Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'locutus' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
var sizes = GenomePlot.chromosomes[ d.toString() ];
// the space between adjacent chroms
var space = GenomePlot.MAX_CHROMOSOME_BASE - sizes.chromSizeLeft - sizes.chromSizeRight;
return GenomePlot.linearGenomicToPaddedPixelScaleX( sizes.chromSizeLeft + space/2 ).toFixed(GenomePlot.FLOAT_PRECISION);
} )
.attr( "y1", function( d ) { return GenomePlot.linearWindowPixelToPaddedPixelScaleY( (d === 23 ? 12 : (d-1)) * GenomePlot.pixelsPerLine ).toFixed(GenomePlot.FLOAT_PRECISION); } )
.attr( "y2", function( d ) { return GenomePlot.linearWindowPixelToPaddedPixelScaleY( (d === 23 ? 13 : (d)) * GenomePlot.pixelsPerLine ).toFixed(GenomePlot.FLOAT_PRECISION); } )
var endTime = performance.now();
if( GenomePlot.debug ) console.info( sprintf( "%-20s duration: %.4f seconds", "drawVerticalDividers():", ((endTime-startTime)/1000) ) );
} // drawVerticalDividers
.done (function () {
GenomePlot.matepairDataStartTime = performance.now();
console.info( sprintf( "%-20s Started loading Mate Pair data file: %s at %.4fms", "initData():", GenomePlot.matepairDataFile, GenomePlot.matepairDataStartTime ) );
// load pipeline file, synchronously
GenomePlot.matepairData = $.ajaxJSONSync (GenomePlot.matepairDataFile);
var endTime = performance.now();
console.info( sprintf( "%-20s Finished loading Mate Pair data file: %s at %.4fms (duration: %.4f seconds)", "initData():", GenomePlot.matepairDataFile, endTime, ( ( endTime - GenomePlot.matepairDataStartTime ) / 1000 ) ) );
// initGUI should be initialized
if( GenomePlot.matepairData === undefined || GenomePlot.matepairData === null
|| GenomePlot.gui === undefined )
// change the file paths to be relative to the directory the files were copied to
for( var record in GenomePlot.matepairData ) {
if( typeof GenomePlot.matepairData[record] !== "string" )
GenomePlot.matepairData[record] =
GenomePlot.prefixFile + "/" + GenomePlot.matepairData[record].basename();
GenomePlot.copyNumber30000DataFile = GenomePlot.matepairData["cnvBinned30KJson"];
.call( GenomePlot.axisY_R );
// fix the resulting text
.style( {
"stroke": "none",
"fill": "black",
"cursor": "pointer",
} )
.each( vCenter( GenomePlot.scale * GenomePlot.pixelsPerLine ) )
.each( hCenter( GenomePlot.margin.right - 5, 1 ) )
var endTime = performance.now();
if( GenomePlot.debug ) console.info( sprintf( "%-20s duration: %.4f seconds", "drawAxis():", ((endTime-startTime)/1000) ) );
}; // drawAxis
console.error( sprintf( "%-20s Rejected loading Cytoband file: %s with %s at %.4fms (duration: %.4f seconds)", "initData():", GenomePlot.cytoBandFile, value, endTime, ( ( endTime - GenomePlot.cytoBandDataStartTime ) / 1000 ) ) );
function( error ) {
console.error( sprintf( "%-20s Failed to load Cytoband file: %s with %s", "initData():", GenomePlot.cytoBandFile, error ) );
} )
.fail (function () {
console.error( sprintf( "%-18s Failed to find Cytoband file: %s", "initData():", GenomePlot.cytoBandFile ) );
} );
// load alterations data
GenomePlot.alterationsData = undefined;
if( GenomePlot.alterationsDataFile === undefined ) {
console.error( sprintf( "%-18s Undefined Alterations file", "initData():" ) );
else {
$.ajaxFileExists (GenomePlot.alterationsDataFile)
.done (function () {
GenomePlot.alterationsDataStartTime = performance.now();
console.info( sprintf( "%-20s Started loading Alterations file: %s at %.4fms", "initData():", GenomePlot.alterationsDataFile, GenomePlot.alterationsDataStartTime ) );
d3.text( GenomePlot.alterationsDataFile, "text/csv", function( data )
var endTime = performance.now();
console.info( sprintf( "%-20s Finished loading Alterations file: %s at %.4fms (duration: %.4f seconds)", "initData():", GenomePlot.alterationsDataFile, endTime, ( ( endTime - GenomePlot.alterationsDataStartTime ) / 1000 ) ) );
GenomePlot.alterationsData = GenomePlot.processAlterationsData(data);
for( var j = 0; j < maskedIndicesRanges.length; j++ )
GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdnsMaskedPerChrom[ chrom_id ]
.push( GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdnsPerChrom[ chrom_id ][ maskedIndicesRanges[ j ] ] );
// do the same for the end of the chrom. if the last point does not match the expected value it is masked
// add it directly to the array
if( GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdnsPerChrom[ chrom_id ][ GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdnsPerChrom[ chrom_id ].length - 1 ] !== (chromosomeEnds - chromosomeStarts) * GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.windowSize ) {
GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdnsMaskedPerChrom[ chrom_id ]
.push( GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdnsPerChrom[ chrom_id ][ GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdnsPerChrom[ chrom_id ].length - 1 ],
GenomePlot.chromosomes[ (chrom_id+1).toString() ].genomicSize ); // instead of pushing (chromosomeEnds - chromosomeStarts) * GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.windowSize push the actual chrom end since we now we are at the end of the chromosome
console.info( sprintf( "%-20s Total CNV elements to draw: %s", "initData():", frqCnt.toLocaleString() ) );
// for the garbage collector
GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.cnv = null;
GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.normalCnv = null;
GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.wdns = null;
GenomePlot.copyNumber30000Data.toLegacy.frq = null;
frqGreaterTwoPerChrom = null;
maskedIndicesArray = null;
maskedIndicesRanges = null;
}; // processCopyNumber30000Data
GenomePlot.computeChromosomeStartPositions = function ()
if( GenomePlot.graphTypeParams.graphType === "U-Shape" )
// initialize it every time the function runs; garbage collection will take care of the memory
GenomePlot.chromPixelStarts = new Array( GenomePlot.NUM_CHROMS );
GenomePlot.linesPerGraph = 13;
// height in pixels of one line holding one chromosome (or two)
GenomePlot.pixelsPerLine = GenomePlot.innerHeight / GenomePlot.linesPerGraph;
if (GenomePlot.debug) console.log (sprintf ("%-20s pixels/line: %f", "computeChromosomeStartPositions():", GenomePlot.pixelsPerLine));
// create the start pixels positions of the left chromosomes
for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++)
var chrom_id = i+1;
var cx = 0;
var cy = (i + 0.5) * GenomePlot.pixelsPerLine; // computed in the un-padded space
// x: genomic value; y: pixel value
if (chrom_id === 13)
GenomePlot.chromPixelStarts[24-2] = { x: cx, y: cy, adjust: 0 };
GenomePlot.chromPixelStarts[chrom_id-1] = { x: cx, y: cy, adjust: 0 };
module.exports = function extract (arr, type, prefix) {
// From: http://locutusjs.org/php
// + original by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me)
// % note 1: Only works by extracting into global context (whether called in the global scope or
// % note 1: within a function); also, the EXTR_REFS flag I believe can't be made to work
// * example 1: size = 'large';
// * example 1: var_array = {'color' : 'blue', 'size' : 'medium', 'shape' : 'sphere'};
// * example 1: extract(var_array, 'EXTR_PREFIX_SAME', 'wddx');
// * example 1: color+'-'+size+'-'+shape+'-'+wddx_size;
// * returns 1: 'blue-large-sphere-medium'
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) === '[object Array]' &&
(type !== 'EXTR_PREFIX_ALL' && type !== 'EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID')) {
return 0;
var targetObj = this.window;
if (this.php_js && this.php_js.ini && this.php_js.ini['locutus.extractTargetObj'] && this.php_js.ini['locutus.extractTargetObj'].local_value) { // Allow designated object to be used instead of window
targetObj = this.php_js.ini['locutus.extractTargetObj'].local_value;
var chng = 0;
for (var i in arr) {
var validIdent = /^[_a-zA-Z$][\w|$]*$/; // TODO: Refine regexp to allow JS 1.5+ Unicode identifiers
var prefixed = prefix + '_' + i;
try {
switch (type) {
case 'EXTR_PREFIX_SAME' || 2:
if (targetObj[i] !== undefined) {
if (prefixed.match(validIdent) !== null) {
targetObj[prefixed] = arr[i];
} else {
if (this.php_js && this.php_js.ini && this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'] && this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'].local_value) {
// Allow us to set a configuration to let this function set global constants
if (this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'].local_value === 'this') {
win = this;
} else if (this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'].local_value === 'thisExt') {
win = this;
thisExt = true;
} else {
win = this.window;
for (ext in constObj) {
if (thisExt) { // Allows namespacing constants (e.g,. this.pcre.PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)
for (cnst in constObj[ext]) {
if (!win[ext]) {
win[ext] = {};
// These will not be real constants!
win[ext][cnst] = constObj[ext][cnst];
} else {
if (this.php_js && this.php_js.ini && this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'] && this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'].local_value) {
// Allow us to set a configuration to let this function set global constants
if (this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'].local_value === 'this') {
win = this;
} else if (this.php_js.ini['locutus.get_defined_constants.setConstants'].local_value === 'thisExt') {
win = this;
thisExt = true;
} else {
win = this.window;
for (ext in constObj) {
if (thisExt) { // Allows namespacing constants (e.g,. this.pcre.PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)
for (cnst in constObj[ext]) {
if (!win[ext]) {
win[ext] = {};
~i ? Array[i] : Array[Stack.push(that) - 1] = {}
.that = that
return this.method(that)
method: function (that) {
return Array[Stack.indexOf(that)]
return Relator()
if (p && p.ini && p.ini['locutus.return_locutus_arrays'].local_value.toLowerCase() === 'on') {
if (!p.LOCUTUS_Array) {
// We keep this Relator outside the class in case adding prototype methods below
// Prototype methods added elsewhere can also use this ArrayRelator to share these "pseudo-global mostly-private" variables
__ = p.ArrayRelator = p.ArrayRelator || p.Relator.$()
// We could instead allow arguments of {key:XX, value:YY} but even more cumbersome to write
p.LOCUTUS_Array = function LOCUTUS_Array () {
var _ = __.constructor(this),
args = arguments,
i = 0,
argl, p
args = (args.length === 1 && args[0] && typeof args[0] === 'object' &&
// If first and only arg is an array, use that (Don't depend on this)
args[0].length && !args[0].propertyIsEnumerable('length')) ? args[0] : args
if (!_.objectChain) {
_.objectChain = args
_.object = {}