Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'slugify' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
User.findOne({ username }, (findByUsernameErr, existingUsernameUser) => {
if (existingUsernameUser) {
const adj = friendlyWords.predicates[Math.floor(Math.random() * friendlyWords.predicates.length)];
username = slugify(`${username} ${adj}`);
// what if a username is already taken from the display name too?
// then, append a random friendly word?
if (existingEmailUser) {
existingEmailUser.email = existingEmailUser.email || primaryEmail;
existingEmailUser.google = profile._json.emails[0].value;
existingEmailUser.username = existingEmailUser.username || username;
existingEmailUser.tokens.push({ kind: 'google', accessToken });
existingEmailUser.name = existingEmailUser.name || profile._json.displayName;
existingEmailUser.verified = User.EmailConfirmation.Verified;
existingEmailUser.save((saveErr) => {
if (saveErr) {
done(null, existingEmailUser);
.replace('\n', '<p>')
.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
.replace(/<br>/g, '\n')
.replace(/</p><p>/g, '\n\n')
: null;
const duration = event.duration || 0.5; // in hours
const profile = speaker ? speakerLookup[slugify(speaker)] : undefined;
const isTalk = !!profile;
if (!date || (!title && !speaker)) {
return null;
return {
slug: slugify(`${title} ${getTime(date)}`),
title: title || speaker,
speaker: isTalk ? speaker : null,
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
import slugify from 'slugify'
import Renderer from './jsxRenderer'
import importsToCommonJS from './importsToCommonJS'
import jsx_inline from './jsx_inline'
import jsx_block from './jsx_block'
import text_with_newline from './text_with_newline'
'>': '',
'<': '',
'`': '',
'wrapper': 'createFactory(\'div\')',
'codeBlock': '(props, children) => createElement("pre", props, createElement("code", { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: children || props.children } }))'
function mdJSX(md) {
// JSX should entirely replace embedded HTML.
md.inline.ruler.before('text', 'text_with_newline', text_with_newline);
md.inline.ruler.before('html_inline', 'jsx_inline', jsx_inline);
export function normalizeSlug (slug) {
if (!slug) return
// Remove certain replacements mapped by slugify
'|': null,
'%': null,
$: null
const slugified = slugify(slug, {
replacement: '-',
remove: /[*+=~.,<>(){}'"!?:;@#$%^&*|\\/[\]]/g,
lower: true
// Remove any trailing or leading hyphens, which slugify doesn't clean up
return slugified.replace(/^[-]+|[-]+$/g, '')
buildUri() {
this.uri = slugify(this.title)
{categories.map(category => (
async function addTags() {
let numOfTags = settings.tags;
const linkedTagsRatio = 0.2;
const topLevelRatio = 0.1;
let batch = Tags.initializeUnorderedBulkOp({useLegacyOps: true});
for (let i = 0; i < numOfTags; i++) {
const data = _.cloneDeep(tagTemplate);
data._id = randomID(10, "aA0");
data.name = `${faker.commerce.department()}-${randomID(4, 'aA0')}`;
data.slug = slugify(data.name);
data.createdAt = new Date();
data.updatedAt = new Date();
if (i === Math.round(numOfTags * topLevelRatio)) {
data.isTopLevel = true
await batch.execute();
batch = Tags.initializeUnorderedBulkOp({useLegacyOps: true});
const linkedTags = numOfTags * linkedTagsRatio;
for (let i = 0; i < linkedTags; i++) {
const currentTag = tags[Math.floor(Math.random() * tags.length)]
const start = Math.floor(Math.random() * tags.length);
const len = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
const end = (start + len) > tags.length ? tags.length : (start + len)
async onSave () {
let mutation = createGql;
const variables = {
title: this.inputField,
languageKey: this.$store.state.lc.locale.toUpperCase(),
slug: slugify(this.inputField, { lower: true })
if (this.selected) {
variables.id = this.selected;
mutation = updateGql;
await this.mutateGql(
refetchQueries: ['allArticleCategories']
this.selected ? 'updateArticleCategory' : 'createArticleCategory'
toggleShow () {
{(link.countries || []).map(code => {
const country = Countries.fromAlpha2Code(
return (
<span title="{country.name}">
const Screenreader = ({ headline, speak, _body, _ID, _parseMD, _relativeURL }) => (
<a href="{`#${">#</a>
{ headline }
{ _parseMD( speak ) }
{ _body }