Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'exceljs' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
public static async startup(inputPath?: string, outputPath?: string): Promise {
if (undefined !== inputPath)
PerformanceReportWriter.input = inputPath;
if (undefined !== inputPath || undefined !== outputPath)
PerformanceReportWriter.output = undefined !== outputPath ? outputPath : inputPath!;
// if file doesn't exist, do setup a new file by writing column headers
const doSetupNewFile = !fs.existsSync(PerformanceReportWriter.input);
PerformanceReportWriter.dataArray = [];
if (doSetupNewFile) {
const wb = new Excel.Workbook();
const ws = wb.addWorksheet("Performance Results");
ws.columns = [
{ header: "" },
{ header: "IModel" },
{ header: "View" },
{ header: "Flags" },
{ header: "TileLoadingTime" },
{ header: "Scene" },
{ header: "GarbageExecute" },
{ header: "InitCommands" },
{ header: "BackgroundDraw" },
{ header: "Skybox" },
{ header: "Terrain" },
{ header: "SetClips" },
{ header: "OpaqueDraw" },
import * as Excel from 'exceljs';
// most examples taken and adapted from README.md
const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
workbook.creator = 'Me';
workbook.lastModifiedBy = 'Her';
workbook.created = new Date(1985, 8, 30);
workbook.modified = new Date();
workbook.lastPrinted = new Date(2016, 9, 27);
workbook.properties.date1904 = true;
workbook.views = [
x: 0, y: 0, width: 10000, height: 20000,
firstSheet: 0, activeTab: 1, visibility: 'visible'
const worksheet: Excel.Worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('My Sheet');
static async ImportClassification(filelocation)
var workbook = new Excel.Workbook()
workbook = await workbook.xlsx.readFile(filelocation)
let explanation = workbook.getWorksheet('Sheet 1') // get sheet explanation (sheet name)
//console.log('Worksheet', explanation)
let colComment = explanation.getColumn('C')//column name
colComment.eachCell(async (cell, rowNumber) => {
if(rowNumber >= 11){
let sekolah = explanation.getCell('B' + rowNumber).value //get cell and the row
let kode = explanation.getCell('C' + rowNumber).value
let nama = explanation.getCell('D' + rowNumber).value
let nip = explanation.getCell('E' + rowNumber).value
public async format(messages: Problem[], options: FormatterOptions = {}) {
if (messages.length === 0) {
const language = options.language!;
const target = options.target || '';
const resources: _.Dictionary = _.groupBy(messages, 'resource');
const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
const sortedResources = _.sortBy(Object.keys(resources));
// Styles for the cells
const bold = { font: { bold: true } };
const mediumBorder = { style: 'medium' };
const border = {
border: {
bottom: mediumBorder,
left: mediumBorder,
right: mediumBorder,
top: mediumBorder
const rightAlign = { align: { horizontal: 'right' } };
const tableHeader = {
fill: {
data.forEach((items) => {
Object.keys(items.technical).forEach(key => {
if (possible_technical.indexOf(key) === -1) {
Object.keys(items.features).forEach(key => {
if (possible_features.indexOf(key) === -1) {
const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('My Sheet', {
views: [
{ xSplit: 1, ySplit: 1, zoomScale: 80 }
const headers = [];
// head
Object.keys(data[0]).forEach(key => {
switch (key) {
case 'technical': return possible_technical.forEach(key => headers.push(key));
case 'features': return possible_features.forEach(key => headers.push(key));
default: return headers.push(key);
export async function writeXLSX(
axios: AxiosInstance,
token: string,
res: ServerResponse,
base: string,
): Promise {
try {
const options = {
stream: res,
useStyles: true,
useSharedStrings: true,
const { userId } = jwtDecode(token);
const workbook = new Excel.stream.xlsx.WorkbookWriter(options);
workbook.creator = userId ? userId : "Unknown TruBudget User";
workbook.created = new Date();
// Prepare sheets
const projectSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Projects");
const subprojectSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Subprojects");
const workflowitemSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Workflowitems");
const projectProjectedBudgetsSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Project Projected Budgets");
const subprojectProjectedBudgetsSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Subproject Projected Budgets");
const documentSheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Documents");
projectSheet.columns = [
{ header: "Project ID", key: "id", width: mediumWidth },
{ header: "Project Name", key: "displayName", width: mediumWidth },
{ header: "Created", key: "creationUnixTs", width: mediumWidth },
{ header: "Status", key: "status", width: smallWidth },
filename = filename.join(".");
return filename;
let filename;
if (process.argv[3]) {
filename = getName(process.argv[3]);
} else {
filename = getName(filePath);
filename = `${filename}.xlsx`.replace("[time]", new Date().toLocaleString());
const workbook = new Excel.stream.xlsx.WorkbookWriter({
const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Sheet");
worksheet.columns = [
{ header: "key", key: "header" },
{ header: "value", key: "value" }
const dataArray = [];
getTiledData(data, dataArray);
const length = dataArray.length;
// 当前进度
toExcel () {
const { tables, options } = this
const workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook() // create workbook
Object.assign(workbook, options)
// workbookCreated plugins
this._invokePlugin('workbookCreated', { workbook, tables })
tables.forEach((table, index) => {
const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet(`Sheet ${index + 1}`)
// worksheetCreated plugins
this._invokePlugin('worksheetCreated', { worksheet, table })
this.toSheet(table, worksheet)
// worksheetCompleted plugins
this._invokePlugin('worksheetCompleted', { worksheet, table })
TableExport.prototype._writeTable = function (data) {
var wb = new Excel.Workbook();
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Table');
var s = '';
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var row = data[i];
for (var j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
var cell = row[j];
var cc = ws.getRow(i+1).getCell(j+1);
if (cell.type == 'fact') {
cc.value = Number(cell.fact.value());
cc.numFmt = '#,##0';
ws.getColumn(j+1).width = 18;
/* Make this an option - apply presentation signs */
if (cell.negative) {
cc.value = Math.abs(cc.value) * -1;
public static async applyToWorksheet(fnc: (worksheet: Excel.Worksheet) => void): Promise {
const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
return workbook.xlsx.readFile(PerformanceReportWriter.input)
.then(async () => {
return workbook.xlsx.writeFile(PerformanceReportWriter.output);