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Top 10 Examples of "fontkit in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'fontkit' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

fontUsage.props['font-display'] = fontDisplay;

    // Generate codepoint sets for original font, the used subset and the unused subset
    for (const htmlAssetTextWithProps of htmlAssetTextsWithProps) {
      for (const fontUsage of htmlAssetTextWithProps.fontUsages) {
        const originalFont = assetGraph.findAssets({
          url: fontUsage.fontUrl
        if (originalFont.isLoaded) {
          let originalCodepoints;
          try {
            // Guard against 'Unknown font format' errors
            originalCodepoints = fontkit.create(originalFont.rawSrc)
          } catch (err) {}
          if (originalCodepoints) {
            const usedCodepoints = fontUsage.text
              .map(c => c.codePointAt(0));
            const unusedCodepoints = originalCodepoints.filter(
              n => !usedCodepoints.includes(n)

            fontUsage.codepoints = {
              original: originalCodepoints,
              used: usedCodepoints,
              unused: unusedCodepoints
fontFamily = families[i]

  if (!fontFamily) {
    fontFamily = defaults.fontFamily

  if (details.preloaded[fontFamily]) {
    font = details.preloaded[fontFamily]
  } else {
    let filename = path.join(fontDir, fontMap[fontFamily])

    try {
      font = fontkit.openSync(filename)
    } catch (e) {
      console.warn(`Could not open font "${fontFamily}" in file "${filename}". ${e.toString()}`)
      return new Box()

    details.preloaded[fontFamily] = font

  var fontHeight = font.ascent - font.descent
  var lineHeight = fontHeight > font.unitsPerEm ? fontHeight : fontHeight + font.lineGap

  var height = lineHeight / font.unitsPerEm * fontSize
  var width = font.layout(text).glyphs.reduce((last, curr) => last + curr.advanceWidth, 0) / font.unitsPerEm * fontSize

  var xAdjust = 0
function getFont() {
  if (fs.existsSync(collectionPath)) return fontkit.openSync(collectionPath).fonts[0]; // both fonts in the collection seem to be identical
  if (fs.existsSync(fontPath)) return fontkit.openSync(fontPath);
  console.log('Could not find the emoji font');
  return null;
function getFont() {
  if (fs.existsSync(collectionPath)) return fontkit.openSync(collectionPath).fonts[0]; // both fonts in the collection seem to be identical
  if (fs.existsSync(fontPath)) return fontkit.openSync(fontPath);
  console.log('Could not find the emoji font');
  return null;
async function main() {
  const app = await ntk.createClient();
  const window = app.createWindow();;

  //const path =
  //  '/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/truetype/huerta/alegreya/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic.ttf';
  //const path = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu/Ubuntu.ttf';

  //const path = 'PT-Serif.woff2';
  const path = 'LibreBaskerville.woff2';
  var font = fontkit.openSync(path);

  // layout a string, using default shaping features.
  // returns a GlyphRun, describing glyphs and positions.
  var run = font.layout(
    'Simp' //lifies a 2D polyline, first using a radial distance check, and then a recursive Douglas-Peucker algorithm.'

  let size = 900;

  const ctx = window.getContext('2d');
  const _update = () => {
    let left = 0;
    let scale = size / 2048;
    const svgs =, index) => {
      var path = g.path.scale(scale, -scale).translate(10 + left * scale, 800);
htmlAsset: htmlAsset.urlOrDescription,
        fontUsages: fontUsages

  // Generate subsets:
  await getSubsetsForFontUsage(assetGraph, htmlAssetTextsWithProps, formats);

  // Warn about missing glyphs
  const missingGlyphsErrors = [];

  for (const { htmlAsset, fontUsages } of htmlAssetTextsWithProps) {
    for (const fontUsage of fontUsages) {
      if (fontUsage.subsets) {
        const characterSet = fontkit.create(Object.values(fontUsage.subsets)[0])

        for (const char of [...fontUsage.pageText]) {
          // Turns out that browsers don't mind that these are missing:
          if (char === '\t' || char === '\n') {

          const codePoint = char.codePointAt(0);

          const isMissing = !characterSet.includes(codePoint);

          if (isMissing) {
            let location;
            const charIdx = htmlAsset.text.indexOf(char);

      fontRelation.node.each(decl => {
        if (decl.prop !== 'src') {
          result[decl.prop] = decl.value;

      return [, fontRelation.format];

  if (!('unicode-range' in result)) {
    const font = result.src[0][0];
    result['unicode-range'] = unicodeRange(

  result['font-display'] = fontDisplay;

  // Output font face declaration object as CSS
  const declarationStrings = [];

  for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(result)) {
    if (property !== 'src') {
      declarationStrings.push(`  ${property}: ${value};`);

  const sources =[font, format]) => {
    return `url('${font.dataUrl}') format('${format}')`;
private async ensure(): Promise {
    if (this.font) return;
    const data = await this.file.load();
    const buffer = new Buffer(data); // WTF! I don't like Buffer.
    this.font = fontkit.create(buffer);

    // Generate subsets:
    await getSubsetsForFontUsage(assetGraph, htmlAssetTextsWithProps, formats);

    // Warn about missing glyphs
    const missingGlyphsErrors = [];

    for (const { htmlAsset, fontUsages } of htmlAssetTextsWithProps) {
      for (const fontUsage of fontUsages) {
        if (fontUsage.subsets) {
          const characterSet = fontkit.create(fontUsage.subsets.woff)

          for (const char of [...fontUsage.pageText]) {
            // Turns out that browsers don't mind that these are missing:
            if (char === '\t' || char === '\n') {

            const codePoint = char.codePointAt(0);

            const isMissing = !characterSet.includes(codePoint);

            if (isMissing) {
              let location;
              const charIdx = htmlAsset.text.indexOf(char);
__processFontFile : function(filename, resolve, reject) {, null, function(err, font) {
        if (err) {

        let resources = {};

        // If we have a mapping file, take this information instead
        // of anaylzing the font.
        if (this.getMapping()) {
          let mapPath = path.join(this.__library.getRootDir(), path.join(this.__library.getResourcePath(), this.getMapping()));
          fs.readFile(mapPath, {encoding: "utf-8"}, (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
              log.error(`Cannot read mapping file '${mapPath}': ${err.code}`);

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