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Top 10 Examples of "boom in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'boom' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

request.method !== 'HEAD') {

        return callback(Boom.unauthorized('Invalid method', 'Hawk'));

    // No other authentication

    if (request.authorization) {
        return callback(Boom.badRequest('Multiple authentications'));

    // Parse bewit

    var bewitString = Hoek.base64urlDecode(resource[3]);
    if (bewitString instanceof Error) {
        return callback(Boom.badRequest('Invalid bewit encoding'));

    // Bewit format: id\exp\mac\ext ('\' is used because it is a reserved header attribute character)

    var bewitParts = bewitString.split('\\');
    if (bewitParts.length !== 4) {
        return callback(Boom.badRequest('Invalid bewit structure'));

    var bewit = {
        id: bewitParts[0],
        exp: parseInt(bewitParts[1], 10),
        mac: bewitParts[2],
        ext: bewitParts[3] || ''
function mapHandler (req, res) {
  // parse and validate bbox parameter from query
  // See services/BoundingBox.js.
  var paramString = req.query.bbox || '';
  var bbox = new BoundingBox.fromCoordinates(paramString.split(','));
  if (bbox.error) {
    return res(Boom.badRequest(bbox.error));

  queryBbox(knex, bbox)
  .then(function(result) {
    var xmlDoc = XML.write({
      bbox: bbox,
      nodes: result.nodes,
      ways: result.ways,
      relations: result.relations
    var response = res(xmlDoc.toString());
  .catch(function (err) {
    return res(Boom.wrap(err));
where: {
        email: { _eq: $email }
    ) {

  try {
    var hasura_data = await graphql_client.request(query, {
  } catch (e) {
    return next(Boom.badImplementation('Unable to check for duplicates'));

  if (hasura_data.users.length !== 0) {
    return next(Boom.unauthorized('The email is already in use'));

  // generate password_hash
  try {
    var password_hash = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10);
  } catch(e) {
    return next(Boom.badImplementation('Unable to generate password hash'));

  // insert user
  var query = `
  mutation insert_user($user: users_insert_input!) {
update: function(request, reply) {
            // console.log(config.update.access)
            if(request.auth.isAuthenticated && request.auth.credentials.access !== 'admin' && request.auth.credentials.access !== config.update.access) {
                var error = Boom.unauthorized('You do not have update access');

                return reply(error);
            else {
                // Resource ID from URL
                var resourceId =;
                var validSchema = config.update.payload;

                if(request.method === 'get') {
                    var payload = request.query;
                } else {
                    var payload = request.payload;

                Joi.validate(payload, validSchema, config.validationOpts, function (err, value) {
                    if(err !== null) {

  let hasura_data;
  try {
    hasura_data = await graphql_client.request(query, {
  } catch (e) {
    return next(Boom.unauthorized("Invalid refresh token request"));

  if (hasura_data[`${schema_name}refresh_tokens`].length === 0) {
    return next(Boom.unauthorized("invalid refresh token"));

  const user = hasura_data[`${schema_name}refresh_tokens`][0].user;
  const user_id =

  // delete current refresh token and generate a new, and insert the
  // new refresh_token in the database
  // two mutations as transaction
  query = `
  mutation (
    $old_refresh_token: uuid!,
    $new_refresh_token_data: refresh_tokens_insert_input!
    $user_id: Int!
  ) {
    delete_${schema_name}refresh_tokens (
      where: {
    let workspaceRepo: Repository;
    if (await this.workspaceExists(repositoryUri, revision)) {
      workspaceRepo = await this.updateWorkspace(repositoryUri, revision, targetCommit);
    } else {
      workspaceRepo = await this.cloneWorkspace(bareRepo, repositoryUri, revision);

    const workspaceHeadCommit = await workspaceRepo.getHeadCommit();
    if (workspaceHeadCommit.sha() !== targetCommit.sha()) {
      const commit = await workspaceRepo.getCommit(targetCommit.sha());`checkout ${workspaceRepo.workdir()} to commit ${targetCommit.sha()}`);
      // @ts-ignore
      const result = await Reset.reset(workspaceRepo, commit, Reset.TYPE.HARD, {});
      if (result !== undefined && result !== GitError.CODE.OK) {
        throw Boom.internal(`checkout workspace to commit ${targetCommit.sha()} failed.`);
    this.setWorkspaceRevision(workspaceRepo, workspaceHeadCommit);
    return { workspaceRepo, workspaceRevision: workspaceHeadCommit.sha().substring(0, 7) };
server.ext('onPreResponse', (request, reply) => {
    // Only interested in errors
    if (!(request.response instanceof Error)) return reply.continue();

    const error = Boom.wrap(request.response);
    const accept = request.headers.accept || '';

    if (error.output.statusCode >= 500) {

    if (accept.indexOf('text/html') === 0) {
      // Respond with an error template
      if (error.output.statusCode === 401) {
        return reply.redirect('/login');

      if (error.output.statusCode === 404) {
        var data = {};
        data.footer = require('../../fixtures/footer');
        data.museums = require('../../fixtures/museums');
.catch((err) => {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        Boom.badGateway('Internal error', err)
p.catch((e) => {
              console.error(e.stack);  // eslint-disable-line no-console
              console.error(e.toString()); // eslint-disable-line no-console
              reply(Boom.badGateway('server error'));
polka.use(function securityhook(req, res, next) {
	req.authed = false
	let doc = {
		ip: security.ip(req.headers),
		uuid: req.cookies['x-uuid'],
		finger: req.cookies['x-finger'],
		useragent: req.headers['user-agent'],
		bits: req.cookies['x-bits'],
		token: req.cookies['x-token'],
	} as Security.Doc
	// console.log(`doc ->`, doc)

	let failed = security.isDoc(doc)
	if (failed) return next(boom.preconditionFailed(failed, { hook: 'security' }));
	req.doc = doc

	if (!req.doc.token) return next();


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