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Top 10 Examples of "js-sha256 in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'js-sha256' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

public formatTag(tag: string): string {
    // check if this is user address
    if (this.web3.utils.isAddress(tag)) {
      return tag.toLowerCase().replace(/^0x/, "0x000000000000000000000000"); // to make it 32bytes.

    // check if this is transaction hash
    if (tag.startsWith("0x") && tag.length === 66) {
      return tag.toLowerCase();

    tag = chineseConv.sify(tag); // convert to simplified Chinese.
    return "0x" + sha256(tag.toLowerCase().replace(IgnoredCharacters, ""));

    const compressedTag = compressString(tag.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""));
    let hexString = hexEncode(compressedTag);
    if (hexString.length >= 64) {
      // greate than bytes32
      return "";
    } else {
      while (hexString.length !== 64) {
        // to make it 32bytes.
        hexString += "0";
      return "0x" + hexString;
results: helpers.arrayOf('uri',,

      case 'SPOTIFY_ME_LOADED':
        var me = { ...helpers.formatUser( };

        // We are Anonymous currently so use 'me' name as my Pusher username
        if (store.getState().pusher.username == 'Anonymous') {

        if (store.getState().ui.allow_reporting) {
	                const hashed_username = sha256(;
	                ReactGA.set({ userId: hashed_username });
	                ReactGA.event({ category: 'Spotify', action: 'Authorization verified', label: hashed_username });

        store.dispatch(coreActions.userLoaded(me)); = me;

        // This action is irrelevant to us, pass it on to the next middleware
        return next(action);
params.username = username;

		// Email
		if (user.emails && user.emails[0].address !== email) { = email;

		// newPassword
		if (newPassword) {
			params.newPassword = newPassword;

		// currentPassword
		if (currentPassword) {
			params.currentPassword = SHA256(currentPassword);

		const requirePassword = !! || newPassword;
		if (requirePassword && !params.currentPassword) {
			return this.setState({ showPasswordAlert: true, saving: false });

		try {
			if (avatar.url) {
				try {
					await RocketChat.setAvatarFromService(avatar);
				} catch (e) {
					this.setState({ saving: false, currentPassword: null });
					return this.handleError(e, 'setAvatarFromService', 'changing_avatar');
function calcBlockSha256Hash(blockHeader) {
  const headerBin = module.exports.fromHex(blockHeader).slice(0, 80);
  return `0x${Buffer.from(sha256.array(sha256.arrayBuffer(headerBin))).reverse().toString('hex')}`;
describe('Persisted Queries', () => {
      const query = '{testString}';
      const query2 = '{ testString }';

      const hash = sha256
      const extensions = {
        persistedQuery: {
          version: VERSION,
          sha256Hash: hash,

      const extensions2 = {
        persistedQuery: {
          version: VERSION,
          sha256Hash: sha256
const hash = sha256
      const extensions = {
        persistedQuery: {
          version: VERSION,
          sha256Hash: hash,

      const extensions2 = {
        persistedQuery: {
          version: VERSION,
          sha256Hash: sha256

      beforeEach(async () => {
        const map = new Map();
        const cache = {
          set: async (key, val) => {
            await map.set(key, val);
          get: async key => map.get(key),
        app = await createApp({
          graphqlOptions: {
describe('Persisted Queries', () => {
      let uri: string;
      const query = gql`
      const hash = sha256
      const extensions = {
        persistedQuery: {
          version: VERSION,
          sha256Hash: hash,

      beforeEach(async () => {
        const serverInfo = await createApolloServer({
          introspection: false,
          persistedQueries: {
            cache: new Map() as any,
utility.signgastankparameters = function(tokenaddress, gastankaddress, gastankclient, take, give, valid_until, random, privatekey) {
    if (privatekey.substring(0, 2) === '0x') privatekey = privatekey.substring(2, privatekey.length);
    const condensed = utility.pack(
      ], [160, 160, 160, 256, 256, 256, 256]);
    const hash = sha256(new Buffer(condensed, 'hex'));
    console.log('tokenaddress', tokenaddress);
    console.log('gastankaddress', gastankaddress);
    console.log('gastankclient', gastankclient);
    console.log('take', take);
    console.log('give', give);
    console.log('valid_until', valid_until);
    console.log('random', random);
    console.log('my hash=', hash);
    const sig = ethUtil.ecsign(
      new Buffer(hash, 'hex'),
      new Buffer(privatekey, 'hex'));
    const r = `0x${sig.r.toString('hex')}`;
    const s = `0x${sig.s.toString('hex')}`;
    const v = sig.v;
    const result = {
function mine() {
  let duration = 0
  let startTime = (new Date()).getTime()
  let batchDiff = 0
  let finished = false
  let hash
  for (let i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
    let block = headerIntArr.concat(nonceToByteArray(nonce))
    hash = sha256.update(block)
    hash = sha256.update(hash.digest())

    if (isHashLessThanTarget(hash.hex())) {
      console.log('submit hash:', hash.hex())
      console.log('target:', target.toString(16))
      submitWork(work, nonce)

    if (nonce >= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
      batchDiff = batchSize - i + 1
      finished = true
    } else {
  duration = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime
function mine() {
  let duration = 0
  let startTime = (new Date()).getTime()
  let batchDiff = 0
  let finished = false
  let hash
  for (let i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) {
    let block = headerIntArr.concat(nonceToByteArray(nonce))
    hash = sha256.update(block)
    hash = sha256.update(hash.digest())

    if (isHashLessThanTarget(hash.hex())) {
      console.log('submit hash:', hash.hex())
      console.log('target:', target.toString(16))
      submitWork(work, nonce)

    if (nonce >= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
      batchDiff = batchSize - i + 1
      finished = true
    } else {

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