Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bytebuffer' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
bits = '0'.repeat(bitlen - bits.length) + bits
bitstr += bits
const value = Long.fromString(bitstr, true, 2)
// convert to LITTLE_ENDIAN
let leHex = ''
const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
for(const b of bytes) {
const n = Number(b).toString(16)
leHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n
const ulName = Long.fromString(leHex, true, 16).toString()
// console.log('encodeName', name, value.toString(), ulName.toString(), JSON.stringify(bitstr.split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))
return ulName.toString()
if(name.length > 12)
throw new TypeError('A name can be up to 12 characters long')
let bitstr = ''
for(let i = 0; i <= 12; i++) { // process all 64 bits (even if name is short)
const c = i < name.length ? charidx(name[i]) : 0
const bitlen = i < 12 ? 5 : 4
let bits = Number(c).toString(2)
if(bits.length > bitlen) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid name ' + name)
bits = '0'.repeat(bitlen - bits.length) + bits
bitstr += bits
const value = Long.fromString(bitstr, true, 2)
// convert to LITTLE_ENDIAN
let leHex = ''
const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
for(const b of bytes) {
const n = Number(b).toString(16)
leHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n
const ulName = Long.fromString(leHex, true, 16).toString()
// console.log('encodeName', name, value.toString(), ulName.toString(), JSON.stringify(bitstr.split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))
return ulName.toString()
function decodeName(value, littleEndian = true) {
value = ULong(value)
// convert from LITTLE_ENDIAN
let beHex = ''
const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
for(const b of bytes) {
const n = Number(b).toString(16)
beHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n
beHex += '0'.repeat(16 - beHex.length)
const fiveBits = Long.fromNumber(0x1f, true)
const fourBits = Long.fromNumber(0x0f, true)
const beValue = Long.fromString(beHex, true, 16)
let str = ''
let tmp = beValue
for(let i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {
const c = charmap[tmp.and(i === 0 ? fourBits : fiveBits)]
str = c + str
tmp = tmp.shiftRight(i === 0 ? 4 : 5)
str = str.replace(/\.+$/, '') // remove trailing dots (all of them)
// console.log('decodeName', str, beValue.toString(), value.toString(), JSON.stringify(beValue.toString(2).split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))
return str
function decodeName(value, littleEndian = true) {
value = ULong(value)
// convert from LITTLE_ENDIAN
let beHex = ''
const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
for(const b of bytes) {
const n = Number(b).toString(16)
beHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n
beHex += '0'.repeat(16 - beHex.length)
const fiveBits = Long.fromNumber(0x1f, true)
const fourBits = Long.fromNumber(0x0f, true)
const beValue = Long.fromString(beHex, true, 16)
let str = ''
let tmp = beValue
for(let i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {
const c = charmap[tmp.and(i === 0 ? fourBits : fiveBits)]
str = c + str
tmp = tmp.shiftRight(i === 0 ? 4 : 5)
str = str.replace(/\.+$/, '') // remove trailing dots (all of them)
// console.log('decodeName', str, beValue.toString(), value.toString(), JSON.stringify(beValue.toString(2).split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))
return str
SteamUser.prototype._handlerManager.add(SteamUser.EMsg.ClientFromGC, function(body) {
let msgType = body.msgtype & ~PROTO_MASK;
let targetJobID;
let payload;
if (body.msgtype & PROTO_MASK) {
// This is a protobuf message
let headerLength = body.payload.readInt32LE(4);
let protoHeader = Messages.decodeProto(Schema.CMsgProtoBufHeader, body.payload.slice(8, 8 + headerLength));
targetJobID = protoHeader.job_id_target || JOBID_NONE;
payload = body.payload.slice(8 + headerLength);
} else {
let header = ByteBuffer.wrap(body.payload.slice(0, 18));
targetJobID = header.readUint64(2);
payload = body.payload.slice(18);
this.emit('debug', `Received ${body.appid} GC message ${msgType}`);
if (targetJobID && this._jobsGC[targetJobID]) {
this._jobsGC[targetJobID].call(this, body.appid, msgType, payload);
