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Top 10 Examples of "upath in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'upath' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function getDependency(fromPath, relativeParent, srcPath, nodeModulesList, fromWithinModule, requestedBy, isLazy, bundleName, rootAlias, triedToCorrectPath, doNotAdd) {
  const dependencies = {};
  const requestedByRelativeToSrc = path.relative(srcPath, requestedBy);
  let split = requestedByRelativeToSrc.split(pathSep);
  if (split[0] == 'node_modules') {
    // handle edge case when adding htmlCounterpart
    nodeModulesList = nodeModulesList.concat([path.join(srcPath, 'node_modules')]);
    srcPath = path.join(srcPath, split[0], split[1]);
    fromWithinModule = split[1];
  async function addDependency(webpackRequireString, webpackPath, htmlCounterpart, rootAlias, moduleName, modulePath) {
    if (/*filesProcessed.indexOf(webpackRequireString) == -1 && */webpackRequireString.indexOf('..') == -1) {
      dependencies[webpackRequireString] = webpackPath;
      console.log((fromWithinModule ? '<' + fromWithinModule + '> ' + '[' + path.basename(requestedBy) : '[' + requestedByRelativeToSrc) + '] required "' + webpackRequireString + '" from "' + webpackPath.replace(optionsGlobal.root + pathSep, '') + '".')
const transpilePackage = async (packageName) => {
  try {
    // Compile TypeScript for the given project.
    // Reference the local `node_modules` version of `tsc` since on Windows
    // it will call the version in `Microsoft SDKs/TypeScript`.
    await exec(`npm run local-tsc -- -b packages/${packageName}`);

    // Mirror all `.ts` files with `.mjs` files.
    const tsFiles = await globby(`**/*.ts`, {
      cwd: path.join('packages', packageName, 'src'),

    for (const tsFile of tsFiles) {
      const assetBasename = path.basename(tsFile, '.ts');
      const mjsFile = path.join('packages',
          packageName, path.dirname(tsFile), assetBasename + '.mjs');

      if (!(await fs.pathExists(mjsFile))) {
        const mjsSource = `export * from './${assetBasename}.js';`;

        // console.log({mjsFile, tsFile, assetBasename})
        fs.outputFileSync(mjsFile, mjsSource);
  } catch (error) {
    throw error;
// file or folder does not exist, is probably a glob...
                if (FastGlob.isDynamicPattern(relativeFilePath)) {

        const assets = await FastGlob(globs, {
            cwd: libraryPath
        }); // folder/something.svg

        const commonPath = this.findCommonParentFolderPath(assets); // folder
        // console.log('COMMON PATH:', commonPath);

        for (const asset of assets) {
            const absoluteFilePath = upath.join(libraryPath, asset); // /project/node_modules/library/folder/something.svg
            const relativeFilePath = upath.relative(commonPath, asset); // something.svg
            const targetFilePath = upath.join(targetPath, relativeFilePath); // /project/wwwroot/target/something.svg
            // console.log(relativeFilePath);
            // console.log(absoluteFilePath);
            // console.log(targetFilePath);
            const task = this.tryCopyFile(absoluteFilePath, targetFilePath, overwrite);

        const success = await Promise.all(tasks);
        return success.filter(Q => Q).length;
async scaffold(template: string): Promise {
        const templateFolder = upath.join(__dirname, '../templates', template);

        const exist = await fse.pathExists(templateFolder);
        if (!exist) {
            Shout.error('Unable to find new project template for:', chalk.cyan(template));

        let mergedPackageJson: unknown;
        const projectPackageJsonPath = upath.join(this.projectFolder, 'package.json');
        const templatePackageJsonPath = upath.join(templateFolder, 'package.json');
        if (await fse.pathExists(projectPackageJsonPath) && await fse.pathExists(templatePackageJsonPath)) {
            // would override, should merge fields instead: instapack, dependencies, and devDependencies
            const projectPackageJson = await fse.readJson(projectPackageJsonPath);
            const templatePackageJson = await fse.readJson(templatePackageJsonPath);

            mergedPackageJson = mergePackageJson(projectPackageJson, templatePackageJson);

        console.log('Initializing new project using template:', chalk.cyan(template));
        console.log('Scaffolding project into your web app...');
        await fse.copy(templateFolder, this.projectFolder);

        if (mergedPackageJson) {
            console.log(`Merging ${'package.json')}...`);
            await fse.writeJson(projectPackageJsonPath, mergedPackageJson, {
                spaces: 2
                          }\n/*# ${sourcemapStr}*/`;
                        } else if (compiled.extension === '.js') {
                          // #
                          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
                          compiled.result = `${
                          }\n//# ${sourcemapStr}`;

