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Top 10 Examples of "dotaconstants in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'dotaconstants' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

      // paginate through to max 500 games if necessary with start_at_match_id=
      const parse = urllib.parse(url, true);
      parse.query.start_at_match_id = (startId - 1); = null;
      url = urllib.format(parse);
      return getApiMatchPage(player, url, cb);

  const player = job;
  if (Number(player.account_id) === 0) {
    return cb();
  // if test or only want last 100 (no paging), set short_history
  const heroArray = job.short_history || config.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? ['0'] : Object.keys(constants.heroes);
  // use steamapi via specific player history and specific hero id (up to 500 games per hero)
  player.match_ids = {};
  return async.eachLimit(heroArray, parallelism, (heroId, cb) => {
    // make a request for every possible hero
    const container = generateJob('api_history', {
      account_id: player.account_id,
      hero_id: heroId,
      matches_requested: 100,
    getApiMatchPage(player, container.url, (err) => {
      console.log('%s matches found', Object.keys(player.match_ids).length);
  }, (err) => {
    player.fh_unavailable = Boolean(err);
    if (err) {
func: (req, res, cb) => {
          const heroes = {};
          // prefill heroes with every hero
          Object.keys(constants.heroes).forEach((heroId) => {
            const hero = {
              hero_id: heroId,
              last_played: 0,
              games: 0,
              win: 0,
              with_games: 0,
              with_win: 0,
              against_games: 0,
              against_win: 0,
            heroes[heroId] = hero;
          req.queryObj.project = req.queryObj.project.concat('heroes', 'account_id', 'start_time', 'player_slot', 'radiant_win');
          queries.getPlayerMatches(req.params.account_id, req.queryObj, (err, cache) => {
            if (err) {
              return cb(err);
function computeMatchData(pm) {
  const selfHero = constants.heroes[pm.hero_id];
  // Compute patch based on start_time
  if (pm.start_time) {
    pm.patch = utility.getPatchIndex(pm.start_time);
  if (pm.cluster) {
    pm.region = constants.cluster[pm.cluster];
  if (pm.player_slot !== undefined && pm.radiant_win !== undefined) {
    pm.isRadiant = isRadiant(pm); = Number(isRadiant(pm) === pm.radiant_win);
    pm.lose = Number(isRadiant(pm) === pm.radiant_win) ? 0 : 1;
  if (pm.duration && pm.gold_per_min) {
    pm.total_gold = Math.floor((pm.gold_per_min * pm.duration) / 60);
  if (pm.duration && pm.xp_per_min) {
const constants = require('dotaconstants');
const utility = require('./utility');

const playerWon = utility.playerWon;

// all items that cost at least 2000
const itemCost = 2000;
const dotaItems = Object.keys(constants.items).map(k => [constants.items[k], k]).filter(x => x[0].cost >= itemCost).map(x => x[1]);
const timings = [7.5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30].map(x => x * 60);
const gameDurationBucket = [15, 30, 45, 60, 90].map(x => x * 60);

const negativeWords = ['ff', 'report', 'gg', 'end', 'noob'];
const positiveWords = ['gl', 'glhf', 'hf', 'good luck', 'have fun'];

const teamScenariosQueryParams = [

function buildTeamScenario(scenario, isRadiant, match) {
  return [{
unused_item(m, pm)
      const result = [];
      if (pm.purchase)
        for (const key in pm.purchase)
          if (pm.purchase[key] && getGroupedItemUses(key) < 1 && constants.items[key] && isActiveItem(key))
                        // if item has cooldown, consider it usable
            result.push(`<img src="${constants.items[key].img}" class="item img-sm" title="${key}">`);

      function getGroupedItemUses(key)
        let total = 0;
        for (const key2 in pm.item_uses)
          if (key === key2 || constants.item_groups.some((g) =&gt; {
            return (key in g) &amp;&amp; (key2 in g);
unused_item(m, pm)
      const result = [];
      if (pm.purchase)
        for (const key in pm.purchase)
          if (pm.purchase[key] &amp;&amp; getGroupedItemUses(key) &lt; 1 &amp;&amp; constants.items[key] &amp;&amp; isActiveItem(key))
                        // if item has cooldown, consider it usable
            result.push(`<img src="${constants.items[key].img}" class="item img-sm" title="${key}">`);

      function getGroupedItemUses(key)
        let total = 0;
        for (const key2 in pm.item_uses)
          if (key === key2 || constants.item_groups.some((g) =&gt; {
            return (key in g) &amp;&amp; (key2 in g);
            total += pm.item_uses[key];
function getPatchIndex(startTime) {
  const date = new Date(startTime * 1000);
  let i;
  for (i = 1; i &lt; constants.patch.length; i += 1) {
    const pd = new Date(constants.patch[i].date);
    // stop when patch date is past the start time
    if (pd &gt; date) {
  // use the value of i before the break, started at 1 to avoid negative index
  return i - 1;
function getPatchIndex(startTime) {
  const date = new Date(startTime * 1000);
  let i;
  for (i = 1; i &lt; constants.patch.length; i += 1) {
    const pd = new Date(constants.patch[i].date);
    // stop when patch date is past the start time
    if (pd &gt; date) {
  // use the value of i before the break, started at 1 to avoid negative index
  return i - 1;
import patch from 'dotaconstants/build/patch.json';
import region from 'dotaconstants/build/region.json';
import { getPercentWin } from 'utility';
import strings from 'lang';

const patchLookup = {};
patch.forEach((patchElement, index) => {
  patchLookup[index] =;

const countTypes = {
  patch: patchLookup,
  is_radiant: {
    0: strings.general_dire,
    1: strings.general_radiant,

export default function transformCounts(data) {
  const result = {};
  Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => {
    // Translate each ID to a string
const startTime =;

              const match = {};
              match.match_id = req.params.match_id;
              match.skill = mChance.weighted([null, 1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]);
              match.radiant_win = mChance.bool();
              match.start_time = startTime.getTime() / 1000;
              match.duration = mChance.natural({ min: 15, max: 10000 });
              match.tower_status_dire = 0; // generateTowers(0, match.radiant_win);
              match.tower_status_radiant = 0; // generateTowers(1, match.radiant_win);
              match.tower_status_dire = 0;
              match.tower_status_radiant = 0;
              match.region = mChance.pickone(Object.keys(constants.region).splice(1));
              match.lobby_type = mChance.pickone(Object.keys(constants.lobby_type));
              match.leagueid = 0;
              match.game_mode = mChance.pickone(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '12', '13', '22']);
              match.picks_bans = null;
              match.parse_status = 0;
     = generateChat(mChance.natural({ max: 200 }));
              match.teamfights = [];
              match.objectives = [];
              match.version = 0;

              const times = [];
              let time = 0;
              while (time &lt; match.duration) {
                time += 60;

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