} else {
this.emit('receivedFromGC', body.appid, msgType, payload);
this.emit('recievedFromGC', body.appid, msgType, payload);
export function encode(private_key, public_key, memo, testNonce) {
assert(memo, 'memo is required')
assert.equal(typeof memo, 'string', 'memo')
if(!/^#/.test(memo)) return memo
memo = memo.substring(1)
assert(private_key, 'private_key is required')
assert(public_key, 'public_key is required')
private_key = toPrivateObj(private_key)
public_key = toPublicObj(public_key)
const mbuf = new ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
memo = new Buffer(mbuf.copy(0, mbuf.offset).toBinary(), 'binary')
const {nonce, message, checksum} = Aes.encrypt(private_key, public_key, memo, testNonce)
memo = encMemo.fromObject({
from: private_key.toPublicKey(),
to: public_key,
check: checksum,
encrypted: message
// serialize
memo = encMemo.toBuffer(memo)
return '#' + base58.encode(new Buffer(memo, 'binary'))
export function encode(private_key, public_key, memo, testNonce) {
assert(memo, 'memo is required')
assert.equal(typeof memo, 'string', 'memo')
if(!/^#/.test(memo)) return memo
memo = memo.substring(1)
assert(private_key, 'private_key is required')
assert(public_key, 'public_key is required')
const mbuf = new ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
memo = new Buffer(mbuf.copy(0, mbuf.offset).toBinary(), 'binary')
const {nonce, message, checksum} = Aes.encrypt(private_key, public_key, memo, testNonce)
memo = encMemo.fromObject({
from: private_key.toPublicKey(),
to: public_key,
check: checksum,
encrypted: message
// serialize
memo = encMemo.toBuffer(memo)
return '#' + base58.encode(new Buffer(memo, 'binary'))
throw new TypeError('public_key is required')
nonce = toLongObj(nonce)
if (!nonce)
throw new TypeError('nonce is required')
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(message)) {
if (typeof message !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('message should be buffer or string')
message = new Buffer(message, 'binary')
if (checksum && typeof checksum !== 'number')
throw new TypeError('checksum should be a number')
const S = private_key.get_shared_secret(public_key);
let ebuf = new ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
ebuf.append(S.toString('binary'), 'binary')
ebuf = new Buffer(ebuf.copy(0, ebuf.offset).toBinary(), 'binary')
const encryption_key = hash.sha512(ebuf)
// D E B U G
// console.log('crypt', {
// priv_to_pub: private_key.toPublicKey().toString(),
// pub: public_key.toString(),
// nonce: nonce.toString(),
// message: message.length,
// checksum,
// S: S.toString('hex'),
// encryption_key: encryption_key.toString('hex'),
// })
result = _ref6.result,
config = _ref6.config;
var _ref7 = object || {},
data = _ref7.data,
name = _ref7.name;
var ser = (name || '') == '' ? fields.data : structLookup(name, object.account);
if (!ser) {
// Types without an ABI will accept hex
result.data = Buffer.isBuffer(data) ? data.toString('hex') : data;
if (forceActionDataHex) {
var b2 = new ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
if (data) {
ser.appendByteBuffer(b2, data);
result.data = b2.copy(0, b2.offset).toString('hex');
// console.log('result.data', result.data)
// Serializable JSON
result.data = ser.toObject(data, config);
throw new TypeError('public_key is required')
nonce = toLongObj(nonce)
if (!nonce)
throw new TypeError('nonce is required')
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(message)) {
if (typeof message !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('message should be buffer or string')
message = new Buffer(message, 'binary')
if (checksum && typeof checksum !== 'number')
throw new TypeError('checksum should be a number')
const S = private_key.getSharedSecret(public_key);
let ebuf = new ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
ebuf.append(S.toString('binary'), 'binary')
ebuf = new Buffer(ebuf.copy(0, ebuf.offset).toBinary(), 'binary')
const encryption_key = hash.sha512(ebuf)
// D E B U G
// console.log('crypt', {
// priv_to_pub: private_key.toPublic().toString(),
// pub: public_key.toString(),
// nonce: nonce.toString(),
// message: message.length,
// checksum,
// S: S.toString('hex'),
// encryption_key: encryption_key.toString('hex'),
// })