                        fsp.writeFile(compiledOutputFullPath, compiled.result)
                        path.relative(outputDir, compiledOutputFullPath)

                        type: compiled.transformId,
                        inputSha: => ({
                          file: path.relative(inputDir, x.file),
                          sha: x.sha,
                        outputSha: createHash(compiled.result),
                        input: relativePath,
                        output: fileNames,
                      eventEmitter.emit('compile-done', file);
                      return Promise.all(writeFiles).then(() => {
inline: false,
                prev: false

        const postcssResult = await postcss([
        ]).process(sassResult.css, postcssOptions);

        const result: CssBuildResult = {
            css: postcssResult.css

        if (this.variables.sourceMap && && {
            const sm2 =;
            const abs = upath.resolve(upath.dirname(virtualPostcssOutputPath), sm2.sources[0]);
            // console.log(abs);

            sm2.sources[0] = '/' + upath.relative(this.variables.root, abs);
            // console.log(sm2.sources);
            // console.log(sm2.file);

   = mergeSourceMap(, sm2);
            => Found "merge-source-map@1.1.0"
            info Reasons this module exists
            - Hoisted from "vue-loader#@vue#component-compiler-utils#merge-source-map"

        return result;
async function copyMandatoryFiles () {
  const buildDir = createAndGetBuildFolder()

  for (const f of assetsToCopy) {
    const filepath = path.resolve(f)

    // Get filename and dirname from the provided path.
    const filename = path.basename(filepath)
    const dirname = path.basename(path.dirname(filepath))

    // Create the directory for this file if needed.
    // ie. css/master.css needs a `css` directory.
    const targetDir = path.join(buildDir, dirname)

    // And copy the file.
    const targetPath = path.join(targetDir, filename)

    console.log('- ' + targetPath)
    try {
      await writeFilePromised(targetPath, await readFilePromised(filepath))
    } catch (e) {
      const msg = chalk.dim(`(${e.message})`)
      console.error(`There was an error while copying ${chalk.bold(filename)}. ${msg}`)
css: cleanResult.styles

        if (this.variables.sourceMap && && cleanResult.sourceMap) {
            const sm3: RawSourceMap = cleanResult.sourceMap.toJSON();
            sm3.sources[0] = '/(intermediate)/(postcss-output).css';
            sm3.file = upath.basename(cssOutputPath);

            // console.log(sm3.sources);
            // console.log(sm3.file);

   = mergeSourceMap(, sm3);
            // console.log(;
            // console.log(;

            const sourceMapFileName = upath.basename(cssOutputPath) + '.map';
            result.css += `\n/*# sourceMappingURL=${sourceMapFileName} */`;

        return result;
const cleanResult = new CleanCSS(cleanCssOptions).minify(postcssResult.css);
        const errors: Error[] = cleanResult.errors;
        if (errors.length) {
            const errorMessage = "Error when minifying CSS:\n" + => '- ' + Q.toString()).join("\n");
            throw new Error(errorMessage);

        const result: CssBuildResult = {
            css: cleanResult.styles

        if (this.variables.sourceMap && && cleanResult.sourceMap) {
            const sm3: RawSourceMap = cleanResult.sourceMap.toJSON();
            sm3.sources[0] = '/(intermediate)/(postcss-output).css';
            sm3.file = upath.basename(cssOutputPath);

            // console.log(sm3.sources);
            // console.log(sm3.file);

   = mergeSourceMap(, sm3);
            // console.log(;
            // console.log(;

            const sourceMapFileName = upath.basename(cssOutputPath) + '.map';
            result.css += `\n/*# sourceMappingURL=${sourceMapFileName} */`;

        return result;
private parseThenStoreSource(filePath: string, raw: string): boolean {
        filePath = upath.toUnix(filePath);
        let sourcePath = filePath;

        if (filePath.endsWith('.vue')) {
            sourcePath = upath.addExt(filePath, '.ts');
            raw = parseTypeScriptInVueFile(raw);

        const version = this.calculateFileVersion(raw);

        const previousSource = this.sources.get(sourcePath);
        if (previousSource && previousSource.version === version) {
            return false;

        // console.log(sourcePath);
        this.sources.set(sourcePath, {
            filePath: filePath,
            source: TypeScript.createSourceFile(sourcePath, raw,,
            version: version

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