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Top 8 Examples of "binance-api-node in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'binance-api-node' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.


const app = express()
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send(""))
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8003, () => console.log('NBT auto trader running.'.grey))


let trading_pairs = {}
let buy_prices = {}
let user_payload = []


const binance_client = binance({
    apiKey: 'replace_with_your_Binance_apiKey',
    apiSecret: 'replace_with_your_Binance_apiSecret',

const nbt_vers = "0.2.0"
// Retrieve previous open trades //
axios.get('' + bva_key )
.then( (response) => { s => {
        trading_pairs[s.pair+s.stratid] = true
        buy_prices[s.pair+s.stratid] = new BigNumber(s.buy_price)
    console.log("Open Trades:", _.values(trading_pairs).length)
.catch( (e) => {
"use strict"

const util = require("../../utils")
const Emitter = require("../../emitter/emitter")

// Binance things
const exchange_name = "binance"
const default_interval = 60

const Binance = require("binance-api-node").default
const client = new Binance()
// Binance things

const open_socket = async (symbol, interval = default_interval) => {
  interval = util.interval_toString(interval)

  let socket_candle = await, interval, (candle) => {
    Emitter.emit("CandleUpdate", exchange_name, interval, candle)

    if (candle.isFinal == true) {
      Emitter.emit("CandleUpdateFinal", exchange_name, interval, candle)

  let socket_trades = await, (trade) => {
    trade = {
      time: trade.eventTime,
let stop_price = 0.00
let loss_price = 0.00
let sell_price = 0.00
let buy_amount = 0.00
let stepSize = 0
let tickSize = 8
let tot_cancel = 0
let pair = ""
let buying_method = ""
let selling_method = ""
let init_buy_filled = false


// Binance API initialization //
const client = binance({apiKey: APIKEY, apiSecret: APISECRET, useServerTime: true})

const conf = new Configstore('nbt')
let base_currency = conf.get('nbt.base_currency')?conf.get('nbt.base_currency'):"USDT"
let budget = conf.get('nbt.budget')?parseFloat(conf.get('nbt.budget')):1.00
let fixed_buy_price = conf.get('nbt.fixed_buy_price')?parseFloat(conf.get('nbt.fixed_buy_price')):0.00
let currency_to_buy = conf.get('nbt.currency_to_buy')?conf.get('nbt.currency_to_buy'):"BTC"
let profit_pourcent = conf.get('nbt.profit_pourcent')?conf.get('nbt.profit_pourcent'):0.80
let loss_pourcent = conf.get('nbt.loss_pourcent')?conf.get('nbt.loss_pourcent'):0.40
let trailing_pourcent = conf.get('nbt.trailing_pourcent')?conf.get('nbt.trailing_pourcent'):0.40


console.log(chalk.yellow(figlet.textSync('_N_B_T_', { horizontalLayout: 'fitted' })))
console.log(' ')
console.log(" 🐬 ".padEnd(10) + '                   ' + " 🐬 ".padStart(11))
console.log(" 🐬 ".padEnd(10) + chalk.bold.underline.cyan('Node Binance Trader') + " 🐬 ".padStart(11))
import 'dotenv/config';
import Binance from 'binance-api-node';

/* Authenticated client, can make signed calls */
export const client = Binance({
  apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
  apiSecret: process.env.API_SECRET,

/* Public REST Endpoints */

// Get the current exchange trading rules and symbol information.
export const exchangeInfo = client.exchangeInfo();
// Get the order book for a symbol.
export const book = (symbol, limit = 5) => client
  .book({ symbol, limit })
  .then(res => res)
  .catch(error => error);
// Retrieves Candlestick for a symbol. Candlesticks are uniquely identified by their open time.
export const candles = (symbol, interval = '1h', limit = 500) => client
  .candles({ symbol, interval, limit })
console.log("Connecting to the Postgresql db...")
    pg_client = new Client({
        ssl: pg_connectionSSL,
        connectionString: pg_connectionString,

const server = express()
    .use((req, res) => res.sendFile(INDEX) )
    .listen(PORT, () => console.log(`NBT server running on port ${ PORT }`))


const binance_client = binance()


async function run() {
    //pairs = await get_pairs()
    //pairs = pairs.slice(0, tracked_max)
    console.log(" ")
    console.log("Total pairs: " + pairs.length)
    console.log(" ")
    console.log(" ")
    await sleep(wait_time)
    await trackData()
startListening() {
        const client = binance_api_node_1.default();['BTCUSDT'], trade => this.onPriceUpdate('BTCUSDT', Number(trade.price)));
constructor({key, secret}) {
    this.binance = Api({
      apiKey: key,
      apiSecret: secret

throw result.error;

  const { pair, cancelPrice, nonBnbFees } = options;

  let {
  } = options;

  const binance = Binance({
    apiKey: process.env.APIKEY || "",
    apiSecret: process.env.APISECRET || ""

  let isCancelling = false;

  const cancelOrderAsync = async (
    symbol: string,
    orderId: number
  ): Promise => {
    if (!isCancelling) {
      isCancelling = true;
      try {
        const response = await binance.cancelOrder({ symbol, orderId });

        debug("Cancel response: %o", response);

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