Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'fast-diff' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
export function getTextRangeChanges(
before: string,
after: string,
): Promise {
const newRanges: TextEdit[] = [];
let lineNumber = 0;
let column = 0;
const parts = diff(before, after);
// Loop over every part, keeping track of:
// 1. The current line no. and column in the `after` string
// 2. Character ranges for all "added" parts in the `after` string
parts.forEach(part => {
const startLineNumber = lineNumber;
const startColumn = column;
if (part[0] === 0 || part[0] === -1) {
// Split the part into lines. Loop through these lines to find
// the line no. and column at the end of this part.
const substring = part[1];
const lines = substring.split("\n");
lines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
// The first `line` is actually just a continuation of the last line
if (lineIndex === 0) {
column += line.length;
const onTitleEditorChanged = () => {
if (!titleCollab) {
const oldTitle = titleCollab.shared.value().join('')
const newTitle = titleEditor.value
const diffs = Diff(oldTitle, newTitle)
let pos = 0
diffs.forEach((d) => {
if (d[0] === 0) { // EQUAL
pos += d[1].length
} else if (d[0] === -1) { // DELETE
const delText = d[1]
for (let i = delText.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
try {
titleCollab.shared.removeAt(pos + i)
} catch (err) {
} else { // INSERT
applyChanges (target, newText) {
const { collaboration } = this.props
const oldText = this.state.value
const diffs = Diff(oldText, newText)
let pos = 0
diffs.forEach((d) => {
if (d[0] === 0) { // EQUAL
pos += d[1].length
} else if (d[0] === -1) { // DELETE
const delText = d[1]
for (let i = delText.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
collaboration.shared.removeAt(pos + i)
} else { // INSERT
d[1].split('').forEach((c) => {
collaboration.shared.insertAt(pos, d[1])
pos += d[1].length
onRemoteChange (oldText, newText) {
console.log('onValueChanged', oldText, newText)
const textArea = this.refs.collaborativeTextArea
if (textArea.value === newText) {
console.log('value is the same', textArea.value)
const cursor = {
start: textArea.selectionStart,
end: textArea.selectionEnd
const diffs = Diff(oldText, newText)
let pos = 0
diffs.forEach((d) => {
if (d[0] === 0) { // EQUAL
pos += d[1].length
} else if (d[0] === -1) { // DELETE
const delText = d[1]
if (pos < cursor.start) {
cursor.start -= delText.length
if (pos < cursor.end) {
cursor.end -= delText.length
} else { // INSERT
const insertText = d[1]
if (pos < cursor.start) {
private async applyComposedEdit(original: string, edit: TextEdit): Promise {
// check complex edit
let { range, newText } = edit
let { nvim, ranges } = this
let doc = TextDocument.create('file:///1', '', 0, original)
let edits: TextEdit[] = []
let diffs = fastDiff(original, newText)
let offset = 0
for (let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) {
let diff = diffs[i]
let pos = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset))
if (diff[0] == fastDiff.EQUAL) {
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.DELETE) {
let end = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset + diff[1].length))
if (diffs[i + 1] && diffs[i + 1][0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
// change
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: diffs[i + 1][1] })
i = i + 1
} else {
// delete
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: '' })
private async applyComposedEdit(original: string, edit: TextEdit): Promise {
// check complex edit
let { range, newText } = edit
let { nvim, ranges } = this
let doc = TextDocument.create('file:///1', '', 0, original)
let edits: TextEdit[] = []
let diffs = fastDiff(original, newText)
let offset = 0
for (let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) {
let diff = diffs[i]
let pos = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset))
if (diff[0] == fastDiff.EQUAL) {
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.DELETE) {
let end = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset + diff[1].length))
if (diffs[i + 1] && diffs[i + 1][0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
// change
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: diffs[i + 1][1] })
i = i + 1
} else {
// delete
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: '' })
