Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'draft-js' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
it('should render an image (url)', () => {
let contentState = ContentState.createFromText('');
// $FlowFixMe DraftEntityType is too restrictive in DraftJS (see https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/issues/868 )
contentState = contentState.createEntity(ENTITY_TYPES.image, ENTITY_MUTABILITY.immutable, {
mimeType: 'image/png',
src: 'my-img.png',
title: 'My image'
const entityKey = contentState.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
let editorState = EditorState.createWithContent(contentState);
editorState = AtomicBlockUtils.insertAtomicBlock(editorState, entityKey, ' ');
contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
const blocks = contentState.getBlocksAsArray();
const atomicBlock = blocks[1];
const props = {
block: atomicBlock,
contentState: contentState
const component = renderer.create(<img>);
const tree = component.toJSON();
it('should not do anything on backspace if something is selected', () => {
const initialText = 'hello';
const currentContent = ContentState.createFromText(initialText);
const selectInitialtext = SelectionState.createEmpty(
const editorState = EditorState.create({
allowUndo: true,
// Focus the entire initial word
selection: selectInitialtext.set('focusOffset', initialText.length)
expect(handleKeyCommand(editorState, 'backspace')).toEqual(undefined);
id: '1',
mimeType: 'image/png',
src: imgSrc,
title: 'My image'
const imgEntityKey = contentState.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
// $FlowFixMe DraftEntityType is too restrictive in DraftJS (see https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/issues/868 )
contentState = contentState.createEntity(ENTITY_TYPES.document, ENTITY_MUTABILITY.immutable, {
id: '2',
mimeType: 'application/pdf',
src: fileSrc,
title: 'My document'
const docEntityKey = contentState.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
let editorState = EditorState.createWithContent(contentState);
editorState = AtomicBlockUtils.insertAtomicBlock(editorState, imgEntityKey, ' ');
editorState = AtomicBlockUtils.insertAtomicBlock(editorState, docEntityKey, ' ');
return editorState;
src: imgSrc,
title: 'My image'
const imgEntityKey = contentState.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
// $FlowFixMe DraftEntityType is too restrictive in DraftJS (see https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/issues/868 )
contentState = contentState.createEntity(ENTITY_TYPES.document, ENTITY_MUTABILITY.immutable, {
id: '2',
mimeType: 'application/pdf',
src: fileSrc,
title: 'My document'
const docEntityKey = contentState.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
let editorState = EditorState.createWithContent(contentState);
editorState = AtomicBlockUtils.insertAtomicBlock(editorState, imgEntityKey, ' ');
editorState = AtomicBlockUtils.insertAtomicBlock(editorState, docEntityKey, ' ');
return editorState;
constructor(props, context) {
const document = this.props.document;
let state = {};
if (document && document.content) {
try {
state = EditorState.createWithContent(convertFromRaw(document.content));
} catch(e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn("Invalid comment content, restoring from HTML instead", document);
state = document && document.htmlBody && EditorState.createWithContent(htmlToDraft(document.htmlBody, {flat: true}))
} else if (document && document.htmlBody) {
state = EditorState.createWithContent(htmlToDraft(document.htmlBody, {flat: true}));
} else {
state = EditorState.createEmpty();
// Check whether we have a state from a previous session saved (in localstorage)
const savedState = this.getSavedState();
if (savedState) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log("Restoring saved comment state: ", savedState);
state = EditorState.createWithContent(convertFromRaw(savedState))
} catch(e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
this.state = {
// Setting cursor position after inserting to content
const s = this.state.editorState.getSelection()
const c = editorState.getCurrentContent()
const focusOffset = s.getFocusOffset()
const anchorKey = s.getAnchorKey()
let selectionState = SelectionState.createEmpty(s.getAnchorKey())
// console.log anchorKey, focusOffset
selectionState = selectionState.merge({
anchorOffset: focusOffset,
focusKey: anchorKey,
let newState = EditorState.forceSelection(newEditorState, selectionState)
return this.onChange(newState)
handleReturn (e, editorState, { setEditorState }) {
let content = editorState.getCurrentContent()
// Retrieve current block
const selection = editorState.getSelection()
const blockKey = selection.getStartKey()
let block = content.getBlockForKey(blockKey)
const blockType = block.getType()
// If it’s a list-item and it’s empty, toggle its blockType (which should
// make it 'unstyled')
if (/list-item/.test(blockType) && block.getText() === '') {
editorState = RichUtils.toggleBlockType(editorState, blockType)
content = editorState.getCurrentContent()
editorState = EditorState.forceSelection(editorState, content.getSelectionAfter())
return 'handled'
return 'not-handled'
_handleKeyCommand(command) {
// console.log("command",command);
const {editorState} = this.state;
const newState = RichUtils.handleKeyCommand(editorState, command);
if (command === 'editor-save'&&this.props.autoSave==true) {
// window.localDB//start20Text
// let Data=PRO_COMMON.localDB.getter("grab_news_data") || [];
let rawContentState = editorState.getCurrentContent()
let content = "",newText="";
const ConvertFormatProps = this.props.convertFormat;
if(ConvertFormatProps === 'html') {
content = stateToHTML(rawContentState);
newText=content.replace(/<[^>]*>|&[^;]*;/g, "");
}else if (ConvertFormatProps === 'markdown') {
content = stateToMD(rawContentState);
}else if(ConvertFormatProps === 'raw') {
const rawContent = convertToRaw(rawContentState);
content = JSON.stringify(rawContent);
refreshSelection(newEditorState) {
const { editorState } = this.state
// Setting cursor position after inserting to content
const s = this.state.editorState.getSelection()
const c = editorState.getCurrentContent()
const focusOffset = s.getFocusOffset()
const anchorKey = s.getAnchorKey()
let selectionState = SelectionState.createEmpty(s.getAnchorKey())
// console.log anchorKey, focusOffset
selectionState = selectionState.merge({
anchorOffset: focusOffset,
focusKey: anchorKey,
let newState = EditorState.forceSelection(newEditorState, selectionState)
return this.onChange(newState)
export const insertPastedState = (pastedState, editorState) => {
* Merges a state created from pasted text into editorState
const blockMap = pastedState.getCurrentContent().blockMap
// Merge blockMap from pasted text into existing content
const modifiedContent = Modifier.replaceWithFragment(
// Create a new editorState from merged content
return EditorState.push(
editorState, modifiedContent, 'insert-fragment'