Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'fingerprintjs2' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
init(socket) {
this.socket = socket;
new Fingerprint2().get((deviceFingerPrint, components) => {
this.state = 'loadedQRCode';
this.cache("deviceId", deviceFingerPrint);
// using volatile means the connection doesn't have to succeed
// to prevent spamming the server with stale requests on-resume
// problem is how do we then resume?
this.trigger(EVENTS.TOKEN_REQUEST, deviceFingerPrint);
var _adapterConfig = config.adapterConfig
// retrieve device fingerprint from (browser) local storage
var _deviceId = localStorage.getItem('ucwDeviceId')
if (_deviceId === null || _deviceId === undefined) {
// check if config data provides a user.id
if (_adapterConfig && _adapterConfig.initData && _adapterConfig.initData.data && _adapterConfig.initData.data.user && _adapterConfig.initData.data.user.id) {
// TODO: implement user-merge in backend, when user.id is provided and localStorage.devideId id already set, user.id should survive the merge
_deviceId = _adapterConfig.initData.data.user.id
localStorage.setItem('ucwDeviceId', _deviceId)
} else {
// register new device:
// build deviceId from Fingerprint2
new Fingerprint2().get(function (result) {
_deviceId = result
localStorage.setItem('ucwDeviceId', _deviceId)
} else {
function isFalsey (value) {
return (value === 'false' || value === false || value === 0 || value === '0')
function initAdapter () {
// Let's init the communication with the backend
function fetchFingerprint() {
return Fingerprint2.getPromise({}).then(components => {
const values = components.map(component => component.value)
const hash = `V1-${Fingerprint2.x64hash128(values.join(''), 31)}`
// Select the browser properties to export along with the fingerprint.
const browserProps = {}
.filter(x => browserPropsWhitelist.includes(x.key))
.forEach(x => (browserProps[x.key] = x.value))
cachedFingerprintData = { fingerprint: hash, ...browserProps }
return Fingerprint2.getPromise({}).then(components => {
const values = components.map(component => component.value)
const hash = `V1-${Fingerprint2.x64hash128(values.join(''), 31)}`
// Select the browser properties to export along with the fingerprint.
const browserProps = {}
.filter(x => browserPropsWhitelist.includes(x.key))
.forEach(x => (browserProps[x.key] = x.value))
cachedFingerprintData = { fingerprint: hash, ...browserProps }
getFingerPrint(customFingerprint?: string): void {
if (IS_NODE) {
return getMac(macAddress => {
this.fingerPrint = macAddress;
} else if (IS_BROWSER) {
return new Fingerprint2().get(fingerPrint => {
this.fingerPrint = Math.abs(encodeByteArray(fingerPrint)).toString();
} else if (customFingerprint) {
this.fingerPrint = customFingerprint;
} else {
throw new Error('FingerPrint not provided');
return doc.finger ? doc.finger : new Promise(function(resolve) {
new Fingerprint2().get(resolve)
this.storage.get('uuid').then(uuid => {
this.global.set('uuid', uuid);
} else {
new Fingerprint2().get((result, components) => {
this.global.set('uuid', result);
this.storage.set('uuid', result);
this.global.set('side', 'light');
async function generate() {
try {
const components = await Fp2.getPromise()
const values = components.map(({ value }) => value)
cfp = Fp2.x64hash128(values.join(''), 31)
log.log('generate cfp', cfp)
} catch (e) {
log.error('failed to generate cfp', e)
Fingerprint2.get(options, (components) => {
var values = components.map(function (component) { return component.value });
var murmur = Fingerprint2.x64hash128(values.join(''), 31);
nookies.set({}, 'fp', murmur, {
maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
path: '/',
} else {
async function generate() {
try {
const components = await Fp2.getPromise()
const values = components.map(({ value }) => value)
cfp = Fp2.x64hash128(values.join(''), 31)
log.log('generate cfp', cfp)
} catch (e) {
log.error('failed to generate cfp', e)