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Top 10 Examples of "chalk in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'chalk' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should log to console', () => {
      const helper = new MigrationUtils(
        null as any,
        loggerMock as any,

      // tslint:disable-next-line: no-string-literal

        ' '.repeat(8),
        chalk.inverse(' LOGGER '),
function renderHeader(statuses) {
  var txt = '';

  // Build Header
  for (var k in statuses) {
    var status = statuses[k];

    // Create header
    var col = centerText(k, width);

    // Set header status color
    if (status === false) {
      col = chalk.dim(col);
    } else {
      col = chalk.white(col);

    txt += col;

  return txt;
async function prepareNpmPackage({ name, dir }) {
    try {
        await Promise.all([
            asyncCopyTo(`LICENSE`, `${destination}/${name}/LICENSE`),
            asyncCopyTo(`${dir}/package.json`, `${destination}/${name}/package.json`),

            (async () => {
                if (!existsSync(`${dir}/`)) {
                    throw Error(`Missing file in "${name}" package.`);
                await asyncCopyTo(`${dir}/`, `${destination}/${name}/`);
    } catch (e) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line

    const tgzName = (await asyncExecuteCommand(`npm pack ${destination}/${name}`)).trim();
    await asyncRimRaf(`${destination}/${name}`);
    await asyncExtractTar(getTarOptions(tgzName, name));
var path = require('path');

var resolve = require('resolve');
var program = require('commander');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var semver = require('semver');

var updateNotifier = require('./update-notifier');
var pkg = require('../package.json');
var argvs = process.argv;
var command = argvs[2];

// check nodejs version
if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, pkg.engines.node)) {
  console.log('Require nodejs version ' + pkg.engines.node + ', current ' + process.version));
  console.log('Download the latest nodejs here ' +''));

// program definiation
  .usage(' [options]');

// dirs to find plugins
var moduleDirs = [
  path.join(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules'),
  path.join(__dirname, '..', '..')
program._moduleDirs = moduleDirs;

// locate the plugin
.fail(function (msg, err, yargs) {
    if (err) throw err // preserve stack'You broke it!'))
    console.error(green('You should be doing'),
debug('Git rev-parse command returned:')
  debug(`  --show-top-level: ${topLevel}`)
  debug(`  --git-common-dir: ${gitCommonDir}`)

  // Install or uninstall
  if (action === 'install') {
    install(topLevel, gitCommonDir, huskyDir, isCI)
  } else {
    uninstall(gitCommonDir, huskyDir)

  console.log(`husky > Done`)
} catch (error) {
  console.log(`husky > Failed to ${action}`))
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
            console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise ', p, ' reason: ', reason);

    // 初始化参数
    eslint.initParams({ ...globalParams });
    stylelint.initParams({ ...globalParams });

    // run
    console.log(green('\nrunning lint\n'));
    const eslintExitCode = eslint.exec();
    const stylelintExitCode = stylelint.exec();

    console.log(eslintExitCode ? red('eslint unpassed') : green('eslint passed!'), '; ', stylelintExitCode ? red('stylelint unpassed') : green('stylelint passed!'));
    writeStatusFile({ eslintExitCode, stylelintExitCode, statusResultSrcFile });
    ncp.copy(lintResultIndexFile, () => {
        console.log(green(`\nresult page has be created and url was copied, you can paste directly to browser address area to see result: ${lintResultIndexFile}\n`));
parser.parseString(data, function (err, result) {
                    if(err) {
                        reject('parsing error, failed to parse ')+ValuesFile);
                    } else {

                        // find and replace app name
                        for (var i = result.resources.string.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            if (result.resources.string[i]['$'].name === 'app_name') {
                                result.resources.string[i]._ = app_name;

                        // rebuild xml from js Object
                        let xml = builder.buildObject(result);

                        fs.writeFile(ValuesFile, xml, function (err, data) {
                            if (err) throw err;
function parserFunction(className, key, fileName) {
        if(debug) console.log('parsing: '' '+chalk.cyan(key)+' '
	    // checking if function already exists, if not also add name without class
	    if(className == 'function') {
            parserAbstractFunction(key, fileName);
            parserAbstractFunction('function.'+key, fileName);
        else if(className != 'class') {
            parserAbstractFunction(className + '.' + key, fileName, className);
        if( typeof mapping[key] == 'undefined' && !fs.existsSync(DOC_DIR + '/function.' + key + '.html') ) {
            mapping[key] = 1;
            parserAbstractFunction(key, fileName); 
async function buildHTML(state) {
  const {
    config: { paths, maxThreads },
  } = state

  time('[\u2713] HTML Exported'))

  // in case of an absolute path for DIST we must tell node to load the modules
  // from our project root
  if (!paths.DIST.startsWith(paths.ROOT)) {
    process.env.NODE_PATH = paths.NODE_MODULES

  // Single threaded export
  if (maxThreads <= 1) {
    console.log('Exporting HTML...')
    await require('./exportRoutes.sync').default(state)
  } else {
    // Multi-threaded export
    const threads = Math.min(cores, maxThreads)
    const htmlProgress = progress(routes.length)

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