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Top 10 Examples of "ethereumjs-util in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ethereumjs-util' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should give proper information about the TX input', async () => {
        const tx = createTransaction(TxTypeSplit, 0, 
                blockNumber: 1,
                txNumberInBlock: 200,
                outputNumberInTransaction: 0,
                amount: 10
                amount: 10,
                to: alice
        const reencodedTX = tx.serialize();
        const info = await txTester.getInputInfo(ethUtil.bufferToHex(reencodedTX), 0);
        const blockNumber = info[0].toNumber();
        const txNumberInBlock = info[1].toNumber();
        const outputNumber = info[2].toNumber();
        const amount = info[3].toString(10);
        assert(blockNumber === 1);
        // assert(txNumberInBlock === 200);
        assert(outputNumber === 0);
        assert(amount === ""+10);
p2pClient.on('status-changed', (s) => {
  // console.log('STATUS', s)
  if (s === 'connected') {
    start =;
    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
      transferredAmount = transferredAmount.add(new util.BN(1));
      engine.sendDirectTransfer(util.toBuffer(acct4), transferredAmount);
      //var msg = sendQueue[sendQueue.length -1];
    end =;
    cl("Direct Transfers Sent Per SECOND per USER " + 1000 / ((end - start) / 1000));
} from '../helpers/contracts'

let ChildChain = artifacts.require('../child/ChildChain.sol')
let ChildToken = artifacts.require('../child/ChildERC20.sol')

const web3Child = new web3.constructor(
  new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8546')

ChildChain.web3 = web3Child
ChildToken.web3 = web3Child

const BN = utils.BN
const rlp = utils.rlp

// const printReceiptEvents = receipt => {
//   receipt.logs.forEach(l => {
//     console.log(l.event, JSON.stringify(l.args))
//   })
// }

contract('ERC20Validator', async function(accounts) {
  describe('initialization', async function() {
    let stakeToken
    let rootToken
    let childToken
    let rootChain
    let stakeManager
    let wallets
    let childChain
assert(exitRecord[6].toNumber() === 0)
        assert(exitRecord[7] === true)
        assert(exitRecord[8] === false)

        //now lets offer a buyoyt for half of the amount
        // function publishPreacceptedBuyout(
        //     bytes22 _index,
        //     uint256 _amount,
        //     address _beneficiary,
        //     uint8 v,
        //     bytes32 r, 
        //     bytes32 s
        // )

        const valueBuffer = (new BN(50)).toBuffer("be", 32)
        const dataToSign = Buffer.concat([ethUtil.toBuffer(exitRecordHash), valueBuffer, ethUtil.toBuffer(bob)])
        const hashToSign = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(dataToSign)
        const signature = ethUtil.ecsign(hashToSign, aliceKey)
        const {v, r, s} = signature
        let oldBalanceAlice = await web3.eth.getBalance(alice);
        submissionReceipt = await plasma.publishPreacceptedBuyout(
            {from: bob, value: 50})
        assert(submissionReceipt.logs.length == 1);
        let offer = await plasma.exitBuyoutOffers(exitRecordHash);
        assert(offer[1] === bob);
        assert(offer[0].toString(10) === "50");
async function signV2Order(order) {
  const signature = await promisify(web3Instance.eth.sign)(
    getV2OrderHash(order), order.makerAddress

  const { v, r, s } = ethUtil.fromRpcSig(signature);

