Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'hjson' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const createGraph = async () => {
this.messages = [];
// FIXME!! need to debounce editor changes
try {
const spec = hjson.parse($scope.vega.vis.params.spec);
if (this.vegaView) {
await this.vegaView.destroy();
const vegaConfig = { enableExternalUrls: true };
this.vegaView = new VegaView(vegaConfig, $el, spec, timefilter, dashboardContext, es, serviceSettings,
this.onError.bind(this), this.onWarn.bind(this));
await this.vegaView.init();
} catch (error) {
static _getExtensionInfo(e){
const {getPath1,getPath2,_} = require('../chromeExtensionUtil')
let extensionPath = getPath2(e.id) || getPath1(e.id)
if(!extensionPath) return false
extensionPath = extensionPath.replace(/app.asar([\/\\])/,'app.asar.unpacked$1')
const manifestPath = path.join(extensionPath, 'manifest.json')
if(!fs.existsSync(manifestPath)) return false
const manifestContents = hjson.parse(removeBom(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath).toString()))
delete e.icons
e = {...manifestContents, ...e}
e.url = e.homepageUrl
// e.options_page = e.optionsUrl
e.base_path = extensionPath
// console.log(845677,e)
const installInfo = {
id: e.id,
name: e.name,
url: e.url,
base_path: e.base_path,
manifest: e
const module = async function ( module_name ) {
// Check the existence of module directory
if ( ! await fileExists( modules_dir + module_name ) )
return Promise.reject( { message: 'Missing "' + module_name + '" module. Please install it with: alumna install' } );
// Check the existence of module.hjson or package.json and get its properties
let properties = null;
let is_hjson = false;
if ( await fileExists( modules_dir + module_name + '/module.hjson' ) ) {
properties = hjson.parse( await fs.readFile( modules_dir + module_name + '/module.hjson', 'utf8' ) );
is_hjson = true;
else if ( await fileExists( modules_dir + module_name + '/package.json' ) )
properties = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile( modules_dir + module_name + '/package.json', 'utf8' ) );
return Promise.reject( { message: 'Missing module.hjson or package.json in "' + module_name + '" module\'s directory.' } )
let [ err ] = await to( validate_module( properties.main, module_name, is_hjson ) );
if ( err )
return Promise.reject( err );
let module_and_file = {};
_format(event, stringify, opts) {
let newSpec;
try {
const spec = hjson.parse(this.aceEditor.getSession().doc.getValue(), { legacyRoot: false, keepWsc: true });
newSpec = stringify(spec, opts);
} catch (err) {
// This is a common case - user tries to format an invalid HJSON text
// ui-ace only accepts changes from the editor when they
// happen outside of a digest cycle
// Per @spalger, we used $$postDigest() instead of setTimeout(() => {}, 0)
// because it better described the intention.
$scope.$$postDigest(() => {
// set the new value to the session doc so that it
// is treated as an edit by ace: ace adds it to the
// undo stack and emits it as a change like all
// other edits
function loadOpts() {
var error = document.getElementById('error');
error.style.display = 'none';
try {
opts = hjson.parse(editor.getValue());
} catch (e) {
error.style.display = 'block';
error.innerHTML = e.toString();
opts = {};
defaultsDeep(opts, hjson.parse(presets.default));
// Transform texture.resolution into POT if it's not.
var texres = 1;
while (texres*2 <= opts.texture.resolution) {
texres *= 2;
opts.texture.resolution = texres;
opts.preview.fov = fov;
// Parse the latest Alumna hjson using "round-trip" mode
let parsedLatestOptions = hjson.rt.parse( latestOptions )
// Generate an update version with all missing properties
mergeDeep( parsedLatestOptions, parsedProjectOptions )
const hjsonOptions = {
keepWsc: true,
bracesSameLine: true,
quotes: 'strings',
separator: true,
space: '\t'
fs.outputFile( 'alumna.hjson', hjson.rt.stringify( parsedLatestOptions, hjsonOptions ) );
resolve( parsedLatestOptions );
fs.readFile( __dirname + '/other/base/alumna.hjson', 'utf8', ( err, latestOptions ) => {
// Parse the project's current defined options
let parsedProjectOptions = alreadyParsed ? projectOptions : hjson.parse( projectOptions );
// Parse the latest Alumna hjson using "round-trip" mode
let parsedLatestOptions = hjson.rt.parse( latestOptions )
// Generate an update version with all missing properties
mergeDeep( parsedLatestOptions, parsedProjectOptions )
const hjsonOptions = {
keepWsc: true,
bracesSameLine: true,
quotes: 'strings',
separator: true,
space: '\t'
fs.outputFile( 'alumna.hjson', hjson.rt.stringify( parsedLatestOptions, hjsonOptions ) );
resolve( parsedLatestOptions );
getDetail() {
const { intl } = this.props;
const { code, method, url, remark, consumes, produces } = APITestStore.getApiDetail;
const desc = APITestStore.getApiDetail.description || '[]';
const responseDataExample = APITestStore.getApiDetail
&& APITestStore.getApiDetail.responses.length ? APITestStore.getApiDetail.responses[0].body || 'false' : '{}';
let handledDescWithComment = Hjson.parse(responseDataExample, { keepWsc: true });
handledDescWithComment = jsonFormat(handledDescWithComment);
const handledDesc = Hjson.parse(desc);
const { permission = { roles: [] } } = handledDesc;
const roles = permission.roles.length && permission.roles.map(item => ({
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.default.role` }),
value: item,
const tableValue = [{
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.code` }),
value: code,
}, {
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.method` }),
value: method,
}, {
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.url` }),
value: url,
}, {
.pipe($.data(function() {
return {data: hjson.parse(fs.readFileSync(hjsonFile.path, 'utf8'))};
.pipe($.template({name: hjsonBasename}))
getDetail() {
const { intl } = this.props;
const { code, method, url, remark, consumes, produces } = APITestStore.getApiDetail;
const desc = APITestStore.getApiDetail.description || '[]';
const responseDataExample = APITestStore.getApiDetail
&& APITestStore.getApiDetail.responses.length ? APITestStore.getApiDetail.responses[0].body || 'false' : '{}';
let handledDescWithComment = Hjson.parse(responseDataExample, { keepWsc: true });
handledDescWithComment = jsonFormat(handledDescWithComment);
const handledDesc = Hjson.parse(desc);
const { permission = { roles: [] } } = handledDesc;
const roles = permission.roles.length && permission.roles.map(item => ({
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.default.role` }),
value: item,
const tableValue = [{
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.code` }),
value: code,
}, {
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.method` }),
value: method,
}, {
name: intl.formatMessage({ id: `${intlPrefix}.url` }),
value: url,
}, {