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Top 10 Examples of "oauth in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'oauth' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

var authorizationURL = spSiteUrl + SP_AUTH_PREFIX;
  var appRedirectURL = spSiteUrl + SP_REDIRECT_PREFIX;
  // check if there is a app token present
  if (spAppToken && spSiteUrl) {
    var token = eval(jwt.decode(spAppToken, '', true));
    var splitApptxSender = token.appctxsender.split("@");
    var sharepointServer = url.parse(spSiteUrl)
    var resource = splitApptxSender[0]+"/""@"+splitApptxSender[1];
    var spappId = this._appId+"@"+splitApptxSender[1];
    var appctx = JSON.parse(token.appctx);
    var tokenServiceUri = url.parse(appctx.SecurityTokenServiceUri);
    var tokenURL = tokenServiceUri.protocol+'//''/'+splitApptxSender[1]+tokenServiceUri.path;

    this._oauth2 = new OAuth2(spappId,  this._appSecret, '', authorizationURL, tokenURL);
        {grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: token.refreshtoken, resource: resource},
        function (err, accessToken, refreshToken, params) {
            if (err) { return self.error(new InternalOAuthError('failed to obtain access token', err)); }
            if (!refreshToken)
              refreshToken = spAppToken;
            self._loadUserProfile(accessToken, spSiteUrl, function(err, profile) {
              if (err) { return self.error(err); };
              function verified(err, user, info) {
                if (err) { return self.error(err); }
                if (!user) { return; }
                self.success(user, info);
exports.getMentions = function(req, res, callback){
  callback = callback || analyzeTweets;
    function (e, data, res){
      if (e) return console.error(e);
      // res.send(200,'tweets obtained!')
exports.setConfig = function(cfg){
  config = cfg;
  oauth = new OAuth.OAuth(
  // This is important - Xero will redirect to this URL after successful authentication
  // and provide the request token as query parameters
  oauth._authorize_callback = config.xeroCallbackUrl;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let oa = new oauth(this.options.oauth_request_url, this.options.oauth_access_url, this.options.key, this.options.secret, this.options.oauth_version, this.options.callback, this.options.oauth_encryption);
        oa.getOAuthRequestToken((error, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret, results) => {
          if (error) {
            return reject(`Error getting OAuth request token : ${JSON.stringify(error)}`, 500);
          } else {
            // assemble goodreads URL
            let url = `${oauthToken}&oauth_callback=${oa._authorize_callback}`;
            return resolve({oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret, url});
apiBase.prototype.authRequest = function apiBaseAuthRequest(callback)
  // cheatsheet: requestUrl, accessUrl, consumerKey, consumerSecret, version, authorize_callback, signatureMethod
  this.OA = new oauth
    this.OAuth.version || Defaults.version,
    this.OAuth.signature || Defaults.signature

  // change header separator to make 500px work with it.
  this.OA._oauthParameterSeperator = ', ';

