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Top 10 Examples of "flatpickr in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'flatpickr' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

var language_code = urlParams.locale && urlParams.locale.split('-', 1)[0];
    if (language_code != 'en') {
        // A few language codes are different in GraphHopper and Flatpickr.
        var flatpickr_locale;
        switch (language_code) {
            case 'ca':  // Catalan
                flatpickr_locale = 'cat';
            case 'el':  // Greek
                flatpickr_locale = 'gr';
                flatpickr_locale = language_code;
        if (Flatpickr.l10ns.hasOwnProperty(flatpickr_locale)) {

    $(window).resize(function () {
        items: ".pointDiv",
        cursor: "n-resize",
        containment: "parent",
        handle: ".pointFlag",
        update: function (event, ui) {
            var origin_index = $(ui.item[0]).data('index');
            sortable_items = $("#locationpoints > div.pointDiv");
            $(sortable_items).each(function (index) {
                var data_index = $(this).data('index'); => {
      // Respect global callbacks registered via setDefault() method
      let globalCallbacks = Flatpickr.defaultConfig[hook] || [];

      // Inject our own method along with user callback
      let localCallback = (...args) => {
        this.$emit(camelToKebab(hook), ...args)

      // Overwrite with merged array
      safeConfig[hook] = arrayify(safeConfig[hook] || []).concat(globalCallbacks, localCallback);
import Vue from 'vue';
  import flatpickr from "flatpickr";
  // Init component
  import flatPickrComponent from '../src/index.js';
  // Need to add base css for flatpickr
  import 'flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css';
  // l10n is optional
  import {Hindi as HindiLocale} from 'flatpickr/dist/l10n/hi.js';
  import {english as EnglishLocale} from 'flatpickr/dist/l10n/default.js'
  // Plugins are optional
  import ConfirmDatePlugin from 'flatpickr/dist/plugins/confirmDate/confirmDate.js';
  import 'flatpickr/dist/plugins/confirmDate/confirmDate.css';

  // Override Global settings
    disableMobile: true,
    onClose: () => {
      console.log("close event from global config")


  export default {
    name: 'app',
    data() {
      return {
        inputDisabled: false,
        form: {
          dateBasic: null,
          dateTime: null,
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
        // add attr data-input, mandatory for the picker to work in wrap mode
        this.renderer.setElementAttribute(this.inputElement.nativeElement, 'data-input', '');

        // disabled case
        if (this.disabled === true) {

        const navigatorLanguage = navigator.language.split('-')[0];
        let datePickerLocale = {};
        if (navigatorLanguage === 'fr') {
            datePickerLocale =;

        // options for the flatpickr instance
        let options = {
            altInput: !this.disabled,
            altFormat: 'd/m/Y', // date format displayed to user
            dateFormat: 'Y-m-d', // date format sent to server
            allowInput: false,
            enableTime: this.enableTime,
            minDate: this.minDate,
            maxDate: this.maxDate,
            clickOpens: !this.disabled,
            wrap: true, // to add input decoration (calendar icon and delete icon)
            locale: datePickerLocale
this.onTriggerEvent(new CustomEvent('keyup'));
                else {
        // add the time picker when format is UTC (Z) or has the 'h' (meaning hours)
        if (outputFormat && (outputFormat === 'Z' || outputFormat.toLowerCase().includes('h'))) {
            pickerOptions.enableTime = true;
        /** @type {?} */
        const placeholder = (this.gridOptions) ? (this.gridOptions.defaultFilterPlaceholder || '') : '';
        /** @type {?} */
        const $filterInputElm = $(`<div class="flatpickr"><input placeholder="${placeholder}" data-input="" class="form-control" type="text"></div>`);
        this.flatInstance = ($filterInputElm[0] &amp;&amp; typeof $filterInputElm[0].flatpickr === 'function') ? $filterInputElm[0].flatpickr(pickerOptions) : Flatpickr($filterInputElm, pickerOptions);
        return $filterInputElm;
const oldComputations = fpInstance.trackerComputations.splice(0, 42);
            oldComputations.forEach(comp => comp.stop());

            // Set RV to new month (which will trigger autorun to method call for new event counts).
            const date = Moment().month(fpInstance.currentMonth)

        // Only instantiate once.
        if (!template.dayPicker) {
          flatpickrConfig.defaultDate = new Date(defaultDate);
          template.dayPicker = flatpickr('#dayPicker', flatpickrConfig);
        if (!template.startTimeFlatpickr) {
          flatpickrConfig.defaultDate = new Date(defaultDate);
          template.startTimeFlatpickr = flatpickr('#startTime', flatpickrConfig);
        if (!template.endTimeFlatpickr) {
          flatpickrConfig.defaultDate = null;
          template.endTimeFlatpickr = flatpickr('#endTime', flatpickrConfig);
mounted() {
      // Return early if flatPickr is already loaded
      /* istanbul ignore if */
      if (this.fp) return;

      // Backup original handler
      this.oldOnChange = this.config.onChange;
      // Hook our handler
      this.config.onChange = this.onChange;

      // Init flatpickr
      this.fp = new Flatpickr(this.getElem(), this.config);
      // Set initial date
      this.fp.setDate(this.value, true);

    methods: {
componentDidMount() {
    // start new Flatpickr instance
    this.flatpickrInstance = flatpickr(this.flatpickrRef.current, this.getFlatpickrOptions());

    // add the time picker when format is UTC (Z) or has the 'h' (meaning hours)
    if (outputFormat &amp;&amp; (outputFormat === 'Z' || outputFormat.toLowerCase().includes('h'))) {
      pickerOptions.enableTime = true;

    // merge options with optional user's custom options
    this._flatpickrOptions = { ...pickerOptions, ...userFilterOptions };

    let placeholder = (this.gridOptions) ? (this.gridOptions.defaultFilterPlaceholder || '') : '';
    if (this.columnFilter &amp;&amp; this.columnFilter.placeholder) {
      placeholder = this.columnFilter.placeholder;
    const $filterInputElm: any = $(`<div class="flatpickr search-filter filter-${columnId}"><input placeholder="${placeholder}" data-input="" class="form-control" type="text"></div>`);
    this.flatInstance = ($filterInputElm[0] &amp;&amp; typeof $filterInputElm[0].flatpickr === 'function') ? $filterInputElm[0].flatpickr(this._flatpickrOptions) : Flatpickr($filterInputElm, this._flatpickrOptions as unknown as Partial);
    return $filterInputElm;

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