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Top 10 Examples of "ripple-address-codec in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ripple-address-codec' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

adjusted: (/true/i).test(req.query.adjusted) ? true : false,
    descending: (/true/i).test(req.query.descending) ? true : false,
    limit: req.query.limit || 200,
    marker: req.query.marker,
    format: (req.query.format || 'json').toLowerCase()

  var currency = req.params.currency;

  if (currency) {
    currency = currency.split(/[\+|\.]/);  // any of +, |, or .
    options.currency = currency[0].toUpperCase();
    options.issuer = currency[1];

  if (!validator.isValidAddress(options.issuer)) {
    errorResponse({error: 'invalid issuer address', code: 400});

  } else if (!options.start) {
    errorResponse({error: 'invalid start date format', code: 400});

  } else if (!options.end) {
    errorResponse({error: 'invalid end date format', code: 400});

  } else if (options.interval &&
             intervals.indexOf(options.interval) === -1) {
      error: 'invalid interval - use: '+intervals.join(', '),
      code: 400
}).then(response => {
  console.log("Final transaction result:", response)

  // Re-calculate checkID to work around issue ripple-lib#876
  const checkIDhasher = createHash('sha512')
  checkIDhasher.update(Buffer.from('0043', 'hex'))
  checkIDhasher.update(new Buffer(decodeAddress(response.address)))
  const seqBuf = Buffer.alloc(4)
  seqBuf.writeUInt32BE(response.sequence, 0)
  const checkID = checkIDhasher.digest('hex').slice(0,64).toUpperCase()
  console.log("Calculated checkID:", checkID)

// Disconnect and return
}).then(() => {
  api.disconnect().then(() => {

  const accounts = [ ];

  // This code should match the behavior of the C++ method:
  // TransactionMetaSet::getAffectedAccounts
  for (let i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
    const node = this.nodes[i];
    const fields = (node.nodeType === 'CreatedNode')
    ? node.fieldsNew
    : node.fieldsFinal;

    for (const fieldName in fields) {
      const field = fields[fieldName];

      if (this.isAccountField(fieldName) && isValidAddress(field)) {
      } else if (
          Meta.AMOUNT_FIELDS_AFFECTING_ISSUER.indexOf(fieldName) !== -1) {
        const amount = Amount.from_json(field);
        const issuer = amount.issuer();
        if (isValidAddress(issuer) && issuer !== ACCOUNT_ZERO) {

  this._affectedAccounts = utils.arrayUnique(accounts);

  return this._affectedAccounts;
Composer.privateChat(ctx => {
                const message = ctx.update.message.text;
                if (!address_codec.isValidAddress(message)) {
                    return ctx.replyWithHTML('⚠️ Please enter a correct XRP address.', CANCEL_MENU);

                if (message === process.env.WALLET_ADDRESS) {
                    return ctx.replyWithHTML(
                        '⚠️ This address cannot be used, please enter another address.',

                // set withdraw address
                ctx.scene.session.state.address = message;

                return ctx.wizard.steps[ctx.wizard.cursor](ctx);
ledger_hash: req.query.ledger_hash,
    closeTime: req.query.close_time ||,
    account: req.params.address,
    format: (req.query.format || 'json').toLowerCase(),
    limit: req.query.limit || 200,
    ip: req.headers['fastly-client-ip'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || 'not_provided'

  if (!options.account) {
      error: 'account is required.',
      code: 400

  } else if (!rippleAddress.isValidAddress(options.account)) {
      error: 'invalid ripple address',
      code: 400

  if (options.ledger_index) {
    options.ledger_index = Number(options.ledger_index);

  // validate and fomat close time
  if (options.closeTime) {
    options.closeTime = smoment(options.closeTime);
    if (options.closeTime) {
      options.closeTime = options.closeTime.format();
export function ensureClassicAddress(account: string): string {
  if (isValidXAddress(account)) {
    const {classicAddress, tag} = xAddressToClassicAddress(account)

    // Except for special cases, X-addresses used for requests
    // must not have an embedded tag. In other words,
    // `tag` should be `false`.
    if (tag !== false) {
      throw new Error(
        'This command does not support the use of a tag. Use an address without a tag.'

    // For rippled requests that use an account, always use a classic address.
    return classicAddress
  } else {
    return account
export function ensureClassicAddress(account: string): string {
  if (isValidXAddress(account)) {
    const {classicAddress, tag} = xAddressToClassicAddress(account)

    // Except for special cases, X-addresses used for requests
    // must not have an embedded tag. In other words,
    // `tag` should be `false`.
    if (tag !== false) {
      throw new Error(
        'This command does not support the use of a tag. Use an address without a tag.'

    // For rippled requests that use an account, always use a classic address.
    return classicAddress
  } else {
    return account
public getAddressDetails(address: string): Address {
    const destinationDetails = url.parse(address);
    const destinationAddress = destinationDetails.pathname;
    if (!destinationAddress || !rippleAddressCodec.isValidClassicAddress(destinationAddress)) {
      throw new InvalidAddressError(`destination address "${destinationAddress}" is not valid`);
    // there are no other properties like destination tags
    if (destinationDetails.pathname === address) {
      return {
        address: address,
        destinationTag: undefined,

    if (!destinationDetails.query) {
      throw new InvalidAddressError('no query params present');

    const queryDetails = querystring.parse(destinationDetails.query);
    if (!queryDetails.dt) {
function verifySignature(manifest) {
    const sfSequence = '$'
    const sfPublicKey = 'q'
    const sfSigningPubKey = 's'

    // Form manifest
    var sequence_buf = new Buffer(4)
    const sequence_bytes = sequence_buf.toJSON().data

    var master_public_bytes = addressCodec.decodeNodePublic(manifest.master_public_key)
    const signature = manifest.master_signature ? manifest.master_signature : manifest.signature
    const signature_bytes = new Buffer(signature, 'hex').toJSON().data

    var manifest_data = new Buffer('MAN\0').toJSON().data
    manifest_data = manifest_data.concat(new Buffer(sfSequence).toJSON().data,
                               new Buffer(sfPublicKey).toJSON().data,

    if (manifest.ephemeral_public_key) {
      const ephemeral_public_bytes = addressCodec.decodeNodePublic(manifest.ephemeral_public_key)
      manifest_data = manifest_data.concat(
        new Buffer(sfSigningPubKey).toJSON().data,
Transaction.prototype.addMultiSigner = function(signer) {
  assert(isValidAddress(signer.Account), 'Signer must have a valid Account');

  if (_.isUndefined(this.tx_json.Signers)) {
    this.tx_json.Signers = [];

  this.tx_json.Signers.push({Signer: signer});

  this.tx_json.Signers.sort((a, b) => {
    return (new Buffer(decodeAddress(a.Signer.Account))).compare(
      new Buffer(decodeAddress(b.Signer.Account)));

  return this;

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