  // request token
this.provider.applicationByConsumerKey(requestParameters['oauth_consumer_key'], function(err, user) {
    if(err) {
      callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError('Invalid Consumer Key'), null);        
    } else {       
      if(user.consumer_key == null || user.secret == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: applicationByConsumerKey must return a object with fields [consumer_key, secret]")); return;}
      // Ensure we don't have any hanging consumer keys
      self.provider.cleanRequestTokens(requestParameters['oauth_consumer_key'], function(err, result) {
        // If we have a user for this consumer key let's calculate the signature
        var calculatedSignature = self.calculateSignature(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, user.token, user.secret);
        // Check if the signature is correct and return a request token
        if(calculatedSignature == requestParameters.oauth_signature || self.calculateSignatureGoogleWay(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, user.token, user.secret) == requestParameters.oauth_signature) {
          self.provider.generateRequestToken(requestParameters.oauth_consumer_key, requestParameters.oauth_callback, function(err, result) {
            if(err) {
              callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("internal error"), null);
            } else {
              if(result.token == null || result.token_secret == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: generateRequestToken must return a object with fields [token, token_secret]"), null); return;}
              result['oauth_callback_confirmed'] = true;
              callback(null, result);                
this.provider.fetchAuthorizationInformation(username, token, function(err, application, user) {
    if(application.title == null || application.description == null || user.token == null || user.username == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: applicationByConsumerKey must return a application object with fields [title, description] and a user object with fields [username, token]"), null); return;}
    // Return the value to calling plugin
    callback(err, application, user);
this.provider.applicationByConsumerKey(requestParameters['oauth_consumer_key'], function(err, user) {
    if(err) {
      callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError('Invalid Consumer Key'), null);        
    } else {       
      if(user.consumer_key == null || user.secret == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: applicationByConsumerKey must return a object with fields [consumer_key, secret]")); return;}
      // Ensure we don't have any hanging consumer keys
      self.provider.cleanRequestTokens(requestParameters['oauth_consumer_key'], function(err, result) {
        // If we have a user for this consumer key let's calculate the signature
        var calculatedSignature = self.calculateSignature(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, user.token, user.secret);
        // Check if the signature is correct and return a request token
        if(calculatedSignature == requestParameters.oauth_signature || self.calculateSignatureGoogleWay(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, user.token, user.secret) == requestParameters.oauth_signature) {
          self.provider.generateRequestToken(requestParameters.oauth_consumer_key, requestParameters.oauth_callback, function(err, result) {
            if(err) {
              callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("internal error"), null);
            } else {
              if(result.token == null || result.token_secret == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: generateRequestToken must return a object with fields [token, token_secret]"), null); return;}
              result['oauth_callback_confirmed'] = true;
              callback(null, result);                
        } else {
self.provider.validToken(requestParameters.oauth_token, function(err, token) {
    if(err) {
      callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError('Invalid / expired Token'), null);        
    } else {                
      if(token.access_token == null || token.token_secret == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: validToken must return a object with fields [access_token, token_secret]"), null); return;}
      self.provider.validateNotReplay(requestParameters.oauth_token, requestParameters.oauth_timestamp, requestParameters.oauth_nonce, function(err, result) {
        if(err) {
          callback(new errors.OAuthUnauthorizedError('Invalid / used nonce'), null);
        } else {
          self.provider.applicationByConsumerKey(token.consumer_key, function(err, user) {
            if(user.consumer_key == null || user.secret == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: applicationByConsumerKey must return a object with fields [token, secret]"), null); return;}
            // If we have a user for this consumer key let's calculate the signature
            var calculatedSignature = self.calculateSignature(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, token.token_secret, user.secret);            
            // Check if the signature is correct and return a access token
            if(calculatedSignature == requestParameters.oauth_signature || self.calculateSignatureGoogleWay(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, token.token_secret, user.secret) == requestParameters.oauth_signature) {
              // Fetch the user id to pass back
              self.provider.userIdByToken(requestParameters.oauth_token, function(err, doc) {
                if( == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: userIdByToken must return a object with fields [id]"), null); return;}
                // Return the user id to the calling function
self.provider.applicationByConsumerKey(token.consumer_key, function(err, user) {
            if(user.consumer_key == null || user.secret == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: applicationByConsumerKey must return a object with fields [token, secret]"), null); return;}
            // If we have a user for this consumer key let's calculate the signature
            var calculatedSignature = self.calculateSignature(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, token.token_secret, user.secret);            
            // Check if the signature is correct and return a access token
            if(calculatedSignature == requestParameters.oauth_signature || self.calculateSignatureGoogleWay(method, protocol, url, path, requestParameters, token.token_secret, user.secret) == requestParameters.oauth_signature) {
              // Fetch the user id to pass back
              self.provider.userIdByToken(requestParameters.oauth_token, function(err, doc) {
                if( == null) { callback(new errors.OAuthProviderError("provider: userIdByToken must return a object with fields [id]"), null); return;}
                // Return the user id to the calling function
                callback(null, doc);                
            } else {
              callback(new errors.OAuthBadRequestError("Invalid signature"), null);

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