Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'character-parser' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
attributeValue: function(str){
var quoteRe = /['"]/;
var val = '';
var done, i, x;
var escapeAttr = true;
var state = characterParser.defaultState();
var col = this.colno;
var line = this.lineno;
// consume all whitespace before the equals sign
for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
if(!this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i])) break;
if(str[i] === '\n'){
col = 1;
} else {
if(i === str.length){
return { remainingSource: str };
col = this.colno;
// start looping through the value
for (; i < str.length; i++) {
// if the character is in a string or in parentheses/brackets/braces
if (!(state.isNesting() || state.isString())){
if (this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i])) {
done = false;
// find the first non-whitespace character
for (x = i; x < str.length; x++) {
if (!this.whitespaceRe.test(str[x])) {
// if it is a JavaScript punctuator, then assume that it is
// a part of the value
if((!characterParser.isPunctuator(str[x]) || quoteRe.test(str[x]) || str[x] === ':') && this.assertExpression(val, true)){
done = true;
// if everything else is whitespace, return now so last attribute
// does not include trailing whitespace
if(done || x === str.length){
// if there's no whitespace and the character is not ',', the
// attribute did not end.
if(str[i] === ',' && this.assertExpression(val, true)){
buffer: function (str, interpolate) {
var self = this;
if (interpolate) {
var match = /(\\)?([#!]){((?:.|\n)*)$/.exec(str);
if (match) {
this.buffer(str.substr(0, match.index), false);
if (match[1]) { // escape
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false);
this.buffer(match[3], true);
} else {
try {
var rest = match[3];
var range = parseJSExpression(rest);
var code = ('!' == match[2] ? '' : 'jade.escape') + "((jade.interp = " + range.src + ") == null ? '' : jade.interp)";
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
//didn't match, just as if escaped
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false);
this.buffer(match[3], true);
this.buffer(rest.substr(range.end + 1), true);
str = JSON.stringify(str);
if (match) {
if (match[1]) { // escape
var text = new nodes.Text(str.substr(0, match.index) + '#[');
text.line = line;
var rest = this.parseInlineTagsInText(match[2]);
if (rest[0].type === 'Text') {
text.val += rest[0].val;
return [text].concat(rest);
} else {
var text = new nodes.Text(str.substr(0, match.index));
text.line = line;
var buffer = [text];
var rest = match[2];
var range = parseJSExpression(rest);
var inner = new Parser(range.src, this.filename, this.options);
return buffer.concat(this.parseInlineTagsInText(rest.substr(range.end + 1)));
} else {
var text = new nodes.Text(str);
text.line = line;
return [text];
buffer: function (str, interpolate) {
var self = this;
if (interpolate) {
var match = /(\\)?([#!]){((?:.|\n)*)$/.exec(str);
if (match) {
this.buffer(str.substr(0, match.index), false);
if (match[1]) { // escape
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false);
this.buffer(match[3], true);
} else {
try {
var rest = match[3];
var range = parseJSExpression(rest);
var code = ('!' == match[2] ? '' : 'jade.escape') + "((jade.interp = " + range.src + ") == null ? '' : jade.interp)";
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
//didn't match, just as if escaped
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false);
this.buffer(match[3], true);
this.buffer(rest.substr(range.end + 1), true);
str = JSON.stringify(str);
buffer: function (str, interpolate) {
var self = this;
if (interpolate) {
var match = /(\\)?([#!]){((?:.|\n)*)$/.exec(str);
if (match) {
this.buffer(str.substr(0, match.index), false);
if (match[1]) { // escape
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false);
this.buffer(match[3], true);
} else {
try {
var rest = match[3];
var range = parseJSExpression(rest);
var code = ('!' == match[2] ? '' : 'jade.escape') + "((jade.interp = " + range.src + ") == null ? '' : jade.interp)";
} catch (ex) {
throw ex;
//didn't match, just as if escaped
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false);
this.buffer(match[3], true);
this.buffer(rest.substr(range.end + 1), true);
str = JSON.stringify(str);
// if everything else is whitespace, return now so last attribute
// does not include trailing whitespace
if(done || x === str.length){
// if there's no whitespace and the character is not ',', the
// attribute did not end.
if(str[i] === ',' && this.assertExpression(val, true)){
state = characterParser.parseChar(str[i], state);
val += str[i];
if (str[i] === '\n') {
col = 1;
} else {
this.lineno = line;
this.colno = col;
return { val: val, mustEscape: escapeAttr, remainingSource: str.substr(i) };
// if everything else is whitespace, return now so last attribute
// does not include trailing whitespace
if(done || x === str.length){
// if there's no whitespace and the character is not ',', the
// attribute did not end.
if(str[i] === ',' && this.assertExpression(val, true)){
state = characterParser.parseChar(str[i], state);
val += str[i];
if (str[i] === '\n') {
col = 1;
} else {
this.lineno = line;
this.colno = col;
return { val: val, mustEscape: escapeAttr, remainingSource: str.substr(i) };
bracketExpression: function(skip){
skip = skip || 0;
var start = this.input[skip];
assert(start === '(' || start === '{' || start === '[',
'The start character should be "(", "{" or "["');
var end = characterParser.BRACKETS[start];
var range;
try {
range = characterParser.parseUntil(this.input, end, {start: skip + 1});
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.index !== undefined) {
var idx = ex.index;
// starting from this.input[skip]
var tmp = this.input.substr(skip).indexOf('\n');
// starting from this.input[0]
var nextNewline = tmp + skip;
var ptr = 0;
while (idx > nextNewline && tmp !== -1) {
idx -= nextNewline + 1;
ptr += nextNewline + 1;
tmp = nextNewline = this.input.substr(ptr).indexOf('\n');
bracketExpression: function(skip){
skip = skip || 0;
var start = this.input[skip];
assert(start === '(' || start === '{' || start === '[',
'The start character should be "(", "{" or "["');
var end = characterParser.BRACKETS[start];
var range;
try {
range = characterParser.parseUntil(this.input, end, {start: skip + 1});
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.index !== undefined) {
var idx = ex.index;
// starting from this.input[skip]
var tmp = this.input.substr(skip).indexOf('\n');
// starting from this.input[0]
var nextNewline = tmp + skip;
var ptr = 0;
while (idx > nextNewline && tmp !== -1) {
idx -= nextNewline + 1;
ptr += nextNewline + 1;
tmp = nextNewline = this.input.substr(ptr).indexOf('\n');