Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'jsdoc-to-markdown' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
async function createMarkdownFromClasses(packageName, outputDir, api, readme) {
const { outputDocsDir, templateData } = setup(outputDir, true)
// reduce templateData to an array of class names
const classNames = templateData.reduce((classNames, identifier) => {
if (identifier.kind === 'class') classNames.push(identifier.name)
return classNames
}, [])
// create a documentation file for each class
for (const className of classNames) {
const template = `{{#class name="${className}"}}{{>docs}}{{/class}}`
const output = jsdoc2md.renderSync({ data: templateData, template: template })
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(outputDocsDir, `${className}.md`), output)
let apiOutput = await prepApi(api, templateData)
apiOutput = mergeAndRepathHeaderLink(apiOutput, './')
// use to convert links from page scroll to nav to other md files
apiOutput = apiOutput.replace(/(\[)([^\]]+)(\]\(#([^\)]+)\))/g, (full, a, b, c, d) => {
// split to see if it is a method or property
const split = d.split('.')
return split.length > 1 ? `<a href="./docs/${split[0]}.md#${d}">${b}</a>` : b
combineAndWrite(packageName, outputDir, apiOutput, readme)
fs.readFile(obj.api, (err, apiData) => {
if (err) reject(err)
// console.log(obj.files)
const templateData = jsdoc2md.getTemplateDataSync({ files: obj.files, configure: docUtils.CONFIG_PATH })
// console.log(templateData)
let output = jsdoc2md.renderSync({
data: templateData,
template: apiData.toString(),
helper: __dirname + '/helper.js'
// remap the links
output = output.replace(/(\[)([^\]]+)(\]\(#([^\)]+)\))/g, (full, a, b, c, d) => {
// split to see if it is a method or property
const split = d.split('.')
let subPath = ''
if (split.length > 1) {
subPath = `#${d}`
} else {
// check 'd' for 'new_[name]_new' leading word
split[0] = split[0].replace(/(new_)(.+)(_new)/, '$2')
fs.readFile(obj.api, (err, apiData) => {
if (err) reject(err)
// console.log(obj.files)
const templateData = jsdoc2md.getTemplateDataSync({ files: obj.files, configure: docUtils.CONFIG_PATH })
// console.log(templateData)
let output = jsdoc2md.renderSync({
data: templateData,
template: apiData.toString(),
helper: __dirname + '/helper.js'
// remap the links
output = output.replace(/(\[)([^\]]+)(\]\(#([^\)]+)\))/g, (full, a, b, c, d) => {
// split to see if it is a method or property
const split = d.split('.')
let subPath = ''
if (split.length > 1) {
subPath = `#${d}`
} else {
// .then(x => {
// console.log(x);
// });
'example-lang': 'javascript',
files: path.resolve(process.cwd(), './core/index.js'),
'name-format': 'backticks',
template: fs.readFileSync('./scripts/api.handlebars', 'utf8'),
.then(x => {
fs.outputFile(path.resolve(process.cwd(), './docs/README.md'), x);
'example-lang': 'javascript',
files: path.resolve(process.cwd(), './core/lib/events.js'),
'name-format': 'backticks',
template: fs.readFileSync('./scripts/events.handlebars', 'utf8'),
.then(x => {
fs.outputFile(path.resolve(process.cwd(), './docs/events.md'), x);
namespaces.forEach((name) => {
const template = `{{#namespace name="${name}"}}{{>docs}}{{/namespace}}`;
console.log(`Rendering ${name}, template: ${template}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
const output = jsdoc2md.renderSync(getRenderOptions(template, templateData));
const markdown = generateFinalMarkdown(name, output);
fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(sourceFilesOutputDir, `${name}.md`), markdown);
function getDocs() {
// Get all lodash functions
const functionNames = _.functions(_)
console.log(`Found ${functionNames.length} functions`)
// Find all files associated to lodash functions
const files = functionNames
.map(functionName =>
path.join(__dirname, `../node_modules/lodash/${functionName}.js`)
console.log(`Found ${files.length} files`)
// Parse JSDoc for each file
const docs = jsdoc2md
.getTemplateDataSync({ files })
.filter(doc => functionNames.includes(doc.name))
console.log(`Found ${docs.length} docs`)
return docs
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const fs = require('fs');
const jsdoc2md = require('jsdoc-to-markdown');
const Documentation = require('./documentation');
const custom = require('../custom/index');
const config = require('./config');
process.on('unhandledRejection', console.error);
console.log(`Using format version ${config.GEN_VERSION}.`);
console.log('Parsing JSDocs in source files...');
jsdoc2md.getTemplateData({ files: [`./src/*.js`, `./src/**/*.js`] }).then(data => {
console.log(`${data.length} items found.`);
const documentation = new Documentation(data, custom);
let output = JSON.stringify(documentation.serialize(), null, 0);
if (config.compress) {
output = require('zlib').deflateSync(output).toString('utf8');
if (!process.argv.slice(2).includes('test')) {
console.log('Writing to docs.json...');
fs.writeFileSync('./docs/docs.json', output);
// sortAutoUpdate(pages)
for (const page of pages) {
const finalOptions = Object.assign({
data: page.data,
"property-list-format": page === pages[0] || page === pages[3] || page === pages[1] ? "list" : "table",
"param-list-format": page === pages[1] ? "list" : "table",
}, jsdoc2MdOptions)
if (page === pages[0]) {
finalOptions["heading-depth"] = 1
let content = await jsdoc2md.render(finalOptions)
if (page.mainHeader != null && content.startsWith("## Modules")) {
content = "## API" + content.substring("## Modules".length)
if (page.mainHeader != null) {
content = "## API" + content.substring(content.indexOf("\n", content.indexOf("##")))
await writeDocFile(path.join(__dirname, "..", "docs", page.page), content)
async function prepApi(api, templateData) {
const apiData = await fs.readFileAsync(api)
// create the main README
return jsdoc2md.renderSync({
data: templateData,
template: apiData.toString(),
helper: __dirname + '/helper.js'
function setup(outputDir, createDocsDir) {
// input and output paths
const inputFiles = [outputDir + 'index.js'].concat(docUtils.readDirRecursive(outputDir + 'lib'))
// get template data
const templateData = jsdoc2md.getTemplateDataSync({ files: inputFiles, configure: docUtils.CONFIG_PATH })
if (createDocsDir) {
const outputDocsDir = outputDir + 'docs'
if (!fs.existsSync(outputDocsDir)) {
return { outputDocsDir, templateData }
return templateData