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Top 9 Examples of "hey-listen in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'hey-listen' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const targetValue = target[key]
            let value: string | number | null = null

            // If this is a keyframes value, we can attempt to use the first value in the
            // array as that's going to be the first value of the animation anyway
            if (Array.isArray(targetValue)) {
                value = targetValue[0]

            // If it isn't a keyframes or the first keyframes value was set as `null`, read the
            // value from the DOM. It might be worth investigating whether to check props (for SVG)
            // or (for HTML) if the value exists there before attempting to read.
            if (value === null) {
                value = this.readValueFromSource(key)

                    value !== null,
                    `No initial value for "${key}" can be inferred. Ensure an initial value for "${key}" is defined on the component.`

            if (typeof value === "string" && isNumericalString(value)) {
                // If this is a number read as a string, ie "0" or "200", convert it to a number
                value = parseFloat(value)
            } else if (!getValueType(value) && complex.test(targetValue)) {
                // If value is not recognised as animatable, ie "none", create an animatable version origin based on the target
                value = complex.getAnimatableNone(targetValue as string)

            this.values.set(key, motionValue(value))
            this.baseTarget[key] = value
poseList.reverse().forEach(poseKey => {
            if (poseKey === "default" && config[poseKey] === undefined) {
            invariant(config[poseKey] !== undefined, `Pose with name ${poseKey} not found.`)

            const poseDefinition = config[poseKey]
            let pose: Pose = isTargetResolver(poseDefinition)
                ? poseDefinition(props, resolveCurrent(values), resolveVelocity(values))
                : poseDefinition

            checkForNewValues(pose, values, ref)

            // This feels like a good candidate to inject a transform function via
            // a `PluginContext`, or perhaps a factory function, that can take a pose,
            // maybe run side-effects (ie DOM measurement), and return a new one
            // We may need a second `checkForNewValues` after this if we open it up in case
            // new values are created.
            pose = transformPose(pose, values, ref)

            const { transition, transitionEnd, ...remainingPoseValues } = pose
export function applyExitProps<p>(
    props: P &amp; MotionProps,
    { initial, isExiting, custom, onExitComplete }: ExitProps
): P &amp; MotionProps {
    if (isExiting) {
        invariant(!!props.exit, "No exit animation defined.")

        return {
             * Overwrite user-defined `custom` with the one incoming from `AnimatePresence`.
             * This will only be defined when a component is exiting and it allows a user
             * to update `custom` even when a component has been removed from the tree.
            custom: custom !== undefined ? custom : props.custom,
            // Animate to `exit` just by overwriting `animate`.
            animate: props.exit,
            onAnimationComplete: () =&gt; {
                onExitComplete &amp;&amp; onExitComplete()
                props.onAnimationComplete &amp;&amp; props.onAnimationComplete()
export default (from: Color | string, to: Color | string) => {
  const fromColorType = getColorType(from);
  const toColorType = getColorType(to);

  invariant(!!fromColorType, notAnimatable(from));
  invariant(!!toColorType, notAnimatable(to));
    fromColorType.transform === toColorType.transform,
    'Both colors must be hex/RGBA, OR both must be HSLA.'

  const fromColor = fromColorType.parse(from);
  const toColor = toColorType.parse(to);
  const blended = { ...fromColor };

  // Only use the linear blending function for rgba and hex
  const mixFunc = fromColorType === hsla ? mix : mixLinearColor;

  return (v: number) => {
    for (const key in blended) {
      if (key !== 'alpha') {
// as it'd be doing multiple resize-remeasure operations.
            if (isKeyframesTarget(to)) {
                const numKeyframes = to.length

                for (let i = to[0] === null ? 1 : 0; i &lt; numKeyframes; i++) {
                    if (!toType) {
                        toType = getDimensionValueType(to[i])

                            toType === fromType ||
                                (isNumOrPxType(fromType) &amp;&amp;
                            "Keyframes must be of the same dimension as the current value"
                    } else {
                            getDimensionValueType(to[i]) === toType,
                            "All keyframes must be of the same type"
            } else {
                toType = getDimensionValueType(to)

            if (fromType !== toType) {
                // If they're both just number or px, convert them both to numbers rather than
                // relying on resize/remeasure to convert (which is wasteful in this situation)
                if (isNumOrPxType(fromType) &amp;&amp; isNumOrPxType(toType)) {
                    const current = value.get()
                    if (typeof current === "string") {
function interpolate(
  input: number[],
  output: T[],
  { clamp = true, ease, mixer }: InterpolateOptions = {}
): Mix {
  const inputLength = input.length;

    inputLength === output.length,
    'Both input and output ranges must be the same length'

    !ease || !Array.isArray(ease) || ease.length === inputLength - 1,
    'Array of easing functions must be of length `input.length - 1`, as it applies to the transitions **between** the defined values.'

  // If input runs highest -&gt; lowest, reverse both arrays
  if (input[0] &gt; input[inputLength - 1]) {
    input = [].concat(input);
    output = [].concat(output);

  const mixers = createMixers(output, ease, mixer);

  const interpolator =
    inputLength === 2
const parseText = (text: string) => {
  invariant(typeof text === 'string', 'Child of SplitText must be a string');

  return {
    numChars: text.length,
    splitText: text.split(' ').map(word => word.split(''))
export const bindValuesToRef = (
    values: MotionValueMap,
    ref: RefObject<element>
) =&gt; {
        ref.current !== null,
        "No DOM reference found. Ensure custom components use `forwardRef` to forward the `ref` property to the host DOM component."

    if (!ref.current) return

    const domStyler = styler(ref.current, { preparseOutput: false })

    values.forEach((value, key) =&gt; {
        if (!value.hasOnRender()) {
            value.setOnRender((v: any) =&gt; domStyler.set(key, v))
const createDOMStyler = (node: Element | Window, props?: Props) => {
  let styler: Styler;

  if (node instanceof HTMLElement) {
    styler = css(node, props);
  } else if (node instanceof SVGElement) {
    styler = svg(node);
  } else if (node === window) {
    styler = viewport(node);

    styler !== undefined,
    'No valid node provided. Node must be HTMLElement, SVGElement or window.'

  cache.set(node, styler);
  return styler;

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