  // 0x00 Illegal
  // 0x01 Invalid
  // 0x02 EIP712 (no prepended string)
  // 0x03 EthSign (prepended "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32")
  // 0x04 Wallet
  // 0x05 Validator
  // 0x06 PreSigned
  // 0x07 NSignatureTypes
  const sigType = 3;

  return ethUtil.bufferToHex(
// check storage
  if ( {
    const expectedAccount =[testData.exec.address]
    // TODO: check all accounts
    if (expectedAccount) {
      const expectedStorage =
      if (expectedStorage) {
        for (let key in expectedStorage) {
          const keyHex = (new U256(key)).toString(16)
          // pad values to get consistent hex strings for comparison
          let expectedValue = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(expectedStorage[key]), 32)
          expectedValue = '0x' + expectedValue.toString('hex')
          let actualValue = environment.state[testData.exec.address]['storage'][keyHex]
          if (actualValue) {
            actualValue = '0x' + ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(actualValue), 32).toString('hex')
          } else {
            actualValue = '0x' + ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(0), 32).toString('hex')
          t.equals(actualValue, expectedValue, `should have correct storage value at key ${key}`)
import Trie from 'merkle-patricia-tree'
import utils from 'ethereumjs-util'
import EthereumTx from 'ethereumjs-tx'
import EthereumBlock from 'ethereumjs-block/from-rpc'
import MerkleTree from '../helpers/merkle-tree.js'

const rlp = utils.rlp

// raw header
function getRawHeader(_block) {
  if (typeof _block.difficulty !== 'string') {
    _block.difficulty = '0x' + _block.difficulty.toString(16)

  const block = new EthereumBlock(_block)
  return block.header

// squanch transaction
export function squanchTx(tx) {
  tx.gasPrice = '0x' + parseInt(tx.gasPrice).toString(16)
  tx.value = '0x' + parseInt(tx.value).toString(16) || '0'
  tx.gas = '0x' + parseInt(tx.gas).toString(16)
if (self.opts.debug) {
    vm.on('step', function (data) {

  // create tx
  var txParams = payload.params[0]
  // console.log('params:', payload.params)

  const normalizedTxParams = {
    to: ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix( : undefined,
    from: txParams.from ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.from) : undefined,
    value: txParams.value ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value) : undefined,
    data: ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix( : undefined,
    gasLimit: txParams.gas ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gas) : block.header.gasLimit,
    gasPrice: txParams.gasPrice ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gasPrice) : undefined,
    nonce: txParams.nonce ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.nonce) : undefined,
  var tx = new FakeTransaction(normalizedTxParams)
  tx._from = normalizedTxParams.from || '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

    tx: tx,
    block: block,
    skipNonce: true,
    skipBalance: true
  }, function(err, results) {
    if (err) return cb(err)
    if (results.error != null) {
      return cb(new Error("VM error: " + results.error))
enableHomestead: true

  if (self.opts.debug) {
    vm.on('step', function (data) {

  // create tx
  var txParams = payload.params[0]
  // console.log('params:', payload.params)

  const normalizedTxParams = {
    to: ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix( : undefined,
    from: txParams.from ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.from) : undefined,
    value: txParams.value ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value) : undefined,
    data: ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix( : undefined,
    gasLimit: txParams.gas ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gas) : block.header.gasLimit,
    gasPrice: txParams.gasPrice ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gasPrice) : undefined,
    nonce: txParams.nonce ? ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.nonce) : undefined,
  var tx = new FakeTransaction(normalizedTxParams)
  tx._from = normalizedTxParams.from || '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

    tx: tx,
    block: block,
    skipNonce: true,
    skipBalance: true
  }, function(err, results) {
    if (err) return cb(err)
function normalizeDecodedValue(type, value) {
	if (_.isArray(value))
		return, v => normalizeDecodedValue(type, v));
	const elementType = /^[a-z0-9]+/i.exec(type)[0];
	// Convert addresses to checksummed addresses.
	if (elementType == 'address')
		return ethjs.toChecksumAddress(value);
	// Convert integers to strings.
	if (/^u?int/.test(elementType) && _.isObject(value))
		return value.toString(10);
	// Resize bytes values.
	const m = /^bytes(\d+)?$/.exec(elementType);
	if (m && m[1]) {
		const size = parseInt(m[1]);
		return ethjs.bufferToHex(ethjs.setLengthRight(value, size));
	return value;

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