Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-dnd-html5-backend' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// @flow
import { getEmptyImage, NativeTypes } from "react-dnd-html5-backend";
(getEmptyImage(): Image);
// $ExpectError
(getEmptyImage(): number);
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.FILE;
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.URL;
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.TEXT;
// $ExpectError
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.NOPE;
// $ExpectError
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = "FILE";
// @flow
import { getEmptyImage, NativeTypes } from "react-dnd-html5-backend";
(getEmptyImage(): Image);
// $ExpectError
(getEmptyImage(): number);
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.FILE;
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.URL;
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.TEXT;
// $ExpectError
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = NativeTypes.NOPE;
// $ExpectError
var a: $npm$reactDnd$NativeTypes = "FILE";
componentDidMount() {
// Use empty image as a drag preview so browsers don't draw it
// and we can draw whatever we want on the custom drag layer instead.
this.props.connectDragPreview(getEmptyImage(), {
// IE fallback: specify that we'd rather screenshot the node
// when it already knows it's being dragged so we can hide it with CSS.
// Removginv the fallabck makes it handle variable height elements
// captureDraggingState: true,
componentDidMount() {
// Use empty image as a drag preview so browsers don't draw it
// and we can draw whatever we want on the custom drag layer instead.
this.props.connectDragPreview(getEmptyImage(), {
// IE fallback: specify that we'd rather screenshot the node
// when it already knows it's being dragged so we can hide it with CSS.
captureDraggingState: true,
this.handleRowSelection = this.handleRowSelection.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
// use empty image as a drag preview so browsers don't draw it
// and we can draw whatever we want on the custom drag layer instead.
this.props.connectDragPreview(getEmptyImage(), {
// IE fallback: specify that we'd rather screenshot the node
// when it already knows it's being dragged so we can hide it with CSS.
captureDraggingState: true
componentDidMount() {
// Replace the native drag preview with an empty image.
this.props.connectDragPreview(getEmptyImage(), {
captureDraggingState: true,
componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.selected) {
if (
this.el &&
typeof this.el.focus === 'function' &&
) {
const { connectDragPreview } = this.props;
if (connectDragPreview) {
// Use empty image as a drag preview so browsers don't draw it
// and we can draw whatever we want on the custom drag layer instead.
connectDragPreview(getEmptyImage(), {
// IE fallback: specify that we'd rather screenshot the node
// when it already knows it's being dragged so we can hide it with CSS.
captureDraggingState: true,
export function connectDnD(
Comp: React.ComponentType
) {
return DropTarget<
index: number
moveRow: (from: number, to: number) => void
insert: (index: number, data: DocumentState) => void
plugins: Record
['row', NativeTypes.FILE, NativeTypes.URL],
hover(props, monitor, component) {
if (!component) {
return null
const node = component.getNode()
if (!node) {
return null
// set the boundingRect for later use (see isDraggingAbove)
monitor.getItem().boundingRect = node.getBoundingClientRect()
if (monitor.getItemType() === 'row') {
const dragIndex = monitor.getItem().index
const hoverIndex = props.index
if (dragIndex === hoverIndex) {
}) {
const container = React.useRef(null)
const dispatch = useScopedDispatch()
const store = useScopedStore()
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, no-unused-vars
const [collectedDragProps, drag, dragPreview] = useDrag({
item: { id: row.id, index, type: 'row' },
collect(monitor) {
return {
isDragging: !!monitor.isDragging()
const drop = useDrop({
accept: ['row', NativeTypes.FILE, NativeTypes.URL],
hover(item: RowDragObject, monitor) {
if (!container.current) return
monitor.getItem().boundingRect = container.current.getBoundingClientRect()
if (item.type !== 'row') return
const dragIndex = item.index
const hoverIndex = index
// Don't replace items with themselves
if (dragIndex === hoverIndex) return
const draggingAbove = isDraggingAbove(monitor)
if (dragIndex < hoverIndex && draggingAbove) return
if (dragIndex > hoverIndex && !draggingAbove) return
moveRow(dragIndex, hoverIndex)
// Note: we're mutating the monitor item here!
drop(item: RowDragObject, monitor) {
const type = monitor.getItemType()
if (type !== NativeTypes.FILE && type !== NativeTypes.URL) return
// handled in nested drop zone
if (monitor.didDrop()) return
const dropIndex = index
let transfer: DataTransfer
if (type === NativeTypes.FILE) {
const files: File[] = monitor.getItem().files
transfer = createFakeDataTransfer(files)
} else {
// NativeTypes.URL
const urls: string[] = monitor.getItem().urls
transfer = createFakeDataTransfer([], urls[0])
for (const key in plugins) {
const { onPaste } = plugins[key]