcessed) return
    commit(types.ORDER_ADD_SESSION_ORDER_HASH, currentOrderHash)

    const storeView = currentStoreView()
    if (storeView.storeCode) {
      order.store_code = storeView.storeCode

    EventBus.$emit('order-before-placed', { order: order })
    order = orderHooksExecutors.beforePlaceOrder(order)
    if (!config.orders.directBackendSync || !isOnline()) {
      commit(types.ORDER_PLACE_ORDER, order)
      EventBus.$emit('order-after-placed', { order: order })
      orderHooksExecutors.beforePlaceOrder({ order, task: { resultCode: 200 } })
      return {
    	// generate passphrase
    	// generate token
    	var passphrase = sha3_224(account + ':passphrase:' + Math.random());
    	var token = sha3_224(account + ':token:' + Math.random());

      var ethAddress = web3.personal.newAccount(passphrase);
      // TODO save address & passphrase
      var addressEntity = {
      	'accountId': accountId,
        'address': ethAddress,
        'passphrase': passphrase,    // hash
        'token': token

				var fileDir = process.env.KEYSTORE_PATH;
				fs.readdir(fileDir, 'utf8', function(err, files) {
					if (err) console.log(err);
				  files.forEach(function(file) {
await deployer.deploy(ENS);

            const ens = await ENS.deployed();

            await deployer.deploy(TestRegistrar, ens.address, namehash.hash('eth'));
            await deployer.deploy(PublicResolver, ens.address);

            await ens.setSubnodeOwner('0x0', '0x' + sha3('eth'), accounts[0]);
            await ens.setSubnodeOwner(namehash.hash('eth'), '0x' + sha3('datafund'), accounts[0]);

            const resolver = await PublicResolver.deployed();
            await ens.setResolver(namehash.hash('datafund.eth'), resolver.address);

            const dhr = await TestRegistrar.deployed();
            await ens.setSubnodeOwner('0x0', '0x' + sha3('eth'), accounts[0]);

            await deployer.deploy(SubdomainRegistrar, ens.address, namehash.hash('datafund.eth'));

            const registrar = await SubdomainRegistrar.deployed();
            await ens.setSubnodeOwner(namehash.hash('eth'), '0x' + sha3('datafund'), registrar.address);
        } else {
            // const ens = ENS.deployed();
            // await deployer.deploy(SubdomainRegistrar, ens.address);
export const eventSignature = (
  eventName: string | undefined,
  params: ParamType[] = []
) => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
  const { strName, name } = parseName(eventName);
  const types = (params || []).map(fromParamType).join(',');
  const id = `${strName}(${types})`;
  const signature = strName ? keccak_256(id) : '';

  return { id, name, signature };
this._ws.onerror = null;
      this._ws.onopen = null;
      this._ws.onclose = null;
      this._ws.onmessage = null;
      this._ws = null;
      this._sessionHash = null;
    this._connecting = true;
    this._connected = false;
    this._lastError = null;

    // rpc secure API
    if (this._token) {
      const time = parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000, 10);
      const sha3 = keccak_256(`${this._token}:${time}`);
      const hash = `${sha3}_${time}`;

      this._sessionHash = sha3;
      this._ws = new WebSocket(this._url, hash);
    // non-secure API
    } else {
      this._ws = new WebSocket(this._url);

    this._ws.onerror = this._onError;
    this._ws.onopen = this._onOpen;
    this._ws.onclose = this._onClose;
    this._ws.onmessage = this._onMessage;

    // Get counts in dev mode only
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
function getPaths(channelName) {
  if (!getPathsCache.has(channelName)) {
    var channelHash = sha3_224(channelName); // use hash incase of strange characters

     * because the lenght of socket-paths is limited, we use only the first 20 chars
     * and also start with A to ensure we do not start with a number
     * @link

    var channelFolder = 'A' + channelHash.substring(0, 20);
    var channelPathBase = path.join(TMP_FOLDER_BASE, channelFolder);
    var folderPathReaders = path.join(channelPathBase, 'rdrs');
    var folderPathMessages = path.join(channelPathBase, 'messages');
    var ret = {
      channelBase: channelPathBase,
      readers: folderPathReaders,
      messages: folderPathMessages

  delete requestBody.groupToken
  delete requestBody.groupId

  let auth = null;

  // Only pass auth if configured
  if (config.elasticsearch.user || config.elasticsearch.password) {
    auth = {
      user: config.elasticsearch.user,
      pass: config.elasticsearch.password
  const s =
  const reqHash = sha3_224(`${JSON.stringify(requestBody)}${req.url}`)
  const dynamicRequestHandler = () => {
    request({ // do the elasticsearch request
      uri: elasticBackendUrl,
      method: req.method,
      body: requestBody,
      json: true,
      auth: auth
    }, (_err, _res, _resBody) => { // TODO: add caching layer to speed up SSR? How to invalidate products (checksum on the response BEFORE processing it)
      if (_resBody && _resBody.hits && _resBody.hits.hits) { // we're signing up all objects returned to the client to be able to validate them when (for example order)
        const factory = new ProcessorFactory(config)
        const tagsArray = []
        if (config.server.useOutputCache && cache) {
          const tagPrefix = entityType[0].toUpperCase() // first letter of entity name: P, T, A ...
 => {
            if ( { // has common identifier
function getPaths(channelName) {
    if (!getPathsCache.has(channelName)) {
        const channelHash = sha3_224(channelName); // use hash incase of strange characters
         * because the lenght of socket-paths is limited, we use only the first 20 chars
         * and also start with A to ensure we do not start with a number
         * @link
        const channelFolder = 'A' + channelHash.substring(0, 20);

        const channelPathBase = path.join(
        const folderPathReaders = path.join(
        const folderPathMessages = path.join(
serverPull (context, { forceClientState = false, dryRun = false }) { // pull current cart FROM the server
    const isUserInCheckout = context.rootGetters['checkout/isUserInCheckout']
    if (isUserInCheckout) forceClientState = true // never surprise the user in checkout - #
    if (config.cart.synchronize && !isServer && onlineHelper.isOnline && context.state.cartServerToken) {
      const newItemsHash = sha3_224(JSON.stringify({ items: context.state.cartItems, token: context.state.cartServerToken }))
      if (( - context.state.cartServerPullAt) >= CART_PULL_INTERVAL_MS || (newItemsHash !== context.state.cartItemsHash)) {
        context.state.cartServerPullAt =
        context.state.cartItemsHash = newItemsHash
        return TaskQueue.execute({ url: config.cart.pull_endpoint, // sync the cart
          payload: {
            method: 'GET',
            headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
            mode: 'cors'
          silent: true,
          force_client_state: forceClientState,
          dry_run: dryRun,
          callback_event: 'store:cart/servercartAfterPulled'
        }).then(task => {
          const storeView = currentStoreView()
          if (( - context.state.cartServerMethodsRefreshAt) >= CART_METHODS_INTERVAL_MS) {

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