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Top 10 Examples of "ora in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ora' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// docsPath is required
if (!docsPath) usage('specify a pathname, .e.g ~/my/electron/electron')

// docsPath is relative to current working directory
docsPath = path.join(process.cwd(), docsPath)

// outfile is relative to current working directory
if (outfile) outfile = path.join(process.cwd(), outfile)

// version is required if writing to a file
if (outfile && !version) usage('`version` is required if `outfile` is specified')

// Use a placeholder version if not writing to a file
if (!version) version = '0.0.0'

const spinner = require('ora')('Parsing electron documentation').start()

lint(docsPath, version).then(function (apis) {

  apis.forEach(api => console.error(

  if (apis.some(api => !api.valid)) process.exit(1)

  if (outfile) {
    fs.writeFileSync(outfile, JSON.stringify(apis, null, 2))
      Created ${path.relative(process.cwd(), outfile)}
  } else {
      Docs are good to go!\n
import { dirname } from 'path';
import yParser from 'yargs-parser';
import signale from 'signale';
import semver from 'semver';
import ora from 'ora';
import buildDevOpts from './buildDevOpts';

const spinner = ora();

const script = process.argv[2];
const args = yParser(process.argv.slice(3));

// Node version check
const nodeVersion = process.versions.node;
if (semver.satisfies(nodeVersion, '<6.5')) {
  signale.error(`Node version must >= 6.5, but got ${nodeVersion}`);
spinner.start('🏃 parsing parameters');

// Notify update when process exits
const updater = require('update-notifier');
const pkg = require('../package.json');
updater({ pkg }).notify({ defer: true });
(async function() {
	// Intro logging

	try {
		// Collect user configuration
		const config = sanitizeInput(await collectInput());

		// Generate project structure
		const generation = generateStructure(config);
		ora.promise(generation, { text: 'Generating project structure' });
		await generation;

		// Install project dependencies
		const installation = execute('npm install',;
		ora.promise(installation, { text: 'Installing project dependencies' });
		await installation;

		// Success outro logging
			`\n  ${chalk.bold('Success!'))} Generated ${} at ${path.resolve(}.`
		console.log('  The following commands are available within that directory:\n'); && console.log(`  ${chalk.cyan('npm run test')}            Runs JavaScript unit tests`); && console.log(`  ${chalk.cyan('npm run eslint')}          Lints JavaScript files`); && console.log(`  ${chalk.cyan('npm run stylelint')}       Lints CSS files`);
		console.log(`  ${chalk.cyan('npm run prettier')}        Format files`);
static async spinPromise(promise, text, spinner, stream = process.stdout) {
        ora.promise(promise, {
            text: text,
            spinner: spinner,
            stream: stream
            // color: false,
            // enabled: true
        return promise;
exports.handler = (args) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
    let exit = 0;
    const designFile = `${process.env.PWD}/${args.file}`;
    const tmpDir = `${process.env.PWD}/tmp-${uuid_1.v4()}`; // TODO: use 'mkdtempSync'?
    const authenticationDir = `${process.env.PWD}/src/authentication`;
    const authorizationDir = `${process.env.PWD}/src/authorization`;
    const contextDir = `${process.env.PWD}/src/context`;
    const handlersDir = `${process.env.PWD}/src/handlers`;
    const internalDir = `${process.env.PWD}/src/internal`;
    const middlewareDir = `${process.env.PWD}/src/middleware`;
    const spinner = ora_1.default('Generating api...').start();
    try {
        // 1. check if design file exists
        if (yield !fs_extra_1.existsSync(designFile)) {
            throw new Error(`could not open ${designFile}. File does not exists`);
        // 2. load design file into object
        const design = Object.assign(new design_1.default(), JSON.parse(yield fs_extra_1.readFileSync(designFile).toString()));
        const errors = design.Validate();
        if (errors && errors.length > 0) {
            throw => `${error}\n`);
        // 3. generate the temporary 'internal' files
        yield internal_1.genInternal(tmpDir, design);
        // 4. remove the existing internal route files and copy over the new ones
        if (yield !fs_extra_1.existsSync(internalDir)) {
            throw new Error("could not find directory './internal'. Did you '$ design-first init [name] && cd [name] && design-first gen '?");
// @ts-check
const ora = require('ora').default

module.exports = ora()
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as ora from 'ora';

import { spawnPromise } from 'spawn-rx';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { rebuild } from '../src/rebuild';

ora.ora = ora;

describe('rebuilder', () => {
  const testModulePath = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'electron-forge-rebuild-test');

  const resetTestModule = async () => {
    await fs.remove(testModulePath);
    await fs.mkdirs(testModulePath);
    await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(testModulePath, 'package.json'), await fs.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '../test/fixture/native-app1/package.json'), 'utf8'));
    await spawnPromise('npm', ['install'], {
      cwd: testModulePath,
      stdio: 'ignore',

  describe('core behavior', function() {
    this.timeout(2 * 60 * 1000);
		port = project === choices[0] ? 8081 : 19001;
	if (!expoRunning && !rnRunning) {
		console.log('None found.');
			`Could not find a React Native or Expo project running on port ${8081} or ${19001}. Start one and run 'npx visualize-bundle' again.`
	const startTime =;

	const spinner = ora();
	spinner.text = `Getting bundle from port ${port}...`;
	await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
	try {
		const bundle = await getAnyResource(
			port === 19001
				? [`http://localhost:19001/node_modules/expo/AppEntry.bundle?${query}`]
				: [
		spinner.text = `Getting map from port ${port}...`;
		await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
		const sourceMap = await getAnyResource(
			port === 19001
import { readFileSync, existsSync, unlinkSync } from "fs";
import { exec } from "child_process";
import rmdir from "rimraf";
import ncp from "ncp";
import tar from "tar";
import request from "request";
import ora from "ora";

if (!existsSync(".ret.credentials")) {
  console.log("Not logged in, so cannot deploy. To log in, run npm run login.");

const { host, token } = JSON.parse(readFileSync(".ret.credentials"));
console.log(`Deploying to ${host}.`);
const step = ora({ indent: 2 }).start();

const getTs = (() => {
  const p = n => (n < 10 ? `0${n}` : n);
  return () => {
    const d = new Date();
    return `${d.getFullYear()}${p(d.getMonth() + 1)}${p(d.getDate())}${p(d.getHours())}${p(d.getMinutes())}${p(

(async () => {
  const headers = {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
emitter.on("create", (message, action) => {
    if (action) ora.promise(action, message);
    else console.log(message);

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