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, pos), newText: diff[1] })
if (edits.some(edit => edit.newText.indexOf('\n') != -1 || edit.range.start.line != edit.range.end.line)) {
let diff = diffs[i]
let pos = orig.positionAt(offset)
if (diff[0] == fastDiff.EQUAL) {
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.DELETE) {
let end = orig.positionAt(offset + diff[1].length)
if (diffs[i + 1] && diffs[i + 1][0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
let delta = diffs[i + 1][1].split('\n').length - (end.line - pos.line) - 1
if (delta != 0) lineChanges.push({ delta, lnum: pos.line + startLine })
i = i + 1
} else {
let delta = - (end.line - pos.line)
if (delta != 0) lineChanges.push({ delta, lnum: pos.line + startLine })
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
let delta = diff[1].split('\n').length - 1
if (delta != 0) lineChanges.push({ delta, lnum: pos.line + startLine })
} else {
lineChanges = [{ delta: lineChange, lnum: range.start.line }]
let changed = false
// adjust LineNr highlights
for (let item of fileItems) {
for (let range of item.ranges) {
let arr = lineChanges.filter(o => o.lnum < range.lnum - 1)
if (arr.length) {
let total = arr.reduce((p, c) => p + c.delta, 0)
range.lnum = range.lnum + total
changed = true
private async applyComposedEdit(original: string, edit: TextEdit): Promise {
// check complex edit
let { range, newText } = edit
let { nvim, ranges } = this
let doc = TextDocument.create('file:///1', '', 0, original)
let edits: TextEdit[] = []
let diffs = fastDiff(original, newText)
let offset = 0
for (let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) {
let diff = diffs[i]
let pos = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset))
if (diff[0] == fastDiff.EQUAL) {
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.DELETE) {
let end = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset + diff[1].length))
if (diffs[i + 1] && diffs[i + 1][0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
// change
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: diffs[i + 1][1] })
i = i + 1
} else {
// delete
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: '' })
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, pos), newText: diff[1] })
if (edits.some(edit => edit.newText.indexOf('\n') != -1 || edit.range.start.line != edit.range.end.line)) {
function diffLine (theme, actual, expected) {
const outcome = fastDiff(actual, expected)
// TODO: Compute when line is mostly unequal (80%? 90%?) and treat it as being
// completely unequal.
const isPartiallyEqual = !(
(outcome.length === 2 && outcome[0][1] === actual && outcome[1][1] === expected) ||
// Discount line ending control pictures, which will be equal even when the
// rest of the line isn't.
outcome.length === 3 &&
outcome[2][0] === fastDiff.EQUAL &&
MATCH_CONTROL_PICTURES.test(outcome[2][1]) &&
outcome[0][1] + outcome[2][1] === actual &&
outcome[1][1] + outcome[2][1] === expected
let stringActual = ''
let stringExpected = ''
const noopWrap = { open: '', close: '' }
const deleteWrap = isPartiallyEqual ? theme.string.diff.delete : noopWrap
const insertWrap = isPartiallyEqual ? theme.string.diff.insert : noopWrap
const equalWrap = isPartiallyEqual ? theme.string.diff.equal : noopWrap
for (const diff of outcome) {
if (diff[0] === fastDiff.DELETE) {
stringActual += formatUtils.wrap(deleteWrap, diff[1])
private async applyComposedEdit(original: string, edit: TextEdit): Promise {
// check complex edit
let { range, newText } = edit
let { nvim, ranges } = this
let doc = TextDocument.create('file:///1', '', 0, original)
let edits: TextEdit[] = []
let diffs = fastDiff(original, newText)
let offset = 0
for (let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++) {
let diff = diffs[i]
let pos = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset))
if (diff[0] == fastDiff.EQUAL) {
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.DELETE) {
let end = adjustPosition(range.start, doc.positionAt(offset + diff[1].length))
if (diffs[i + 1] && diffs[i + 1][0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
// change
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: diffs[i + 1][1] })
i = i + 1
} else {
// delete
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, end), newText: '' })
offset = offset + diff[1].length
} else if (diff[0] == fastDiff.INSERT) {
edits.push({ range: Range.create(pos, pos), newText: diff[1] })