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Top 10 Examples of "extend in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'extend' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

request(method: string, path: string, body?: {}, options?: {}, responseOutput?: { response: Response}): Promise {
    let requestOptions = extend(true, {headers: {}}, this.defaults || {}, options || {}, {method, body});
    let contentType    = requestOptions.headers['Content-Type'] || requestOptions.headers['content-type'];

    // if body is object, stringify to json or urlencoded depending on content-type
    if (typeof body === 'object' && body !== null && contentType) {
      requestOptions.body = (/^application\/(.+\+)?json/).test(contentType.toLowerCase())
                          ? JSON.stringify(body)
                          : buildQueryString(body);

    return this.client.fetch(path, requestOptions).then((response: Response) => {
      if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 400) {
        if (responseOutput) {
          responseOutput.response = response;

        return response.json().catch(() => null);
var gh = parse(dep);

  // We have all the information we need from `dep`.
  // Set the `package` key and return.
  if (gh.user && gh.repo && gh.ref) {
    gh.package = gh.user + '/' + gh.repo;
    return gh;

  var dev = this.development();
  var deps = manifest.dependencies || {};
  var rext = /([\.][a-z]+)?/;

  // Include development dependencies if `development(true)` is set.
  if (dev && manifest === this.json) {
    deps = extend(deps, manifest.development || {});

  // Build a regexp based on if we have the `user` key or not.
  // If we have the `user` key, our search is more specific.
  var re = gh.user
    ? new RegExp('^' + gh.user + '[\\/:]' + gh.repo + rext.source + '$', 'i')
    : new RegExp('([\\/:])' + gh.repo + rext.source + '$', 'i');

  // Not enough information yet.
  // Search through the manifest for our dependency.
  for (dep in deps) {
    if (re.test(dep) || dep.replace('/', '-') === gh.repo) {
      gh.package = dep;
      gh.ref = deps[dep];
      return gh;
render() {
    // Setup scales
    this.x = this.settings.x ? this.chart.scale(this.settings.x) : null;
    this.y = this.settings.y ? this.chart.scale(this.settings.y) : null;
    updateScaleSize(this, 'x', this.rect.width);
    updateScaleSize(this, 'y', this.rect.height);

    // Return an empty array to abort rendering when no scales are available to renderer
    if (!this.x && !this.y) {
      return [];

    this.settings.ticks = extend({ show: true },, this.settings.ticks || {});
    this.settings.minorTicks = extend({ show: false },, this.settings.minorTicks || {});

    // Setup lines for X and Y
    this.lines = {
      x: [],
      y: []

    // Use the lineGen function to generate appropriate ticks
    this.lines.x = lineGen(this.x, this.rect.width);
    this.lines.y = lineGen(this.y, this.rect.height);

    // Set all Y lines to flipXY by default
    // This makes the transposer flip them individually
    this.lines.y = => extend(i, { flipXY: true }));
// Grab a video, make it a texture
    this.videoTexture = new Texture(
    this.videoTexture.minFilter = LinearFilter
    this.videoTexture.magFilter = LinearFilter

    this.shaderManager = new ShaderManager(this.videoTexture)

    // Use rendered scene as a material
    // And something to cast shadows onto
    const planeSize = this.getGeometrySize()
    const planeGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(planeSize, planeSize, 1, 1)
    this.uniforms = extend(TextureShader.uniforms, {
      texture: {type: 't', value: this.shaderManager.texture()},
      resolution: {type: 'v2', value: new Vector2(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)},
      time: {type: 'f', value: 0.0}
    this.planeMaterial = new ShaderMaterial({
      vertexShader: TextureShader.vertexShader,
      fragmentShader: TextureShader.fragmentShader,
      uniforms: this.uniforms
    this.plane = new Mesh(planeGeometry, this.planeMaterial)

    // Resize things when the window resizes
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize.bind(this))
  getOrthographicSizes () {
set initialViewBox(value) {
                    // Set initial viewbox
                    if (value !== null) {
                        if (typeof value === "string") {
                            viewBox = parseViewBoxString(value);
                        } else if ((typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value)) === "object") {
                            viewBox = extend({}, defaultViewBox, value);
                        } else {
                            throw new Error('initialViewBox is of invalid type');

                    _initialViewBox = extend({}, viewBox);
                get animationTime() {
throw 'Patch paths must not have trailing slashes or empty keys!'
    let parent = obj
    for (let key of keys) {
        // create path if any point is missing
        if ((mkpath && (parent[key] === undefined || parent[key] === null)) || isBaseType(parent[key], false)) {
            parent[key] = {}
        parent = parent[key]
    if (merge) {
        parent[last_key] = deepMerge(parent[last_key], new_val)
    } else {
        parent[last_key] = new_val
    return deepcopy ? extend(true, {}, obj) : obj
removeChild(c) {
    c._stage = null;
    let desc = c.descendants,
      num = desc ? desc.length : 0,
    // remove reference to stage from all descendants
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
      desc[i]._stage = null;
    }, c);

    if (this._collider && this._collider.type === 'bounds') {
      this.__boundingRect = { true: null, false: null };
      this.__bounds = { true: null, false: null };
      const opts = extend(this.boundingRect(true), { type: 'bounds' });
      this.collider = opts;

    return this;
registries.filter( property => {
		return newreg.keys.indexOf( property ) === -1
	}).forEach( property => {

		if ( Parent[ property ] ) {
			Child[ property ] = create( Parent[ property ] );


	// Special case - CSS
	if ( Parent.css ) {
		defineProperty( Child, 'css', {
			value: Parent.defaults.noCssTransform
				? Parent.css
				: transformCss( Parent.css, Child._guid )
todo_data( Parent, Child, );

		config.forEach( each => {
			each.extend( Parent, Child, options ) }

		for ( let key in options ) {

			if ( !blacklisted[ key ] && options.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {

				let member = options[ key ]

				// if this is a method that overwrites a method, wrap it:
				if ( typeof member === 'function' ) {
					member = wrapMethod( member, Child.prototype[ key ] );

				Child.prototype[ key ] = member;

const headerFactory = (toDeriveFrom: any) => {
      const lrn = extend({}, toDeriveFrom);
      lrn.header = (toRet: string) => {
        if (lrn.hasOwnProperty(toRet)) {
          return lrn[toRet];
        return undefined;
      return lrn;
    let tmpOutput = expressRequestInformationExtractor(

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