Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'gauge' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
log.log('starting metascan...')
const pathStats = fs.statSync(pathname)
log.log('file size: ', pathStats.size)
const msStart = process.hrtime()
let firstRow = true
var colTypes: Array
let rowCount = 0
// extract table name from file path:
const tableName = genTableName(pathname)
let csvOptions = { delimiter }
const pathStream = fs.createReadStream(pathname)
let gauge = new Gauge()
const numREs = (delimiter === ';') ? eurNumREs : usNumREs
const guessFunc = guessColumnType(numREs)
gauge.show('scanning...', 0)
let bytesRead = 0
const countStream = through(function write (buf) {
bytesRead += buf.length
const pctComplete = bytesRead / pathStats.size
const msg = 'scanning... ( ' + Math.round(pctComplete * 100) + '%)'
gauge.show(msg, pctComplete)
this.emit('data', buf)
}, function end () {
log.log('countStream: bytesRead: ', bytesRead)
env: {PATH: [binDir, process.env.PATH].join(path.delimiter)}
options.execOpts || {}
const nodePath = process.argv[0]
const nodeArgs = [yarnPath].concat(args, [
const state = {firstStepReceived: false, currentProgressStep: null}
state.progress = new Gauge(process.stderr, {
theme: 'colorASCII',
enabled: true
// Yarn takes a while before starting to emit events, we want to show
// some sort of indication while it's getting started
onStep({data: {message: 'Resolving dependencies'}})
const proc = execa(nodePath, nodeArgs, execOpts)
// Will throw error async through the promise above
if (!proc.stdout) {
return proc
} else {
let configDb = await qx.tool.cli.ConfigDb.getInstance();
let color = configDb.db("qx.default.color", null);
if (color) {
let colorOn = consoleControl.color(color.split(" "));
process.stdout.write(colorOn + consoleControl.eraseLine());
let colorReset = consoleControl.color("reset");
process.on("exit", () => process.stdout.write(colorReset + consoleControl.eraseLine()));
let Console = qx.tool.compiler.Console.getInstance();
if (this.argv["feedback"]) {
var themes = require("gauge/themes");
var ourTheme = themes.newTheme(themes({hasUnicode: true, hasColor: true}));
let colorOn = qx.tool.compiler.Console.getInstance().getColorOn();
ourTheme.preProgressbar = colorOn + ourTheme.preProgressbar;
ourTheme.preSubsection = colorOn + ourTheme.preSubsection;
ourTheme.progressbarTheme.postComplete += colorOn;
ourTheme.progressbarTheme.postRemaining += colorOn;
this.__gauge = new Gauge();
this.__gauge.show("Compiling", 0);
const TYPES = {
"error": "ERROR",
"warning": "Warning"
qx.tool.compiler.Console.getInstance().setWriter((str, msgId) => {
msgId = qx.tool.compiler.Console.MESSAGE_IDS[msgId];
if (msgId.type !== "message") {
const run = () =>
Object.values(gaugeThemes).forEach(theme =>
//theme.preProgressbar = `\n\n${theme.preProgressbar}`;
theme.preSubsection = gray("—");
gauge = new Gauge();
stats = new Statistics();
if (logOptions.recursive)
checker = new SiteChecker(checkerOptions);
checker = new HtmlUrlChecker(checkerOptions);
.on(HTML_EVENT, (tree, robots, response, pageURL) =>
log.disableUnicode = function () {
gaugeTheme = Gauge.ascii
log.enableUnicode = function () {
gaugeTheme = Gauge.unicode