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Top 10 Examples of "sqlite in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'sqlite' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

htest('sqlite test shutdown', t => {
      .then(() => {
        console.log('shut down sqlite')
        t.ok(true, 'finished db.close')
        // And exit on next tick:
        setImmediate(() => { process.exit(0) })
const main = async () => {
  try {
    const hrProcStart = process.hrtime()
    let hrQueryStart = 0
    await csvimport.importSqlite(testPath, ',', {noHeaderRow: false})
    // await'/Users/antony/data/testdb.sqlite')
    const [es, ens] = process.hrtime(hrProcStart)'runQuery: import completed in %ds %dms', es, ens / 1e6)
    // console.log('table import complete: ', md.tableName)
    console.log('running query:\n', tq)
    hrQueryStart = process.hrtime()

    const rows = await db.all(tq)
    const [qes, qens] = process.hrtime(hrQueryStart)
    console.log('read rows from sqlite table.')
    console.table(rows)'runQuery: evaluated query in %ds %dms', qes, qens / 1e6)
    await db.close()
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('caught exception running query: ', err, err.stack)
let hrQueryStart = 0
    await csvimport.importSqlite(testPath, ',', {noHeaderRow: false})
    // await'/Users/antony/data/testdb.sqlite')
    const [es, ens] = process.hrtime(hrProcStart)'runQuery: import completed in %ds %dms', es, ens / 1e6)
    // console.log('table import complete: ', md.tableName)
    console.log('running query:\n', tq)
    hrQueryStart = process.hrtime()

    const rows = await db.all(tq)
    const [qes, qens] = process.hrtime(hrQueryStart)
    console.log('read rows from sqlite table.')
    console.table(rows)'runQuery: evaluated query in %ds %dms', qes, qens / 1e6)
    await db.close()
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('caught exception running query: ', err, err.stack)
    posts {
      comments {
}`, '..', 'db', 'test1-data.sl3'))
.then(() => graphql(schema, query))
.then(res => {
  console.log(require('util').inspect(res, { depth: 10 })) // eslint-disable-line
.catch(console.error) // eslint-disable-line

this.on('ready', this.onReady())
			.on('commandPrefixChange', this.onCommandPrefixChange())
			.on('error', console.error)
			.on('warn', console.warn)
			//.on('debug', console.log)
			.on('disconnect', this.onDisconnect())
			.on('reconnecting', this.onReconnect())
			.on('commandError', this.onCmdErr())
			.on('commandBlocked', this.onCmdBlock())
			.on('commandStatusChange', this.onCmdStatusChange())
			.on('groupStatusChange', this.onGroupStatusChange())
			.on('message', this.onMessage());

		// set provider sqlite so we can actually save our config permanently
		this.setProvider(, -3), 'data/BotSettings.sqlite3')).then(db => new Commando.SQLiteProvider(db))

		// first we register groups and commands
				['ombi', 'Ombi'],
				['sonarr', 'Sonarr'],
				['radarr', 'Radarr'],
				['tautulli', 'Tautulli']
				'help': true,
				'prefix': true,
				'ping': true,
[QUEUE_REMOVE]: async (sock, { payload }, acknowledge) => {
    let whereClause = sql`queueId = ${payload.queueId} AND roomId = ${sock.user.roomId}`

    // admins can remove any
    if (!sock.user.isAdmin) {
      whereClause += sql` AND userId = ${sock.user.userId}`

    const query = sql`
      DELETE FROM queue
      WHERE ${whereClause}
    const res = await, query.parameters)

    if (!res.stmt.changes) {
      return acknowledge({
        type: QUEUE_REMOVE + '_ERROR',
        error: 'Could not remove queueId: ' + payload.queueId,

    // success
    acknowledge({ type: QUEUE_REMOVE + '_SUCCESS' })

    // tell room'action', {
      type: QUEUE_PUSH,
      payload: await Queue.get(sock.user.roomId)
* Copyright (C) 2011, The Locker Project
* All rights reserved.
* Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

var IJOD = require('../../Common/node/ijod').IJOD;
var sqlite = require('sqlite');

// var INDEXED_FIELDS = [{fieldName:'timeStamp', fieldType:'REAL'}, {fieldName:'', fieldType:'REAL'}];

var people = {};
var statuses = {};
var currentDB = new sqlite.Database();
exports.init = function(callback) {
    if(!people.followers && ! people.friends) {
        people.followers = new IJOD('followers');
        people.friends = new IJOD('friends');
        statuses.home_timeline = new IJOD('home_timeline');
        statuses.user_timeline = new IJOD('user_timeline');
        statuses.mentions = new IJOD('mentions');
        people.followers.init(function() {
            people.friends.init(function() {
                statuses.home_timeline.init(function() {
                    statuses.user_timeline.init(function() {
                        statuses.mentions.init(function() {
* Copyright (C) 2011, The Locker Project
* All rights reserved.
* Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

var sys    = require('sys'),
    sqlite = require('sqlite');

var db = new sqlite.Database();

// open the database for reading if file exists
// create new database file if not

var fs = require('fs');
var exec  = require('child_process').exec;

fs.mkdir('my', 0755);

function copyAndExtract(accountID) {
    child = exec('cp ' + process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application\\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/7v61pmci.default/places.sqlite places.sqlite', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
        fs.mkdir('my/' + accountID, 0755);
        var stream = fs.createWriteStream('my/' +accountID + '/history.json');'places.sqlite', function (error) {
          if (error) {
              console.log("Tonight. You.");
ORDER BY l.taskId", taskId);

                taskDetails["labelOptions"] = labelOptions;

                var labelDetails = db.all("SELECT e.elementId AS eId, e.elementText AS eText, el.elementLabelId AS elId, u.userId AS uId, u.screenname AS screenname, l.labelId AS lId, l.labelText AS lText \
                    FROM elements e \
                        JOIN elementLabels el ON e.elementId = el.elementId \
                        JOIN labels l ON el.labelId = l.labelId \
                        JOIN users u ON u.userId = el.userId \
                    WHERE e.taskId = ? \
                    ORDER BY e.elementId", taskId);

                taskDetails["labels"] = labelDetails;
              // Get the users who have labeled this task
              var userLabelDetails = db.all("SELECT u.userId AS uId, u.fname AS fname, u.lname AS lname, COUNT(*) AS count \
                    FROM users u \
                        JOIN elementLabels el ON u.userId=el.userId \
                        JOIN elements e ON el.elementId=e.elementId \
                    WHERE e.taskId = ? \
                    GROUP BY u.userId", taskId);

              taskDetails["userDetails"] = userLabelDetails;

			} else {
				console.log("Unknown task type in taskStats/...");
				taskDetails.push({ empty : true });

			return Promise.props(taskDetails);
		.then(function(taskInfoMap) {
app.get('/item', function(req, res) {

	// Pull the task from the session
	var requestedTask = req.session.taskId

	console.log("New item requested!");

	var localUser = req.session.user;
	console.log("Local User:");

	// Get a set of candidate elements
	db.all('SELECT elementId, elementText \
		FROM elements e \
		WHERE taskId = ? AND \
			FROM elementLabels el \
			WHERE el.elementId = e.elementId \
			AND el.userId = ?) == 0 \
	 	LIMIT 10', [requestedTask, localUser.userId])
		.then(function(elements) {

			if ( elements.length > 0 ) {
				var targetElement = getRandomElement(elements);
				console.log("Target Element: " + targetElement);
				console.log("\t" + targetElement["elementId"]);
				console.log("\t" + targetElement["elementText"]);

				res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

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