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Top 10 Examples of "figures in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'figures' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function exit(message) {
	console.error(`\n  ${require('./chalk').get().red(figures.cross)} ${message}`);
	process.exit(1); // eslint-disable-line unicorn/no-process-exit
       +' Continuing with branch "' + match[0] + '" (--force)')
        } else {
            // No --force and not on master? -> error message
            if (match[0] !== 'master') {
                throw new Error(
                        ' You are currently not on branch "master" but on "' + match[0] + '". This is not recommended!')
                    + '\n  Use --force to continue anyway.'

                chalk.dim(' You are on branch "master"')

        // return current branch name and remote name
        return {
            current: match[0],
            remote: match[1] ? match[1].trim().replace(/\0/g, '') : ''
return doc

// load the config
var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'
var defaultCfg = load('defaults')
var envCfg = load(env)
module.exports = extend(defaultCfg, envCfg, { env })

// some warnings
if (!module.exports.csrf) {
  console.log(figures.warning, 'WARNING: CSRF is DISABLED')
if (!module.exports.stripe) {
  console.log(figures.warning, 'WARNING: Stripe payments are DISABLED')
// Check if types are already installed

    if (alreadyInstalledTypes.includes('@types/' + dependency)) {
        console.log(chalk.yellow(, `Types for ${dependencyString} already installed. Skipping...`));

    // Check for included types
    let pkgPath = path.join(cwd, 'node_modules', dependency, 'package.json');

    if (fs.existsSync(pkgPath)) {
        const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8'));
        if (pkg.types || pkg.typings) {
            console.log(chalk.yellow(figures.warning, `Module ${dependencyString} includes own types. Skipping...`));

    // Check if types are available    

    ((dependency) => {
        request('' + dependency, (err, res, body) => {

            if (res.statusCode == 200) {
                exec(`${tool.command} @types/${dependency}`, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
                    if (!err) {
                        console.log(, `@types/${dependencyString} installed successfully!`));
            } else {
archive.replicationStreams.forEach(stream => stream.destroy()) // stop all active replications
      archive.replicationStreams.length = 0
      archive.isSwarming = false

    // done?
    if ( === false && opts.upload === false) {
      if (wasSwarming) {
        console.log(, 'Unswarming archive', datEncoding.toStr(archive.key))

    // join the swarm
    debounceConsole.log(`${} Swarming archive`, {timeout: 250, max: 1e3}, datEncoding.toStr(archive.key))
    archive.isSwarming = true
    archive.swarmOpts = opts
    this.swarm.listen(archive.discoveryKey, 0, () => {})
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const figures = require('figures');
const chalk = require('../chalk').get();

const SEPERATOR = ' ' + chalk.gray.dim(figures.pointerSmall) + ' ';

module.exports = (base, file, title) => {
	const prefix = file
		// Only replace base if it is found at the start of the path
		.replace(base, (match, offset) => offset === 0 ? '' : match)
		.replace(/\.spec/, '')
		.replace(/\.test/, '')
		.replace(/test-/g, '')
		.replace(/\.js$/, '')
		.filter(p => p !== '__tests__')

	return prefix + SEPERATOR + title;
  for (let archive of await dbs.archives.list()) {
    archive.isFeatured = await dbs.featuredArchives.has(archive.key)
    insert('archives', toArchiveRecord(archive))
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Users->Archives...')
  for (let userArchive of usersArchives) {
    insert('users_archives', toUserArchiveRecord(userArchive))
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Reports...')
  for (let report of await dbs.reports.list()) {
    insert('reports', toReportRecord(report))
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Activity...')
  for (let act of await dbs.activity.listGlobalEvents()) {
    insert('activity', toActivityRecord(act))

  // close output stream
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ws.end((err) => {
      if (err) reject(err)
      else resolve()

  // close the leveldb
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    levelInstance.close((err) => {
renderError(error, entity) {
    // If no argument, skip
    if (!error || error === '') {

    // Clear any existing content
    console.log() // eslint-disable-line

    // Write Error
    if (entity) {
      entity = `${red(entity)} ${red(figures.pointerSmall)} ${red(`error:`)}`
      console.log(`  ${entity}`) // eslint-disable-line
    } else {
      console.log(`  ${red('error:')}`) // eslint-disable-line
    console.log(` `, error) // eslint-disable-line

    // Put cursor to starting position for next view
module.exports = async function (config) {
  console.log(figures.heart, 'Hello friend')
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Instantiating backend')
  var cloud = new Hypercloud(config)
  cloud.version = packageJson.version
  await cloud.setup()

  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Instantiating server')
  var app = express()
  if (config.proxy) {
    app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback')
  } = cloud
  app.config = config
  app.approveDomains = approveDomains(config, cloud)

  app.locals = {
    session: false, // default session value
    sessionUser: false,
    errors: false, // common default value
    // Using the stripe publishable key to identify whether or not to show pricing related information
    // on any page
    stripePK: config.stripe ? config.stripe.publishableKey : null,
    appInfo: {
betterModuleName = betterModuleName
					.replace( /\\/g, '/' )
					.replace( './', '' )
					.replace( 'multi ', '' );

				// Add extra details about whether the currently processed module is an internal or external one
				if ( betterModuleName.startsWith( 'node_modules' ) ) {
					betterModuleName = `${ betterModuleName } ~ external`;
				if ( betterModuleName.startsWith( 'src' ) ) {
					betterModuleName = `${ betterModuleName } ~ internal`;

				const [ betterModulesDone, betterAllModules ] = moduleProgress.split( '/' );
				const moduleDetails = `${ betterModulesDone } of ${ betterAllModules } :: ${ betterModuleName }`;
				logLines.push( chalk.grey( `    ${ figures.arrowRight } ${ moduleDetails }` ) );


		} else if ( progress > 0.7 ) {

			logLines.push( `  ${ figures.tick } Build modules` ) );


		if ( progress > 0.7 && progress < 0.95 ) {

			// Skip if we jumped back a step, else update the step counter
			if ( previousStep > 3 ) {

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