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Top 10 Examples of "blob-util in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'blob-util' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

convertImgToBlob(`${res.filename}`).then(blob => {
									_id: `img${' ', '')}S${tvelem.season}E${tvelem.episode}`,
									elempath: data[2],
									elem: data[0],
									tvelem: data[1],
									imgData: blob
								blobUtil.base64StringToBlob(blob, 'image/jpeg').then(blob => {;
									img.children[0].style.backgroundImage = `url(${URL.createObjectURL(blob)})`; // eslint-disable-line
								}).catch(err => {
						} else if (res.filename === '') {
async function addPlantLocalforage (state, meta) {
  // FIXME: This is generally a bad idea. Use feature detection instead.
  // However, I could not find a reliable way to test if IndexedDB supports blobs,
  // as it fails silently. We have to convert the blob to base64,
  // because mobile Safari 10 has a bug with storing Blobs in IndexedDB.

  if (iOS && !!meta.blob) {
    const base64String = await blobToBase64String(meta.blob)
    await addEntryLF(namespace + meta.guid, { ...meta, blob: base64String })
  } else {
    await addEntryLF(namespace + meta.guid, meta)
const qrCodeAsBase64 = await ScanExchangeHelper.generateQRCode(scanDocData.shortLink)
        scanDocData.qrCodeAsBase64 = qrCodeAsBase64

      if (
        scanDocData.status === ScanExchangerCodes.Step07_ResultIsAvailable &&
        (scanDocData.result || scanDocData.resultUrl)
      ) {
        let scanResultDec
        if (scanDocData.result) {
          scanResultDec = CryptoHelper.decrypt(scanDocData.result, secretKey)
        } else if (scanDocData.resultUrl) {
          const resultUrl = CryptoHelper.decrypt(scanDocData.resultUrl, secretKey)
          const response = await fetch(resultUrl)
          const blob = await response.blob()
          const text = await blobToBase64String(blob)
          scanDocData.result = text
          scanResultDec = CryptoHelper.decrypt(text, secretKey)
        // Notify success listeners
        this.notifyOnSuccessListeners({ result: scanResultDec, sourceBlob: null }, true)

        // After successfully read 'result', remove it from the Firestore
          result: null,
          resultUrl: null
db.find({_id: `img${' ', '')}S${tvelem.season}E${tvelem.episode}`}, (err, doc) => {
							if (err) {
							blobUtil.base64StringToBlob(doc[0].imgData, 'image/jpeg').then(blob => {
								img.children[0].style.backgroundImage = `url(${URL.createObjectURL(blob)})`; // eslint-disable-line
								resolve(['got from db']);
							}).catch(err => {
exports.makeVideoThumbnail = async ({
}) => {
  let screenshotObjectUrl;
  try {
    const blob = await exports.makeVideoScreenshot({
      objectUrl: videoObjectUrl,
    const data = await blobToArrayBuffer(blob);
    screenshotObjectUrl = arrayBufferToObjectURL({
      type: contentType,

    // We need to wait for this, otherwise the finally below will run first
    const resultBlob = await exports.makeImageThumbnail({
      objectUrl: screenshotObjectUrl,

    return resultBlob;
  } finally {
exports.autoOrientJPEG = async attachment => {
  if (!MIME.isJPEG(attachment.contentType)) {
    return attachment;

  // If we haven't downloaded the attachment yet, we won't have the data
  if (! {
    return attachment;

  const dataBlob = await arrayBufferToBlob(,
  const newDataBlob = await dataURLToBlob(await autoOrientImage(dataBlob));
  const newDataArrayBuffer = await blobToArrayBuffer(newDataBlob);

  // IMPORTANT: We overwrite the existing `data` `ArrayBuffer` losing the original
  // image data. Ideally, we’d preserve the original image data for users who want to
  // retain it but due to reports of data loss, we don’t want to overburden IndexedDB
  // by potentially doubling stored image data.
  // See:
  const newAttachment = Object.assign({}, attachment, {
    data: newDataArrayBuffer,
    size: newDataArrayBuffer.byteLength,

  // `digest` is no longer valid for auto-oriented image data, so we discard it:
  delete newAttachment.digest;

  return newAttachment;
async function showPage(pageId) {
    const page = await getPage({pageId, followRedirects: true})
    if (page._id !== pageId) {
        // Apparently getPage followed one or more redirects. Reload the viewer
        // with the resolved page's id in the ?page query.
        const location = new URL(window.location)
        location.searchParams.set('page', page._id)
        window.location = location
    const timestamp = getTimestamp(page)

    // Read the html file from the database.
    const blob = await db.getAttachment(pageId, 'frozen-page.html')
    // We assume utf-8 encoding. TODO: read encoding from document.
    const html = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(await blobToArrayBuffer(blob))

    document.title = `📄 ${page.title}`

    const bar = (
        <div id="bar">
            <span id="description">
                Snapshot of
                <a style="{{margin:" href="{page.url}">
                <time datetime="{new">
export async function stringToDataUrl(string, type='text/plain') {
    // Using self.btoa is faster but fails for unicode strings.
    const blob = new Blob([string], {type})
    const dataUrl = await blobToDataURL(blob)
    return dataUrl
// If we got passed the doc itself, we can check whether the attachment exists.
        (doc && !get(['_attachments', attachmentId, 'digest'])(doc))
    ) {
        return undefined
    let blobOrBuffer
    try {
        blobOrBuffer = await db.getAttachment(docId, attachmentId)
    } catch (err) {
        return undefined
    const contentType = get(['_attachments', attachmentId, 'content_type'])(doc)
    const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && !window.process
    const blob = isBrowser
        ? blobOrBuffer
        : await arrayBufferToBlob(blobOrBuffer, contentType)
    const base64 = await blobToBase64String(blob)
    const dataUrl = `data:${blob.type};base64,${base64}`
    return dataUrl
exports.autoOrientJPEG = async attachment => {
  if (!MIME.isJPEG(attachment.contentType)) {
    return attachment;

  // If we haven't downloaded the attachment yet, we won't have the data
  if (! {
    return attachment;

  const dataBlob = await arrayBufferToBlob(,
  const newDataBlob = await dataURLToBlob(await autoOrientImage(dataBlob));
  const newDataArrayBuffer = await blobToArrayBuffer(newDataBlob);

  // IMPORTANT: We overwrite the existing `data` `ArrayBuffer` losing the original
  // image data. Ideally, we’d preserve the original image data for users who want to
  // retain it but due to reports of data loss, we don’t want to overburden IndexedDB
  // by potentially doubling stored image data.
  // See:
  const newAttachment = Object.assign({}, attachment, {
    data: newDataArrayBuffer,
    size: newDataArrayBuffer.byteLength,

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