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Top 10 Examples of "diff in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'diff' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const compare = (actual, expected = '{}') => {
  const delta = diff.diffJson(actual, expected)
  if (
    delta.length === 1 &&
    typeof delta[0].removed === 'undefined' &&
    typeof delta[0].added === 'undefined'
  ) {
    return true

  /* eslint-disable no-console */
  console.log('\x1b[42m' +
    (new Array(6)).join('-------------\n') + '\x1b[0m')
  delta.forEach(part => {
    let color = 'grey'
    if (part.added) {
      color = 'green'
const logDifference = (one, other) => {
  const diff = jsdiff.diffJson(one, other);

  diff.forEach((part) => {
    // green for additions, red for deletions
    // grey for common parts
    let color;
    if (part.added) {
      color = 'green';
    } else if (part.removed) {
      color = 'red';
    } else {
      color = 'grey';

function coloredDiffLog(one,other) {

  var diff = jsdiff.diffWords(one, other);

  diff.forEach(function (part) {
    // green for additions, red for deletions
    // grey for common parts
    var color = part.added ? 'green' :
      part.removed ? 'red' : 'grey';
function myDiff(oldCode: string, newCode: string) {
  const changes = diffLines(oldCode || "", newCode);

  let oldIndex = -1;
  return{ value, count, removed, added }) => {
    const lines = value.split(newlineRe);
    // check if last line is empty, if it is, remove it
    const lastLine = lines.pop();
    if (lastLine) {
    const result = {
function _eval (service: Register, state: EvalState, input: string) {
  const lines = state.lines
  const isCompletion = !/\n$/.test(input)
  const undo = appendEval(state, input)
  let output: string

  try {
    output = service.compile(state.input, state.path, -lines)
  } catch (err) {
    throw err

  // Use `diff` to check for new JavaScript to execute.
  const changes = diffLines(state.output, output)

  if (isCompletion) {
  } else {
    state.output = output

  return changes.reduce((result, change) => {
    return change.added ? exec(change.value, state.path) : result
  }, undefined)
function _computeDiffChunks(oldText, newText, isWhitespaceIgnored) {
  var JsDiff = require('diff');

  // If the last line has changes, JsDiff doesn't return that.
  // Generally, content with new line ending are easier to calculate offsets for.
  if (oldText[oldText.length - 1] !== '\n' || newText[newText.length - 1] !== '\n') {
    oldText += '\n';
    newText += '\n';

  var lineDiff;
  if (isWhitespaceIgnored == 'true') {
    lineDiff = JsDiff.diffTrimmedLines(oldText, newText);
  } else {
    lineDiff = JsDiff.diffLines(oldText, newText);

  var chunks = [];
  var nextOffset = 0;
  var offset = 0;

  lineDiff.forEach( function(part) {
    var added = part.added,
      removed = part.removed,
      value = part.value;
    var count = part.count;//value.split('\n').length - 1;
    if (!added && !removed) {
      offset = nextOffset;
      nextOffset = 0;
    } else if (added) {
      nextOffset += count;
var actual = err.actual,
        expected = err.expected;

    var lines, msg = '';

    if (err.actual && err.expected) {
      // make sure actual and expected are strings
      if (!(typeof actual === 'string' || actual instanceof String)) {
        actual = JSON.stringify(err.actual);

      if (!(typeof expected === 'string' || expected instanceof String)) {
        expected = JSON.stringify(err.expected);

      var diffstr = diff.createPatch('string', actual, expected);
      lines = diffstr.split('\n').splice(4);
      msg +='\n');

    if (options.junit_report_stack && err.stack) {
      if (msg) msg += '\n';
      lines = err.stack.split('\n').slice(1);
      msg +='\n');

    return msg;
var differ = through(function(ch) {
    if (ch[0] === ch[1]) linesMatched++
    if (lines < cutoff) {
      var diff = jsDiff.diffChars(ch[1], ch[0])
        var color = 'green'
        if (part.added) color = 'brightRedBg white'
        if (part.removed) color = 'brightRedBg white'
        // var color = 'grey'
        // if (part.added) color = 'green'
        // if (part.removed) color = 'red'
        process.stdout.write(styled(color, part.value))

  }, function() {
DocsComparer.prototype.compareDomSubset = function (sourceDom, targetDom, subset, relativePath, options) {
        var sourceHtml = sourceDom(subset).html();
        var targetHtml = targetDom(subset).html();
        var diff;
        var changed = false;

        diff = jsdiff.diffChars(sourceHtml, targetHtml);
        diff.forEach(function (part) {
            changed = part.added || part.removed;
        if (changed) {
            console.error("Subset of DOM '" + subset + "' for path " + relativePath + ' is different.');
            if (options.verbose > 0) {
                diff.forEach(function (part) {
                    // green for additions, red for deletions
                    // grey for common parts
                    var color = part.added ? 'green' : (part.removed ? 'red' : 'grey');

export function diffJson(a: Object, b: Object, context: number = 3): string[] {
  // Number of lines to show above/below changes in diffs.
  const chunks = diff(a, b);
  return, i) => {
    const isFirstChunk = i == 0;
    const isLastChunk = i == chunks.length - 1;

    // Remove empty lines.
    let lines = chunk.value.split("\n").filter(part => part !== "");

    if (!chunk.added && !chunk.removed) {
      // Truncate beginning of first chunk if larger than context.
      // The opening brace "{" does not count as context, hence +1.
      if (isFirstChunk && lines.length > context + 1) {
        lines = ["..."].concat(lines.slice(-context));
        // Truncate end of last chunk if larger than context.
        // The closing brace "}" does not count as context, hence +1.
      } else if (isLastChunk && lines.length > context + 1) {
        lines = lines.slice(0, context).concat(["..."]);

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